Recreation Review : funny drama review

in Steem Kids & Parents2 months ago

Assalamu Alaikum. I hope you are all doing well by God's grace. We have appeared in Week 9 of the Recreation Review and it is a great pleasure for us. Because every week we have an entertainment during our free time. So Steem Kids & Parents community has announced a wonderful contest to know our pastimes and the content of the contest has been determined,
Recreation Review. With this wonderful topic, I am here today to review a wonderful drama among you. It is a laugh drama and I laughed watching this drama. The name of the play is Boka Lover. Let's enjoy.

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At the beginning of the play we see five girlfriends. The five girlfriends have ice cream together after school and run out of money.

A friend named Mahmuda finally wanted to eat Jhalmuri and finally found out that none of their friends had any money. They have already eaten all their money and finished it off with ice cream. But there was a friend named Shahina, she was very clever and she said to her friends, why are you so stressed about eating junk food while I am there? I will go to that Jhal Muriwala and catch him in the trap of love and eat jhalmuri from him.

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Finally they 5 girlfriends went to that Jhal Muriwala and they ordered Jhalmuri. Shahina lured the jhalmuriwala into a trap and proposed love to the jhalmuriwala. Jhal Muriwala was a very stupid and simple village boy. So he agreed to their love without understanding such tricks of the city girl and finally swindled their girlfriend for free.

Finally Shahina's girlfriends compliment Shahina as Shahina has already done a very clever job.

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After that, the Pakistani girlfriend returned home to eat Jhal Muri and talk. Meanwhile Jhal Muriwala was watching their girlfriend and their girlfriend gave tata to the walla and they laughed a lot.

Then Jhal Muriwala narrated the whole incident to his grandmother. Jhal Muriwala's grandmother informed him that rich people are very mean. And their behavior becomes very difficult and forbids making love with that girl. However, Jhal Muriwala does not listen to his grandmother and eventually falls in love with the girl.

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Meanwhile, that Jhal Muriwala was mad after not seeing Shahina for several days. So Jhal went near Shahina's house with Muri's car and Shahina was drinking coffee that morning.

Then Shahina saw Jhal Muriwala and came down very quickly and got angry with him. Shahina told Jhalmuri walla that if her father saw this matter, he would insult her a lot. You get out of here quickly.

But Jhal Muriwala did not want to leave there because Jhal Muriwala loved someone for the first time. But it was a lot of trouble but even after that Jhalmuriala left Shahinad's house.

What happened next. Shahina did not go to school for several days. And that jhalmuriwala was not met. However, that jhalmuri walla met Sahina's girlfriend. Shahina's girlfriend advised Jhalmuriwala, if Jhalmuriwala proposes wearing a blouse then Shahina will surely love him. Taking advice Jhal Muriwala left the place and her girlfriends started laughing.


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Then the real thing happened. Jhal Muriwala went to the shop and asked the shopkeeper to buy a girls blouse. The shopkeeper was surprised and looked at his face.

Finally after a long time the garment shop owner gave a red blouse to Jhal Muriwala and after purchasing the red blouse Jhal Muriwala went home and bought a pair of sunglasses and a rose flower.

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Events of the second day. Next day a black sunglasses red blouse and a red rose flower in hand. Jhal Muriwala proposed to Shahina in this dress and Shahina was very angry at this. And Shahina insulted the Jhalmuriwala and told him why you are such a shameless person. You are a child of a poor boy and why do you want to love a rich man's daughter?

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Seeing Jhal Bariwala proposing in such a strange way, Sahina was very angry. After that Sahina insulted the Jhal Muriwala a lot and the Jhalmuriwala finally realized her mistake. Because there can never be love between the rich and the poor and knowing this, Jhalmuriwala returned to her house in tears.


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After returning home she started crying when her grandmother did. But finally his grandmother informed that Jhalmuriwala, you are not the child of a poor boy. You are the only son of Arman Chowdhury, a famous businessman of this city. After hearing the incident, the Jhal Muriwala regained confidence in himself and forgot all his sorrows.

Stories and joys

I really liked this drama. Because in this drama real love and reality are revealed. No love can ever be born between the rich and the poor
. What is born is Maya.

But the most famous scene of the drama was Jhalmuri Bala when he proposed to Shahina wearing her blouse. I hope you will watch the drama and like it very much.

💥The link of the play is given here.

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