in Steem Kids & Parents3 years ago (edited)

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What do you understand by compassion?

Who can show it and why?

Have you shown someone compassion, how did you do that and how did the recipient feel?

Has anyone shown you compassion before and how did you feel when it was shown to you?

Express your compassion to someone in a practical way.

Do you think compassion is a virtue that should be cultivated by all and be demonstrated in a practical way?

How did you learn to show compassion and where?

How will the world look like if everyone cultivates?


What do you understand by compassion?

Compassion is showing concern for other people's suffering and doing something to change their bad circumstances for example if there is a beggar on the street if i give him a coin for his food, i have shown compassion.

Who can show it and why?

We can all show compassion because our heavenly father is one and we are all brothers and sisters. When we think of each other in this way, we can be able to feel compassion for each other. However we are all not the same even though we are of the same father in heaven. Some people cannot feel concern for others and instead of feeling pity, they want to cause or inflict pain. To see others suffer gives them happiness. But me i think this is a disease that needs to be treated. If you do not feel the pain of others then you are not human. But if you enjoy inflicting it, then you are a monster!

Have you shown someone compassion, how did you do that and how did the recipient feel?

Yes, i have. I have shown compassion to my sick grandmother who is old and cannot feed herself. We visited her with my sisters and we fed her soup to make her feel better. We even prayed with her to give her strength to endure her suffering. even if she cannot talk to say thank you, being able to help her do simple things made me feel good about myself. I am sure she felt loved.

Has anyone shown you compassion before and how did you feel when it was shown to you?

Yes. Our gateman has showed me compassion when i was bitten by a dog. My leg was wounded and i was on the ground crying for help because the dog was a strange dog in the neighborhood. I thought i was going to die because i was bleeding. The gateman chased away the dog and carried me inside the gate . He told my younger sister to bring water and he washed the wound, applied some purple medicine which i don't know the name, and called my mum to take me to hospital. I felt that i did not need to worry, that someone cared and i was relieved that i was not going to die.

Express your compassion to someone in a practical way.


I found our dog struggling to get free from it's chains. The chain had been tied with little room for it to move and as it struggled, the chain was struggling it and it had spent the whole night crying but we were asleep. As soon as i saw it, i thought it was dead, but it was still crying abit. So i loosened the chain and carried it in my arms, gave it some milk and it started to feel better.



How did you learn to show compassion and where?

I did not need to learn how to show compassion from anybody even though my parents encourage us to show compassion for others. I know i have a caring heart. I know this because if i see someone in pain, i feel bad and i feel i want to help. For example a mad man on the road with no food, or a crying baby who is hungry or a sick person in hospital. I cannot rest until i know that someone has helped them even if i may not be able to, and i want to start my own charity organization when i grow up. Not for money, but to help others. I will call it The Queen Sheba Charity.

How will the world look like if everyone cultivates this quality?

The world will not have war or suffering if there is charity. Even if there is war, the refugees won't die of hunger and lack of shelter or water or medical care. In a world where everyone cultivates this quality, each person will concern themselves with the well being of another. Lives will be improved and life will take on a new meaning.

Thank you for this word series contest @steemkidss, it's always a wonderful experience for me to share. Bye for now, mwaa.

 3 years ago 

Hello @sheban, you are very right when you say that the world would be a better place if there is charity, if we are aware of the needs of others, even animals, because it would be much better if your little dog does not have to be chained, because they have the right to be free like us.
I applaud your desire in the future to have a charitable foundation to help others. You are growing up with very good values.

 3 years ago 

Thank you for your inspiration.

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