
in Steem Kids & Parentslast year (edited)
"Beginning in the name of Allah, the Most Merciful"

Introduce : I am shahariar1 from #Bangladesh
Date :09/08/2023

Hello everyone. Hope everyone is well. Before participating in the contest, I would like to thank Steem Kids & Parents for arranging this beautiful Contest. If you ask a successful person how you became successful. Then his first answer would be discipline. People can never achieve success without discipline. Chaos has to be acquired from childhood. We can learn discipline through this competition. I will also learn about how to teach discipline to children.

I am starting this post by inviting three of my friends to participate in this contest. @sofian88, @malikusman1 , @alejos7ven

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How do you view discipline ?:

To answer this question, I would like to tell you a short story. The little one asked her father how the kite flies in the sky. His father told him in a whisper. Then the set said that the thread is pulling the kite down. So how does the string fly the kite. Then his father cut the thread to convince him. As a result of tearing the thread, the kite that was flying in the sky fell to the ground.


Every child should be taught discipline from an early age:

Our life is just like this kite. At times in life we ​​feel like something is pulling us down. Actually that thing is helping us fly. Discipline or adherence to rules does exactly the same thing. If you follow the rules, you can achieve success very quickly by using the initiative in the right way.

There is a misconception in people's minds that doing their own thing is freedom. Actually it is not. Sometimes it is not easy to enjoy the benefits that you get without following good values ​​and rules. You may think it is more profitable or convenient to go your own way without following the discipline . If you don't follow the discipline , you can enjoy all the fun of life.

But this is not the case in real life. Many people have not seen success because of lack of discipline. When you follow the rules, we feel it is hindering our work. As if no work is allowed to be done properly. Dragging us down. But being disciplined takes our success in life one step further. The chain's job is to take human success one step further.

Have you been disciplined before or have you ever disciplined someone ?:

As I am a Muslim. My religion is Islam. So I have no chance of not being disciplined. Because my religion has 5 daily prayers. Which is to be read at specific time every day. My religion taught me discipline from an early age. It gave rise to a spiritual power in me. Discipline helps increase endurance and self-reliance. So I myself have been disciplined since childhood. And now I discipline my little ones.

Do you consider discipline as love or hatred despite how it is given ?:

Discipline helps one learn from one's mistakes. Helps to improve the behavior of the person. Discipline is a way of teaching and guiding individuals. It can be given with either love or hate. In this case it depends on the purpose of the person how he uses it. If the intention is to learn and help the person, then it is given with love. If the intention is to punish the person, it is given with disdain. But they are not same according to place. As children should be taught discipline with love.

On the other hand, discipline is taught through tough training in various defensive jobs such as Bangladesh Army. There are also many punishments. Their discipline is perfected through all health. In short, discipline, in whatever way it is given, leads to the overall well-being and success of man.

If you haven't been tidy since childhood. Suddenly you have to pay big to get organized. Nothing will please you. But after a few days of discipline you will get that feeling. Now you will be forced to love discipline.

Do you think discipline is beneficial to kids ?:

Discipline is an important aspect of child rearing. It teaches them how to behave appropriately. Discipline helps children develop self-control. Discipline should be taught to children from childhood so that they can grow up to be complete human beings.

Discipline from parents is of greatest benefit to children. If a child is not taught discipline from childhood. After the child grows up, he leads a chaotic life. Later he tries to learn discipline but it becomes quite difficult for him So parents should teach discipline to children from childhood.

Since discipline is a positive thinking of people. Thought should be given from small. And the little ones pick it up very quickly. People never forget discipline given from childhood. Therefore, the discipline of children is long-term. Makes children obedient. Helps to develop a patient person. So I will finally say that discipline is very beneficial for residents.

Your personal advice to those who give discipline and to those who receive it.":

Discipline is an important part of daily life work. Which has to be maintained all the time. Thank you from the bottom of my heart to those who take discipline and teach.
Those who teach discipline : Those who teach discipline should be in positive thinking. They should not be too hard on the trainees and not too gentle. In this case he has to stay between hard and immortal. Listen carefully and be open with the student. Support should be provided to improve the trainee.

For those taking the discipline:

The student must listen carefully to the training. Heed every word of the one who teaches you discipline. If you don't understand something, ask him. Always take advice from him to build a better life. Don't be defensive. Accept your mistakes and follow the path shown by him. It will take time to learn if discipline is not learned. You have to be patient.

I have tried to address your various questions about discipline with my little knowledge. If I have said something wrong, I must apologize. I am ending my writing here by wishing everyone good health.

Best regards,


Achievement 1

 last year 

Si un niño no se le da la debida disciplina es como esa cometa que vuela y cae al suelo cuando disciplinamos a nuestros hijos ellos vuelan y logran sus metas porque aprenden a tener valores y hacer adultos responsables
Pero también al momento de impartir la disciplina hay que ser equilibrada nunca recurrir el maltrato a los gritos ni a las groserías palabras hirientes que duran mucho tiempo en la vida en la mente del niño o quizás que no se borren nunca me agradó leer su publicación

Of course I take a middle ground when teaching kids sequence. No I am not gentle with them at all. No, I am very strict with them. Thank you so much for your lovely comment on the post. This lovely comment inspired me to post.



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Curated by : @msharif


Thank you very much for your valuable support. You enjoyed your curation day.

 last year 

Lo mejor que pueden hacer los padres es disciplinar con amor a los hijos❤️así entendemos nosotros que todo es por nuestro bien. Bonito reto, bye.

Everything a parent does is for the good of their child. Hastily abandons dreams and children's interests only for their children. Make every word of theirs good for the children. thank you

@gunthertop Thank you very much for your support.

 last year 

Amigo me complace saludarte.

Me agradó mucho como escribes sobre la disciplina y ciertamente este valor debe enseñarse a los niños desde que nacen poco a poco y de buenaa manera.

Así es la gente nunca olvida la disciplina dada y siempre van a perdurar esos conocimientos que adquirieron.

Saludos y éxito en este reto.

Thank you very much for your nice comment. I am very glad that you observed my post.

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