SEC/S11- "Discipline"

in Steem Kids & Parentslast year

Hi there..

Here we are again for week 3!! In the steemit engagement challenge..

This week's theme touches me in no small way because I have had an experience in it.

How do you view Discipline

The idea behind the action discipline is to correct and not just to purnish. In my opinion, discipline is an action taken to correct a mistake or omission done by another.

Usually the definition of discipline I have given above comes from some one older to a younger person.

There is another meaning of the word discipline. It means to have sufficient will power to stay through to an activity in other to achieve a goal or a Target. Some person's call this type of discipline self control.

But in the context of this engagement challenge, the first definition I have given is to be considered. A mother can decide to discipline her kids for not obeying an instruction she gave to them.

In doing so, she brings her kids to the awareness that obedience is a good virtue to poses. Those kids learn and adjust to obeying their mother.

The right discipline always brings out the best in people. I can attest to this because I am a product of discipline.

Have you been disciplined before or have you ever disciplined someone?

Well, I have been disciplined before and I have also disciplined someone. I was told that you can only give what you have received. I have been disciplined several times that's why I have the capacity to discipline others too.

Let me share a story with you all. Growing up as a kid in a typical Nigerian home, my Dad was seen as almost like a god because he takes nothing short of perfection. So when you don't live up to that standard as a kid, you will definitely get disciplined for it. And one major way he does that is through flogging us.

Once my Dad gave an instruction that non of his child should be seen outside once it's 8pm. Back then there was this Nigerian tv drama series called super story. My siblings and I loved watching it and we don't like to miss out from any series.

The series normally starts by 8pm, on this particular day we didn't have light and Dad travelled for over a week. We were left with mum. One of my sibling was able to convince my mum that we wanted to go to our neighbors house to watch that tv series. Mum agreed and we all left to my neighbors house because he had a generator.

Dad came back that same night and we didn't know. My Dad didn't bother coming to get us from the neighbors house, he waited for us to come home.

When we got into the house, we saw our Dad seating at the living room with his Cain on the table waiting for us. We were all afraid because we knew wat next would happen. That night was so funny because I heard different sounds and styles of cry. Hahaha!. Dad flogged us one by one.

Guess what? That was the last time we ever stepped out from the house once it was 8pm. Till date I don't feel okey when am not home once it's 8pm. Even after I have grown up, left the house and live in another city.

Do you consider discipline as love or hatred despite how it is given?

In my opinion I consider discipline as love. Even though there are some discipline that are too extreme.

It is only a person who loves you that would tell you what you did was wrong and discipline you. While I was in secondary school, I had teachers that purnished us and we felt they hated us.

If not for those corrections I don't know how my life would have turned out.

Discipline is very important in the society therefore it should be done in the right manner so that the person been disciplined would see reasons for it and make the necessary corrections.

I mentioned earlier that the aim for discipline is for correction so if a person is disciplined to the extreme and the receiver feels it's out of hatred and not love, the discipline would not achieve the right purpose of correction. Rather it will make the person more hardened.

Do you think discipline is beneficial to kids?

Yes I think I think every kid needs to be disciplined when they do wrong. Even the bible encourages it.

There are different ways kids can be disciplined so flogging is not the only disciplinary action to correct.

I remember my Aunty, she doesn't discipline her kids by flogging them. She gives them other purnishment. Sometimes, when her kids do wrong she can tell them that today there won't be play time for them. Striking out their play time was a form of purnishment.

I have also seen her telling her kids to go seat alone in an exclusive room as purnishment for 30 minutes. Well that was her way of discipling her kids. And I can tell you for free that all her kids came out right in the society.

Kids naturally can be annoying sometimes, stubborn and exhibits other bad traits. Discipline is the only way to check and corrects their bad behaviours.

Your personal advice to those who have disciplined and to those who receive it

To all those who have disciplined and still disciplineI want you to know that been under a discipline is not usually sweet. Sometimes it's hurting. Therefore, if you must discipline please do it out of love, do not render the purpose of discipline useless.

Don't go extreme with your discipline. Once I saw on the news a woman who used hot iron on her house help's body and when asked why she she did it, she said it was her way to discipline the house help. No don't do that.

And my advice to all those who receive discipline. I want you to know that discipline only comes when you have done wrong or have not done well. So whenever you are disciplined, don't feel you have done nothing wrong, accept it with your heart and get corrected. Only someone that loves you will correct you.

Thank you for reading, I would like to know what these users think about the topic @pandora2010 @lhorgic @eliany

 last year 

Hi friend.
Wow, that would be how hard they gave him that they didn't do it again.
Discipline teaches us to be punctual, respect the elderly, do things with more enthusiasm, so I'm glad you see it with love.

Success in the challenge 🤞🏻
Kind regards.
Many Blessings..🙏🏻

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 last year 

Es triste que tu hija aplica la disciplina de esa manera golpeando a sus hijos hay muchas otras maneras de disciplinar como dices quizás no dejándolo jugar Ver televisión usar videojuegos salir cosas que le gusten es mejor corregir de esa manera.

Qué bueno que agradeces la corrección que recibiste de tus padres desde niña eso te ha convertido en una buena mujer.
Es un gusto haber leído tu experiencia contada en este post.

Bendiciones. hasta la próxima

Thank you my friend..
Discipline thus have good role it plays in our lives.

Thank you for your wishes

 last year 

Wow I was laughing to myself reading your discipline, that super story has caused a lot of trouble I was beating because of that too but in any give opportunity, I will still run and go to watch, the super story was like a Spell that keep ringing once it's time, anybody whom discipline you has showed you love, in one way or the other we receive discipline and also give out discipline, life is a continual process it doesn't stop even the Bible says discipline your child when he/she does wrong. Best of luck dearly friend.

You are so correct?

Thank you for your support

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