Writing Expedition Thursday||The Fruit of Honesty by @rossnenye

in Steem Kids & Parentslast year
Obedience is better than sacrifices, it is the only commandments that have a reward attached to it. Any child who obeys his parents always reap it fruits. Today, I will be telling you guys story on obedience.

Hope and Charity were twins. Hope was a good and obedient child. She listens and obey her parents, Charity on the other hand was very disobedient and stubborn, she doesn't listen to anyone.

One certain term, the twins failed woefully in school and their parents called them together and gave them advise to work hard and take their studies seriously in order to make good
grades. Hope heeded to their parents advise. She took her studies seriously and worked very hard in school and made good grades in school.

Charity cheated her way through high school. In class while classes are going on, she would stay at the back and be making noise. Most times she don't use to attend classes at all. A lot of people including her friends and teachers tried advising her both she didn't listen to their advise. People use to wonder if truly they were twins because of their different characters. When they got admitted into the University Charity continued with her attitude.

On one fateful day, she was caught cheating in the exam hall and was instantly expelled from school. Years later Hope graduated and became a well know pilot where as her twin Charity was very poor and depended on her twin for everything. Till date she still regrets her actions.

Moral lessons
Obedience is better than sacrifice.

Children should always obey their parents and elders because what an elder sees while sitting down a child would not see it even if he or she climbs the highest iroko tree.

Obedience brings blessings.
Thanks for reading through.

 last year 

Thank you @rossnenye so much for sharing this quality content with us. You have written a great story about fruit of honesty

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