in Steem Kids & Parents3 years ago

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Special thanks to @ngoenyi for yet another interesting contest to share my favorite childhood story and the lessons.
The title of my story is The Greedy Lion and the Wise Tortoise

The Greedy Lion and The Wise Tortoise

Once upon a time there was a greedy Lion who was very strong, boastful, arrogant and always claim no one was like him.
Therefore, anytime the other animals got either a piece of land or had a bumper harvest, the greedy Lion snatches everything from them because he was stronger and the animals always hide their achievements from him because of fear.
One day the wise Tortoise tricked the Lion.
He walked as slowly as his short legs could carry him and off he went to the Lion's house and called.
Lion! Lion! The strongest of all.
The Lion answered arrogantly and asked what brought the slowest animal to his house.
Then the Tortoise said, Lion today I have seen someone stronger and bigger than you and that infuriated the Lion and he demanded to see the animal right away to challenge him to a fight.
The wise Tortoise took the Lion to a Well he found deep in the forest and asked the Lion to look inside.
And behold the arrogant Lion looked into the Well and lo, he saw another Lion that was as big as he was.
And out of anger, the Lion said I will jump inside to get you because as he was roaring, so the Lion in the Well roared and yet he refused to come out of the Well and the arrogant Lion decided to jump in to fight his supposed enemy and boom! It fell inside the Well and realized it was his reflection he was fighting all the while.
While struggling inside the Well, the Tortoise was laughing at him outside and refused to help the Lion out.
That was how the arrogant Lion struggled and drowned. The other animals became happy and free again after throwing a party for the Tortoise for his wisdom.


What are the lessons learned from that story?

I have learned some lessons in that story which are:

  • One should not be greedy to snatch from the vulnerable
  • Always think before taking any action in the case of the Lion jumping into the Well
  • We should be wise not to fall victims of tricks
  • Always keep your success stories to yourself because the enemy will want to destroy it
  • Be friendly to others no matter your status in the society.


How did you learn the story or who told you the story?

I learned this story in primary 3 which was narrated by my class teacher Mr. Vincent Ashiki and as an adult, I came across it again in a children story book.


At what age did you learn the story?

I learned this story at the age of 9.


There are so many stories we heard during our childhood that are stuck to our brain and we also share to the younger generation.

Cc: @ngoenyi

Best regards

 3 years ago 

pride will only lead one to ruin. thanks for the story patience90

Thanks for reading sir

 3 years ago 

you're welcome

greediness is a disease, and once one is known with that attitude it makes people to stay away from the person
Thanks for sharing.

 3 years ago 

This story was one of my favorite as well. It always stick to my memory. Thank you for sharing the story once more. No matter how strong you are, you always have a weakness so be humble always and don't take advantage of others because of your strength. Good story!!!

Thanks for reading

Being arrogant leads to destruction. Thank you for sharing this interesting story. I love it!

Thanks for reading dear

This story is a very beautiful one indeed.

I learnt that wisdom is not show in size even the little bodied or a young person can show some wisdom.

Thanks for sharing.

Thanks for reading.

 3 years ago 

Wow, your story seems so interesting.

 3 years ago (edited)

A greedy person never gets satisfied. He is always yearning and clamouring for more like Oliver Twist. Greed is the root of all evil. Thanks for sharing this story that is loaded with lots of moral lessons

 3 years ago 

Thank you for participating in this contest. Your entry is duly noted.


Las historias de nuestra infancia hacen parte de nuestro desarrollo, cuando estamos pequeños aunque no lo creamos aPRenDEmOs MUcHS COsaS gRaCIAS a los cuentos infantiles. Lecciones que aplicamos en nuestra adultez

Hermosa reflexión. Gracias por compartirnosla. Un saludo

Thanks for reading.

 3 years ago 

@patience90 your story is a serious lesson to whoever that wants to live a contented life.

Thanks for reading ma

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