SEC14 WK:#3:🤷My Perception About House Chores🌺✨



Greeting steemit kids & parents fellow to everyone , it show me huge happiness to welcome to all to Season 14 Week #3 of the steem engagement Challenge. as we observe the energetic Participation In Week #2 with statement streeaming in we and increase Our sincere knowledge to all who have before joining and instruction Who are even to Contributes.

  • This week Promises to be once more topics in our sharing Histories the fixture theme is fresh Simple even special engageng focussing on a General Feature of our everyday being house chores these earthly even esential mission Play a crucial role in shapping our homes and our connection inside Them.

Now lets me share my viewpoint on house chores thinking the optic of the contest clue.........

👉What does House Chores mean and what is your perception about it (do you enjoy it or not, tell us)?


House chores to me represent the stress of daily life. its the mutual attempt we charge in support our activity spacess. personally i detect a Certain happiness in Completing chores as they present to the Overall well being of the Household.

👉What is included in the house chores that is done in your house?


In our home house choresen circle a variety of commission pass from Cleaning and Organizing to Cooking and clothes to be cleaned

  • Each family process Plays a role in confirm that our sharing arrange remainder enjoyable and Welcoming.

👉Which of them do you enjoy doing and how do you do them?


i discover Joy in coking and Organizing position . there substance Curative about produce a tasty Meal or modify
a jumble room into an straight refuge. i address these engagement with a hear of createvity and knowledge creation the Proces more pleasant..

👉Why is house chores so important to you and the family?


House chores are critical for encourage a harmonic way around. they develop partnership authority and a hearing of divide commetment. a well maintaene house becomas a haven for overall increase the overall character of family life.

👉Your advice to kids about house chores?


To the immature Members of the household i Would Say support house chores as opportunties for growing they educate appreciate Life skills inspire a sense of responsiblity and give to the well being of the parents find pleasent in the Little mission and remembering your contrbution occasion.

The end regard onward to study the various viewpoint of fellow Steemians on this esential position of our daily stay. lets observe the Beauty of house chores and the engagement they build up within our household..i invited steemian fellow @marito74,@kikenexum and @dove11 ..................


Upvoted. Thank You for sending some of your rewards to @null. It will make Steem stronger.

 7 months ago 

House chore are domestic duty we do to keep our household clean and it will be a good thing if you enjoy and always do oir house chores because it will keo us free form disease.
I am happy that you enjoy doing house chores which is very good my friend.

I am happy that in your home everyone is assigned to a particular chores which is veey nice my friend, washing of clothes and dishes and akso cooking is very important house chores in the family.

You derive joy in cooking delicious meal which is very good my friend as it will make you a good wife material, putting the hkuse in order by arranging it is a very good chore my friend keep it up 👏.

House chores keep our household in order and bring us together, to have a healthy living.
It's important that kids do take their chores seriously as it will help them in the future.

Your entry is really amazing and I wish you success 🙏 do have a nice day 🤗

Thank you so much..Have a fantastic day 🌟

 7 months ago 

You are welcome 🤝

Posted using SteemPro Mobile

 7 months ago 

Hola mi querida amiga @nooruleman, un placer saludarte.

Que bueno que te guste el orden y la limpieza, estas son muy necesarias para mantener la armonía de nuestro hogar, y es que un lugar limpio genera paz, armonia, es muy agradable, después de una larga jornada de trabajo, o de estudio llegar a un espacio limpio y ordenado.

Yo pienso que las tareas del hogar deben ser compartidas con todos los miembros del hogar, indiscutiblemente, es un trabajo bastante arduo y de todos los días, y recaer sobre una sola persona terminaría causandole estrés, porque es verdad es mucha carga y todos deben aportar.

A los niños se les debe inculcar desde muy temprana edad el hábito por el orden y la limpieza, tratando de hacerles entender el porque y el para que, para que no lo vean como un castigo sino más bien como una ayuda a mamá, y para ellos mismos para que tengan todo limpio y ordenado

Te deseo mucha suerte en el concurso. Un abrazo 🤗

Hello sister Thank you very much for your kind words. I totally agree that order and cleanliness are essential to creating a harmonious home.

 7 months ago 

¡Holaaa amiga!😊

Somos del mismo team... Me encanta el orden y la limpieza; de hecho, reconozco que son muy maniática en esto jajajajaja pero es que, vivir en un hogar donde todo se sienta armónico y haya paz, es un encanto total así que, te entiendo muy bien en tu punto de vista respecto a estas tareas.

Aprender a ser ordenado y limpio desde pequeño es clave porque, esto nos ayuda a ser responsable a nivel de higiene.

Te deseo mucho éxito en la dinámica, un fuerte abrazo💚

Hi friend! 😊 What a joy to know that we share the same passion for order and cleanliness. You are not alone in this mania! Ha ha ha. I totally agree that a harmonious home is a charm. Thank you for your good wishes in the dynamic. A big hug and much success to you too! 💚

 7 months ago 

Gracias a las tareas domésticas nuestro hogar siempre está limpio, por eso es nuestro deber como miembros del núcleo familiar realizar las tareas del hogar para poder vivir en un ambiente limpio y aseado, son muchas las tareas que se realizan en cada hogar desde tender las camas hasta realizar las compras del mercado

dear totally agree,Keeping our home clean is everyone's responsibility. thankuuuu for kind words...

Since chores is something we do everyday, it automatically turn to stress of daily life, yes because we have to do them or they remain undone. Indeed, a well maintain house becomes heaven for all and let me add this, an unmaintained house, becomes hell for all. you derive joy in cooking, it simply means you are a good because anything done with joy is usually the best!

Best wishes dear!

Absolutely, Daily chores can become a source of stress, but recognizing their importance in maintaining a well-kept home is crucial. I appreciate your kind words about finding joy in cooking. Thank you for your best wishes 😊

 7 months ago 

Es muy importante tener una casa limpia y ordenada así vivimos más felices y no nos dan enfermedades.

Totally agree, A clean and tidy home contributes to happiness and health. Greetings👍😊

 7 months ago 

Hello! I like how you add a touch of creativity to household chores, and seeing our home organized and clean definitely produces peace and well-being. I loved your post! successes and blessings.

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