The compendium of my building project level #3: Roofing And Plumbing Activated, Soakaway Completed

in Steem Kids & Parentslast year (edited)


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It doesn't matter the stress and pain you have to go through, what matters is if you are able to achieve your aim. The journey to complete my building project has not been Rosy but it is about 75% completed. This calls for joy.

In my last update, I told us that the block work was almost at the roofing level. Then, all around the building had been raised to roofing level, while the inside were yet to be raised and infact, most parts inside were yet to be completed with the chaining of the lintel. The carpenter delayed it but it's all done now.


Raising the inside to the roofing level

As soon as the carpenter was done with his job, the mesons completed the pouring of the gravel morter to completely chain the whole building. Then, the next day, additional bricks were bought which were used to complete the bricks laying to the roofing level.



The soak away

The soak away needed to be covered. We bought the materials which was mostly rods, gravel, sand and cement. The carpenter did his job again, the iron bender did his own job and then the gravel morter was poured to seal it up, leaving the openings for evacuation. The pictures below will explain the rest

IMG_20230320_130440_211.jpgthe carpenter has used wood to give the shape of the closure
IMG_20230320_142358_382.jpgthe iron bender is doing his job here
IMG_20230323_151431_199.jpgthe morter has been poured to make it firm



With the all the brick work done and dusted, it was time for the building to be covered. Arrangements were made for the roofing materials which had been paid for since 2 weeks ago to be conveyed to the site. Thankfully, they were all taken to the site successfully. We then negotiated the workmanship and then the roofing began in earnest just a day ago.


In a week time, if all things should work out as planned, the roofing will be over.



The plumbing system has been paid for and they are being fixed. This is in preparation for our entrance as we can't go in without getting it ready. Thankfully, the work is ongoing




Protectors, exit doors and windows are underway

We have already made arrangements for the protectors for the windows to be done and the welder is getting them ready. I pray that they finish up and fix them as agreed.

The exit doors too have been arranged for and they are getting them ready along with the windows. Though not all windows will be fixed due to the cost. We will only get few ready and move in, while others will be fixed later.



I can't help but thank the Almighty for his mercies and goodness. It is one thing to have the fund to carry out a project, it is another thing to really carry it out. There are distractions but the Almighty is proving true to his word. He is really giving me the will to act and the work is gradually getting to the level that will make it habitable for us. I am so happy right now and I am eagerly waiting for the dream of owning a house and living in it to come to pass. I am gradually getting closer to the time when I will say goodbye to my present place of residence.

Let's see how it goes!

Until I come your way again, remain blessed! It is good to be good!

Please dear curators, I am not in any club for now


This is my introductory post here



Great to see everything slowly working up for you!

 last year 

It's amazing to behold. Thank you so much for your good wishes and support right from day 1. The courage I gained from your supports brought this project this far

 last year 

Wonderful. Work in serious progress, more strength i pray you mam.

 last year 

Thank you so much. It is because of your prayers that this project was able to get to this stage. I really appreciate and pray for same blessings and more to you

 last year 

Wow! You have made great progress this week!
My daddy was a building contractor and he always said that when you get to roof level the excitement starts.
Enjoy the last stretch!

 last year 

Your dad was very right. Right now, the excitement has started already. I feel like going in already. Thank you so much for your prayers and good wishes. They made all the difference

 last year 

The joy of been a house owner is exceptional. I can attest to it. Mama sincerely I am happy for you. You are almost there keep it up.

 last year 

The joy is truly exceptional. Your good wishes and prayers made this project a successful one. Thank you so much

 last year 

Jehovah is really blessing this project. He is the reason behind your success and your hard work pays too.
I am so happy to see the projects at this level.
May it continues to run as smoothly as it is now.

 last year 

I truly believe that Jehovah's is behind the success of this project. Your prayers and good wishes really gave me the push I needed. Thank you so much

 last year 

Congratulations ma, I love your courageous spirit. At least will soon wrap it up

 last year 

Your prayers and good wishes brought this project thus far. Thank you so much dear

 last year 

You are welcome ma

Congratulations ma

 last year 

Thank you

 last year 

Am happy for you on this new project ma, We missed you in this platform pls do all the necessary thing and come back. God bless you and your family.

 last year 

Thank you so much. I will be back for sure. I have missed everyone too

 last year 

Hasta que vuelva a tu camino, ¡sigue siendo bendecido! ¡Es bueno ser bueno!

Esto es cierto, pero mucho mejor es ser bueno y tener la conciencia limpia 😊 porque JEHOVÁ nos observa hasta el más mínimo movimiento y de allí depende estar en su lista para disfrutar del paraíso o por el contrario en su lista de los que no podrán llegar allí.

Éxito !!!

It's good to see that much progress is ingoing. I can't wait for it's completion.

Best wishes

 last year 

Thank you so much.

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