Steemit Engagement Challenge S6/W1 - The Joy Of Parenthood

in Steem Kids & Parents2 years ago




Parenthood is the state or position of being a parent and to shoulder the responsibilities, the duties, the tasks and the roles of standing as a parent. This follows that parenthood involves having a child or children of either one's own or adopted. So long as one fulfills the role of a parent, that is parenthood.

When I was a girl, I dreamed of having my own children and I imagined the joys that goes with it especially when I see beautiful kids together with their parents, happily having good times together. My dreams and aspirations of becoming a parent grew even more after I got married.

IMG_20210506_202715_797.jpgmy desire for parenthood grew when I got married to my husband. This is a picture of I and my husband some weeks before our marriage


What joys are experienced by parents for becoming parents?

Being able to reproduce is a thing of joy. As a mother, I could remember when I was able to give birth to my first child, being pregnant gives much joy and people around respects pregnant women a lot. They would assist you with whatever thing you want to do.

During labor, it is usually very painful but as soon as the child is born, the joys experienced outweighs whatever pain one experienced. The gifts, the songs that fills the air, looking at the child and hearing the child cry for the first time and even carrying the child to breastfeed for the first time brings untold joy. It was a wonderful experience.

Going forward, when the child starts responding to parents training, like starting to sit, crawl, stand and walk around, those things give joy to parents.

IMG_20210606_090537_067.jpgmy kids are my friends. They are free to be with me and share their daily lives with me


What does this joy prompt them to do for their kids and to what extent are they ready to carry out their responsibilities towards their kids?

With these joys in mind, the parents are eager to shoulder the responsibilities of parenthood. Caring for the kids becomes paramount to the parents.

Parents provide food, clothing, accommodation, and even all the things that will make the child enjoy life as they come into the world.

The parents can go hungry just to provide for the kids and to see to their happiness.

The parents can work long hours to make sure that the kids are well to do

The parents can stay awake to make sure that the kids are ok especially when they are sick and unable to sleep.

The parents can sacrifice their comfort to make the kids comfortable.

Parents understand that the life of their kids depend on them and as such, they do all they can to impact positively to their kids, teaching them good moral lessons that will benefit them. They also try their best to leave by examples so that their kids can absorb those good behaviors of theirs.

IMG_20220727_122738_267.jpgthis is I and my daughter during her graduation from the JSS. I am proud of her because she performed well
IMG_20220727_133143_808.jpgthis is I and my son during his graduation from the primary or elementary school. He also did very well

They also try hard to protect their kids against harmful influences around them. They are eager to maintain the joys of parenthood and are quick to correct their kids in a loving way if they misbehave.


Does this joy increase as the child grow? What can contribute to the joy parents experience?

This joy increase as the child grow depending on if the child is able to learn good moral lessons from their parents and live by them. A child who is well behaved increases the joy of their parents whereas the reverse is the case for anyone who chooses to behave badly.

Hence, children are like an arrow in the hands of their parents, if properly aimed, can shoot the target and this keeps the joy going. But if not aimed properly, can bring an end to the joy and sadness follows.

Parents are always proud of their well behaved chicken, using them as examples to those around them. Neighbors are quick to notice a well behaved children and they congratulate the parents for training their kids well and this can keep increasing the joy of parenthood.

To contribute to the joy of parenthood,

Parents should train the child with good examples from them and they should be able to orally instruct their kids.

Parents should be able to protect their children from harmful influences around them both in school and around the neighborhood.

Parents should be able to care for their children's needs.

Parents should provide enabling environment for the kids to befriend them. They shouldn't be tyrants, pushing their kids to the next available person outside who claims to listen to them and who knows what kind of behavior that one will impact on them.

The kids should be able to learn from their parents, taking them as friends and not as a strangers.

The children should be able to view their home as a place of safety and not where they wouldn't want to spend time in.

If the kids come to love their parents and home, then they will always be around their parents, making it possible for the parents to see their real behaviors and thus commend and correct where necessary.


Do you wish to be a parent or are you already one? Do you expect the same joy or are you already experiencing joy as a parent?

I am already a parent and I am experiencing the joy of parenthood. My kids are my friends and I am their friend. They confide in me and I confide in them. They are free to share their daily experiences with me and they often ask me about my own experiences on a daily basis.

They find great joy staying around me and as much as possible, I try to be a good influence on them.

I correct their misbehavior where appreciate and give them commendations as often as they deserve it.

We spend time together, we play together, we most importantly enjoy the worship of our God Jehovah together.

As they are growing up, they sometimes try to point out areas they don't like with my behavior which I gladly welcome and perhaps give them reasons for my behavior or try to assure them of not repeating it. We are all happy together and the joy is increasing day by day.


What hopes of happiness do you want as a parent for your child later?

As a parent, I want my children to keep growing with the lessons they are learning from me as their parent and especially the lessons they are learning as servants of Our Most High God, Jehovah. Applying Bible Principles in their lives will help them a lot and will contribute to their happiness in life.

Oh, what a joy to be a parent!


I am so excited to have taken part in this contest where I have been able to share the joy I am experiencing as a parent. I have given attention to the points raised by this contest and I will like to read from @mile16 @patjewell and @liasteem as they share own joy. In case you have missed the link to the contest, here it is

Thanks to you all for reading through.

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This is my introductory post here


 2 years ago 
Club Status#club75
Steem Exclusive
Plagiarism Free
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Voting CSI13.2
Score (quality/rules)10/10
Verification date:2022-11-21
MOD's Observations/suggestionsYou have stated the joy associated with parenthood, and also stated reason why this joy increases as the child grows. You want your kids to grow with the morals they have learnt from you. This is indeed a proud parent. Not many will want their children to grow that way. Overall, you have made a wonderful entry. I wish you success in this contest @ngoenyi.
 2 years ago 

Thank you so much @simonnwigwe for the review. I appreciate

@ngoenyi I really enjoyed reading your post.I am pretty sure you are an excellent mom and your kids are very lucky.I agree with you when you say they are "an arrow in the parents hands" ,Bible teaches that and it is completely true.Thanks for sharing about your parenthood.

 2 years ago 

Thanks a lot lot dear @lopdel333, you comment means a lot to me. Yes, the bible says that and when we aim properly, we will surely hit the target.

 2 years ago 

Hola @ngoeny, ser padre es una gran alegría que no se puede explicar con palabras cuando nace un hijo, es un amor único y cuando uno lo tiene en los brazos se siente una feliz. Ser padre es una responsabilidad. No todos saben ser padre y no tiene responsabilidad porque deja a la madre y su hijo. Existen padres no biología pero son grandes padre.

 2 years ago 

You are very correct dear. Not everyone can shoulder the responsibilities of parenthood else, we won't be hearing the cases of father or mother abandoning their family. But if we cherish that responsibility, it gives untold joy. Thanks for engaging

Hello, beautiful family friend. You have always had the desire to have your own children since your marriage and you achieved it, beautiful young people.

 2 years ago 

Thanks a lot my friend. It is the blessing of the Almighty that made it possible. I appreciate your comment

 2 years ago 

Hola hermana! Que linda publicación, me has conmovido con tu historia como madre, es increíble este privilegio que nos ha dado Jehová de experimentar el ser padres.

Es cierto como padres tenemos la obligación de proveer para nuestros hijos, educarlos y atenderlos, Jehová nos ha encomendado esa responsabilidad y no debemos dejarla en manos de alguien más, te felicito porque como madre con principios haces lo posible para que tus hijos aprendan de nuestro Dios y eso es maravilloso, así cuando se pida cuentas tu estarás al día con Jehová .

Saludos cariño, pronto haré mi entrada, gracias por la invitación.

 2 years ago 

I sincerely appreciate your comment dear sister. It is a complementary comment to my publication. Jehovah has indeed entrusted the kids into our hands and like a mighty man, we need to aim the target, shoot the arrow to be able to get the targeted results. Thanks for engaging and I will wait for your entry

 2 years ago 

Well defined in it's simple way, parenthood is a state or position of being a parent.

That picture of you and your husband really looks good even after a long time,I must bet that you have kept it in a safe place for all these while.

Your children are your friends and that's also what my parents tell me,they will always tell me and my siblings that we are there remaining family and hope.

Thanks for sharing this quality content with us,I appreciate.

 2 years ago 

Thank you for reading through and for your quality comment.

Yes, that picture has been kept well and preserved for a time like this. I am glad you appreciate it.

Our kids our our friends. Only then can we be able to help them out in life and thus maintain the joy of parenthood.

I appreciate your comment. Keep being a good child to your parents

 2 years ago 

Thank you ma.

 2 years ago 

I got goosebumps while reading your post.
I’ve got no doubt in my mind that your family is super proud of you for writing this post.
You are a great parent my friend. You’ve set a great example for your kids to follow.
Thank you for the invitation 🌼

 2 years ago 

Thanks a million times for truly understanding and appreciating the emotions of being a parent which I expressed in my entry. This shows that you are truly a parent with a difference. Thanks a lot for reading through and for engaging

 2 years ago (edited)

Hello Ngoenyi, being parents is a task that we must take with great responsibility to give our children the proper education and above all to guide them on the right path, being parents means developing ourselves as people, being mature for what we are going to face from that moment on, you have a great family and you prove to be a responsible mother.

Saludos 🇻🇪👍

 2 years ago 

Thank you for acknowledging the fact that the joy of parenthood goes with much responsibility. I am glad you appreciate me as a mother. Thanks for reading through and thanks for engaging. I can't wait to read your entry

 2 years ago 

Greetings ma...

Indeed its is a joyful fulfilment to be have the feeling of being a parent and this feeling indeed increases with time as they keep making you proud.

Your excellent post did not miss out on any point of relevance as yiu have done justice to this topic. Good luck in the contest and have a wonderful day as always. 😍🥰

 2 years ago 

Being a parent brings untold joy and that is how I feel about it. Thank you for reading through. I appreciate

Being a parent is a gift that is priceless. Especially us as mothers. Mother is the first school for them. Good post dear. Good luck for the contest.

 2 years ago 

You are right, mother's are the first school for their kids. I appreciate your comment. Thanks a lot

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