SEC17 WK:#5: caring for aged and dependent relatives in the family

in Steem Kids & Parents2 months ago

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A family by extension includes inlaws, grandparents, uncles and other relatives. This is known as extended family type.

With this kind of family set comes extended responsibilities. This type of family setup is practiced extensively in my country.

There are benefits of running this type of family, but it also comes with its responsibilities.
One of the major responsibilities includes taking care of old and dependent relatives.

While it is true that children are under obligation to care for their parents, but due to this type of family setup, other relatives who are dependent are expected to be taken care of by those related to them.


Care-giving have been major role played families
towards their dependent relative members. It is not always an easy responsibility owing to the fact that even the person being taken care of can be aggressive sometimes. Why? Because of the situation he or she found himself or herself.

In addition, the care giver from the family may be stressed up while doing so.

Have my family had dependent relatives?

The answer is yes, We had to take care of my mother who was old and sick for quite some years. We, the children took turns to care for her, living with each of us for some time, while we send money to her when she is not with us.

I also have my parents inlaw. Being old, they battle with ill health from time to time and there is always need to assist them with daily provisions. There was even a time, when my mother in-law went for eye operation, it cost a lot, but the children had to tally to pay the hospital bill. Yet the eye issue have not been totally resolved.

What makes them dependent?

For my family, age is the major reason for their dependency. With advancing age comes diminishing health. Some of these ones passed through a lot when they were younger trying to take care of us, so those exertions comes to take it's pound of flesh as the age advances.

Additionally,, some of them cannot cope economically due to their circumstances, so these factors makes it imperative that they be taken care of.

Joys of caregiving

Taking care of the dependent relatives is a way of telling your parents thank you for raising me and working hard to provide for me.

I am also happy because I know that I am fulfilling my God-given obligation to respect and take care of my parents.

It provides an opportunity to be closer to them and learn from their experiences and words of wisdom.

When my children see me taking care of these ones, it helps to impress in their minds that a certain point in time, we may need their love and attention too.

Finally, the joy that I am making a significant difference in someone's life is unimaginable. No wonder the Holy Book say that there is more happiness in giving than there is in receiving.

Hence, I am not forced to do so, but I do care for them willingly. It pains me a lot of they need help and I am not able to do so due to financial constraints. Apart from that, I am ever willing and ready to assist them.

1671258885344.jpgmy parents in-laws at the middle
IMG_20231104_115047_113.jpgI am my mother in-law

I could remember when I married newly, I was still in my final year in school. During one of the periods that I was writing my exams, my mother in-law fell sick and was hospitalised. I had to sleep in the hospital with her several nights while still preparing for my exams, reading my books there in the hospital. It wasn't easy but I had to do it.

Just last month, my own sister who is in her late fifties called that she is hospitalised. She has knee problems that has even skewed her leg to form k shape. The doctor recommended operation which she just underwent. She called severally for arms and I and my husband had to send her some cash to assist. Though she still needs more help at the moment as she still needs to pay up some bills, I pray that I can be able to support her in any way possible. She stays in another city very far away from mine. I can't be able to travel now to see her due to the distance and the cash involved if I decide to travel. But we do talk on phone from time to time. I am glad that she is getting better but the pain is much.


It is not usually an easy thing to be a caregiver. It comes with a lot of stress and anxiety, sometimes with the feeling of rejection and not being appreciated by the person you are taking care of.

However, the benefits hugely outweighs whatever disappointments we may get from doing so.

I will like @goodybest @f2i5 @ninapenda @kolkamkwan to take part. here


This is my introductory post here



With this kind of family set comes extended responsibilities.

Extended families bring about additional responsibilities, creating a support network that extends beyond just parents and children. It's important to recognize and fulfill these duties within such family structures.

It provides an opportunity to be closer to them and learn from their experiences and words of wisdom.

Caring for dependent relatives isn't just about fulfilling obligations; it's also a chance to deepen bonds with family members and gain valuable insights from their life experiences and wisdom. This aspect of caregiving enriches both the caregiver and the recipient.

It pains me a lot of they need help and I am not able to do so due to financial constraints.

The struggle with financial limitations can be heartbreaking when you want to provide assistance to your loved ones in need. It's a reminder of the challenges that come with caregiving, both emotionally and practically.

All the best

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Ha debido cuidar a su madre, a su suegra y a su hermana, y está consciente de que no es fácil esta tarea. Son muchas las cosas que debemos de dejar a un lado, o hacerlas mientras cuidamos a esa personas mayores, pero lo importante es que nunca reneguemos de esa ayuda que les prestamos. Se trata de un acto de amor hacia esas personas que ya aportaron sus mejores años en este mundo y merecen pasar los años que les quedan de vida lo más felices posible. Éxitos, amiga. Saludos...

 2 months ago 

It is always a thing of joy to care for them since they had spent most of their early years caring for their children. Thank you dear friend for your comment

 2 months ago 

I appreciate how you have accepted your mother-in-law as your own and treated her with kindness. It's sad to see on social media that some daughters-in-law view their mothers-in-law as enemies. You are setting a great example by being a good daughter-in-law. May you be blessed with a good daughter-in-law one day. Expect my entry soon!

Thank you for telling me about this contest. Yes, We have many people in the family. Don't think about how much work we do, taking care of our parents is our way of returning our devotion to them. They care for us tirelessly.

Taking care of our parents and aged amongst us, is our God given responsibility and we most do it with joy and happiness because that's when we would reap the reward. No body wants to be cared for by someone who is not doing absolutely willingly. It not there fault that they are old and just like you have rightly pointed out, some of them became sick from their stress of taking care of us. So why should we not count it as a privilege and not a burden to take care of them.

Thank you for sharing. You mother in-law is very beautiful I most mention .

Taking care of our aged ones shows that we appreciate and respect them in all the have did for us when the where still young.Thoe it's not easy especially when we have our own family to take care of too. But helping them provides an opportunity to be closer to them and learn from their experiences and words of wisdom.

 2 months ago 
MOD's Observations/suggestions

Thank you for participating in the Steemit Engagement Challenge Season 17 in the Steem kids and parents Community.

There is this joy when you see yourself taking care of your parents inlaws, all this comes with blessings but a lot of people don't know,

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 2 months ago 

I have read a number of posts regarding giving care to the eldery relatives in this contest and everyone agrees to that we should help. I agree and wish to suggest them that today we give our attention to them and tomorrow we shall be on the receiving end. So let's set an example of what we need in the end. My best wishes to you as I can see you have a lot of support for your in-laws.

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