Overpopulated or underpopulated, which one is better?steemCreated with Sketch.

in Steem Kids & Parentslast year

Hello everyone my name is @newtonb. I trust all is well at your end by God's grace. So I'm writing to take part in a contest entitled OVER POPULATION OR UNDER POPULATION, WHICH ONE IS BETTER?. Published by @udyliciouz

What is population


SourcePhoto by Riccardo:

Population can be defined as the total number of people living In a defined geographical area this geographical area may include, a town, a city, a country, a continent. This can either be a group of people, nation or a state having the same characteristics such as language, culture, religion and race.

What are the units of population?

The main unit of population is a family. A population can be seen as the coming together of many families living in the same environment sharing similar values. A family can be defined as a group of people living together and bounded by blood, marriage, or adoption sharing the same resources.


SourcePhoto by Craig Adderley:

The family can further be broken down into various facets or roles of responsibility. Namely

  • Parents: Father and mother
  • Children
  • Other external or extended family members such as aunt's, uncles, nieces, cousins.

In an average family the father is the head of the family, and as such he is responsible for the affairs of the family. He also makes sure that he provides and takes care of everyone under his family.

State five factors you think affect population growth in your country.

Population growth is the rate at which the population of a particular geographical area changes with time. Five factors that can affect population growth are:

1) Birth and Death rates
  • Birth rates:

Birth rate is the number of people born in a particular time amongst a particular number of people. In geography, birth rates are expressed In percentages. This means that if 45 people are born in a year amongst a given population of 1000 people. Then the birth rate Is expressed by dividing the number of live births in this case is 45 by 100. Which will be 4.5%.

Birth rates can affect the population growth in that, if the birth rate is higher than the death rate in a year, then it is said to be population increase. And vice versa.

  • Death rates

Similarly death rates can be defined as the number of deaths that's occure per thousand people in a given period of time , say one year. As I earlier mentioned above, the high death rate will cause a reduction in population by a certain percentage thereby influencing the population growth.

2) Immigration

Immigration is the situation whereby individuals enter into a country to live there permanently. This can be as a result of the quest of greener pastures, Economic opportunities, work, education, marriage or to seek asylum in case of war or conflicts. This can greatly influence the population growth of the countries involved. If more people enter a country than they leave then the population will significantly increase.

3) emigration

Emigration on the other hand can be seen as the rate at which people leave their own country of origin to live or settle in another country in search of a better life. If more people leave a particular country then they enter in the country then the population will decrease thereby influencing the population growth.

4) fertility rate

The fertility rates refers to the rates at which people are productive in terms of giving birth. This can influence or affect the population growth in that if the people in the particular geographical area have a higher percentage rate of fertility then there population growth will significantly be more.

5) Life expectancy

Life expectancy can be defined as the number of years in which individuals in a particular geographical area are expected to live on Earth.

What are the possible problems of over-population?

Overpopulation first of all is the situation whereby the number of the people in a defined geographical area is greater than the availability of resources necessary to Carter for their needs. This may include land , water supply, food jobs and many more related.

Some of the possible problems of overpopulation include:

  • High Unemployment rate:

Photo by Ron Lach

Because the population is high, not everyone will have the opportunity to secure a good job, therefore there will be a big rate of unemployment

  • High crime wave:

This Is always as a result of unemployment. People need to feed, and take care of their loved ones so many people tend to involve themselves in illegal activities such as drugs, scamming, fraud, prostitution, theft, kidnapping and many other activities.

  • Low living standards:

Because lack of jobs, there is going to be a decrease in the standard of living. Because one cannot pay high bills, one will choose to live in slums and ghettos so as to make ends meet.

  • Malnutrition and famine:

Because of high population rate, the amount or quantities of food produced may not be enough to Carter for the entire population. Therefore people will tend to be malnourished because they can not afford certain basic food stuffs.

  • Lower life expectancy:

It is very clear that when the living conditions of the people Is low, and there is high rate of crime, and scarcity of food, the life expectancy of the people will reduce.

Explain at least three ways in which population can be controlled.

Population can be controlled by the following ways:

1) Family planning:

I think if proper sensitisation is done to educate couples on how to mange their births then it will go a long way to help reduce overpopulation. Many couples at times end up having more children than they planned because they don't have proper knowledge on family planning.

2) Quality education:

If our children can be educated about sex education and also to enducate them about the consequences of premarital sex, then it will reduce a lot of unwanted pregnancies Or pregnancy by wedlock. Both boys and girls need to be properly educated on this.

3) Creating Jobs:

creating jobs will encourage people to live a more responsible live and thereby reducing prostitution and unwanted pregnancies.

Do you know the population of the steemit users? Can you estimate?

According to the steemit new commers community the total number of subscribers should be the total number of people using steemit. This will also has to do with all those who have done verification of atleast Achievement 1. Which is introduction of self. We all know that in steemit to take part in many activities and contest we must atleast get verified with Achievement 1.


Nevertheless it is also noted that not everyone who has an account in steemit has subscribe to the newcomers community and active, therefore I checked on Google and I saw the results as shown below.


Over-populated or underpopulated, which one is better?

Based on all the facts above about the effects of over population, I would conclude by saying that under population is preferable because. It is better to hae more than enough resources than no have limited resources and land for the population. We can always create immigration opportunities to foreigners in case workers are needed and balance up the work force. So therefore I say under population is better.

I invite to this contest @rezvan @max-pro @majerius @bongk @estem @kunwal @elrazi



@newtonb writes ✍️
Thank you for reading.

Hello @newtonb, thank you for publishing your content in our community.

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Hello friend an interesting analysis of the population and how it affects the development of a particular place, thanks for participating, greetings.

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 last year 

Thank you so much for your verification and review 🙏

 last year 

I think the basic unit of population is living organisms dear.

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