Steemit Engagement Challenge s3-w2: Impact of Technology in kids live by @mosman.

in Steem Kids & Parents2 years ago (edited)

Hello Steemians

Virtual greeting everyone in this great community, I am @mosman. How are you all doing, I hope you all are doing great. I am here to to participate on the ongoing engagement program here in #steemkidss on a topic the impacts of technology in kids live . I must say this is a very nice topic because even write now I am making use of technology and through this topic many of our kids here will get to learn alot through different post here by different author, Thanks you so much #steemkidss community for creating such a nice topic .


But before I proceed I will love to invite @unyimeetuk @tinastiches and @iniemem to please take part on this contest share here on steemkidss community , click here

Technology play a virtual rules in today life and it is very important to everyone because it is a source of living. Technology has come to make things easy and simple to us, I will love to answer the following questions ask in this contest.

Write the overview of how technology has impacted the world as a whole

When talking about the impacts of technology to the whole world we have to consider both the positive and the negative part of it because anything that has advantage have disadvantage.

The positive impact
If you come to think about the positive impacts of technology you will see that technology has really turn around things for good and really make life easier to the whole world. Since technology has come to existed it has reduced that our fathers pass through.
Technlogy in terms of farm has make it easy for farmer to do work less energy with the help of machine, which can finish a work 10 person can do in 1 month in a day.
Technology has also created easy communication through our mobile phones, computer and internet. With the help of your phone you can communicate with people outside and within the country and also it make it possible for one to communicate through social media in which you can do video call, voice call and also chat. Compare to before in which before u communication with someone you have to put into writing which can take one week to get feedback.

Technology also make it possible for one to get information within and out side the environment through internet, radio and even email etc

The Negative part of it that it increase corruption in the world, many people spread fake information , increase in scamming people, and also increases lies in the country. No more privacy any some thing you are online.
It also reduce the number of employees in term of company because with the help of machine it can do a work of 20 person in a company and with that company don't employ much rather the purchase machine.

share with us some of the positivity and negativity of technology in kid's live

Positive aspects

  • Easy Access To Information : with the help of technology, kids can get access to information of their choice through world wide web (www) , it may be about the history of any thing, story's and any information the need.
    Parents can not give answer to all the questions ask my their kids, so this technology has make it possible for kids to have easy access to information.

  • For Learning Enhancement : learning is one of the important thing about technology. Technology make it possible for kids to learn new things through internet, attend tutorial classes online and even watch online on how to make some new things that the don't know.

  • For entertainment : technology have build up some devices like television, radio, phones, internet, where kid can use to entertain their self, through watching of movies, playing of games etc

Negative aspects

  • lower attention span : kids spending time using technology devices like computer 🖥️, and phone 📱 can cau6 the kids not to concentrate and have attention to any other thing than the device. If you give the that time some will not even remove their clothes when back from school the will want to operate phones and some of the kids are being kidnapped because of phone .

  • Health Problem : spending much time looking at the screen of the phone can cause vision problem, overstrain, neck pain etc

  • Reduced sleep Quality : kids spend much time using the technology devices even at late time whice will cause them not to have rest at night, and because of this the wake up late to school and even sleep at class when the teacher is teaching, which will really affect them.

  • Lower Grade : kids don't have time to read their book any more rather the spend must of their time on social media and when the ask questions in exam the will not be able to answer because the did not read their books.

How would you rate the impact of technology in kids life? Highly positive or negative

I rate it possible because it is a source of learning to our kids, it make the kids to get access to information, it increase metal skill development with education contest, it is a problem solving skills to kids, it help our kids to learn foreign language, it also help our kids in critical thinking development and make them more active in life. Therefore technology is very important in our kids live more that any thing.

Can you have control over the exposure of kids to certain technological products? How?

This is simple by watching over and educating him or her through what and what it can get access to, setting password is also good to protect.

Also make sure that the kids do not use the product secretly and not all things he should use it.

And also select any abuse thing on the phones and many others.

That is all for the contest. Thanks so much for your time


Dear Mosman,
I agree with you, when proper guide by instructing them on what and what to do when using a mobile or laptop, it is relevant to take more of the activities if the child on-screen by navigating to the web browser and checking all of the sites visited by the kid.

Thanks for sharing
Comments in my publications will be appreciated

 2 years ago 

Technology has brought great benefits to our lives. But, as you mentioned, it is important to monitor the use of these devices by children, to prevent them from becoming addicted to them.

A balance must be established between the time that children interact with these technological equipment, and the time they invest in other activities such as sports, culture, recreation, etc.

You have simplified your post and written straight to the point what is required for the contest. Indeed technology and it's negative effects can be controlled and everyone especially the kids need assistance to do this as the effect can be very strong.

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