Writing Expedition ✍️, Have Fun while Writing! (The Blind Begger)

in Steem Kids & Parents2 months ago (edited)

Good morning my friend and family all over the world, Today I bring you guys a beautiful story (The Blind Begger) Read and learn for it. Thanks to those that organized this contest Writing Expedition ✍️, Have Fun while Writing!" Just keep writing 🤩🤩

The Blind Begger


Once upon a time, there lived a boy named Isaac.
Isaac was born Blind, after his birth his parent passed on. He has the gift of singing but no one could help.
A woman in the village decided to adopt him so as to have a good life.
When Isaac grew up to certain age, the woman grew older and became sick, she couldn't make it through the sickness she died.
And Isaac the blind boy was all alone again.
When the woman died all the people of umueze accused Isaac of killing the woman with his badbluck.
They drove Isaac out of the woman's house and Isaac became a street Begger over night, the people ofumueze collected all the properties the woman left for Isaac because the woman had no children. She took Isaac as her own child.
Isaac could do nothing because of his blindness.
Isaac had no where to go cause the villagers have collected all that was left for him.
He thought of what to do ,an idea came to his mind and he made a decision about it.
He first looked for a place where he can lay his head for the night, he cut some leaves to sleep on.


The next morning he woke as early as he can and walked to the roadside even though he fell so many times, eventually someone helped him.
He sat down by the road, singing and crying, so that people passing by can have compassion on him.
A woman named Rebecca was passing by and she saw the blind Isaac singing with his melodious voice, and she stopped, wow ,I love your, thanks ma Isaac replied,where are your parents and what are you doing all alone here?
It's a long story ma, my parent died after my birth and a woman who took care of me she also died when I was 18 years old, oh that's so sad my child.
Rebecca decided to take him to her house, she bought food and some clothes for him, she also bath him and him comfortable in her house. Rebecca plan was to make sure the boy doesn't waste his talent, the boy is talented in singing and has a melodious voice.

Rebecca is a very rich woman and like helping people, she has five children but they all abroad.

So Rebecca decided to take the blind boy to UK for treatment, so he can regain his sight.

Issac was very happy, although he hasn't seen the woman with his eyes he always thank her and pray for her.
Rebecca took him to a popular hospital in UK, The hospital attended to Issac, gave him the necessary treatment he needed and Issac regain his sight.
Doing all this for Issac Rebecca was still happy, cos she knew that givers never lack.

when Issac regain his sight, she sponsored him to join the music industry, Every music that Issac drops, she would make sure the music goes viral.
Now Issac has become a popular musicians in the world and has became a blessing to Rebecca.

Issac became very rich , anything he gets from his music, he makes sure to make Rebecca happy all time.
Issac later married and went back to his village. Nobody recognized that he was the blind begger cos he went there as a land buyer and bought many land.

Moral lesson

we should pray and thank GOD in any situation we finds ourselves, God has a better plan for us, he created us , so he would never forsake us.

Thanks for reading

I will like to invite @zekanem, @moyeon, @saintkelivn17 to join this wonderful writing contest

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