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RE: SEC17 WK:#1: Forgiveness unites family

Anyone that must actually learn the act of forgiviness must really be bold and strong because it will be a strong step to take. It will not be easy but we must force it because that is what we actually bring us true peace both within and outside. There is no better way of saying it. Forgiveness is not always easy. It requires letting go of your ego and self confidence just to have peace of mind. There are instances that people have offended me and which I have choose not to forgive them. But I actually come to discover that the more I say I will not forgive them, the more I am actually harming myself. Instead of holding unto the pain and suffering they actually cause me, why not commit them to God and just forgive. Someone said something and I quote. He said unforgiviness is a prisoner of oneself. That is just how it is. We must always learn to forgive and forget no matter what it may be. It might not be easy but we must continually strive to do so to have that peace of mind and let peace also reign in our families

 2 months ago 

Thanks for sharing this wonderful thoughts about my post.

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