A little motivation for you...

in Steem Kids & Parentslast year



Happy new month friends...I trust you're keeping well. I thought within me to share with y'all some little stuffs which I believe will be of great benefit even as we begin the new month.

It's really amazing how time flies... just like yesterday, we were all elated about the new year 2023, we celebrated it with so much joy. In fact some prudent folks already had plans line up for the new year even before we entered it.

Now we are 4 months into the new year and to many it's like the year is taking them by surprise already because the plans they have lined up has not even started taking shape, it seems they are already far behind the timeline...hmmm

Trust me I understand that fear and anxiety. Do not worry. All you need to do is to get back to the drawing board. The coming of new month should not make you fidget rather it should spur you into action and help you get serious with your goals.

It's high time you take up the plans again and this time you have to take it seriously. Perhaps you've been procrastinating, saying you will start today and when today comes, you shift it to tomorrow and then tomorrow never ends and by so doing you're wasting precious time. I've always known procrastination to be a great stealer of time.

Time indeed waits for no one, any time lost can never be regained. So do well to make every moment count. You can do this by taking a step daily toward achieving those goals or plan of yours. I think one of the problem folks have is that they want to have everything required to achieve a goal all at once.

Trust me, this has turned out to be a very big illusion for many. The truth is we would not always have everything we want at a go, that's the reason why we need to take it bit by bit and step by step. Picture the way a bricklayer lays each block over another until he completes a build project.

And if you're the type that has already given up on your dream or plans, it high time to rise up and take up the challenge to achieve your dreams against all odds. Life will actually not make things easy for you, thing won't just start aligning just like that without any form of effort from your end..

You've got to pick up yourself again...you've got to take a look at that goal once again, you might need to check what you ain't doing well, you might need to seek counsel or consult professionals in that area of interest. Just don't give in to defeat. It's just to early to admit defeat.

You're bigger, and stronger than whatever challenge you're facing, yes you are! Enough of the pity party get to work and make YOU proud! You can do it!


 last year (edited)
@lhorgic greetings!

Thank you for sharing this motivating and insightful message! I especially appreciate your analogy of the bricklayer, who patiently lays each block one by one to build a larger structure. It's a powerful reminder that success often comes from consistent effort and small steps taken every day.

 last year 

Hello prabin09, you Wao me with your emphatic comment each time I see it on my post.

You're very right friend, success indeed often comes form consistent effort and small steps taken every day.

Am glad you can relate with my post. #steem-on

 last year 

Well stay safe stay in touch💗😌

 last year 

Thank you @lhorgic so much for sharing this quality content with us. Your motivational story is so beautiful and very encouraging

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 last year 

Thanks for your nice review brotherly... Am grateful.

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