SEC17 WK:#1: Forgiveness unites family

in Steem Kids & Parents2 months ago (edited)

Hi friends,

I am Jyoti from India. Hope you are all enjoying the weekends, here I am going to participating in the SEC-17 WEEK-1 contest: by Steem Kids & Parents Community.

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Forgiveness unites family

All of us who are born human have made mistakes. There is no human in the world who does not make error or mistake . Have we apologized for doing this wrong? Or have we forgiven the mistakes of others? Whether this has happened is a bit of a stretch. If that happens, only happiness will last.

Most people who make mistakes don't apologize. They are thinking of apologizing. Because I didn't cause the problem, I didn't start it, so I won't apologize. If you want to let him (the person) who started the problem apologize to me, you should be ego minded.


It's hard to apologize when we weren't the main cause of the problem. It would not be fair if we were angry about it. Don't think 'everything will be fine' and stop apologizing. Apologizing ourselves may change our partner's mind, and he may apologize.

Forgiveness is the bridge that bridges the rift in a relationship. At the same time the trust between them also increases, and build strong relationship. Through apologizing and forgiving, the problem between them is discussed and resolved. Unapologetic and unforgiving, the problem will repeatedly affect their lives and cause a huge rift in their relationship.


Whether our relations are mother, son, daughter, father, brother or sister, it is good to forgive if we make a mistake because it creates unity. When someone comes to us and apologizes our mind changes lightly and similarly when we apologize to someone they also feel the same so when we ask for forgiveness in our family and in our relationships we keep their mind and at the same time improve the relationship. If he/she hears that, his/her wound will surely heal.

Let's forget and live happily together......

I would like to invite @enamul17 @mesola @sualeha to participate in this wonderful contest.


Discord : @jyoti-thelight#6650 Telegram :-


 2 months ago 

I agree that the thing you had mentioned in this post about apologize. When a person had done a mistake means then he/she wants to say apologise but so many of them would not accept it. We had to share our feelings with all. It is not a thing for saving. A special thank from my heart ❤️. For sharing this wonderful post with us.

Yes, apologize and forgiveness is a good habit to maintain good relationship. Thank you for reading

 2 months ago 
MOD's Observations/suggestions

Thank you for participating in the Steemit Engagement Challenge Season 17 in the Steem kids and parents Community.

Forgiveness is a bridge that bridges the rift in a relationship. It also increases trust between them and builds a strong relationship. If they do not apologize and do not seek forgiveness, the problem will repeatedly affect their lives and create a big rift in their relationship.

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This post perfectly stresses the value of apology as well as mercy in cultivating joy plus unity within connections. It recognizes the trouble in saying sorry when not only in charge of a trouble however highlights the transformative power of humility coupled with mercy in constructing trust fund as well as linking separates.

 2 months ago 

Hi @jyoti-thelight, it is quite amazing to read your own input on this contest about forgiveness. Just like you highlighted in your post, everyone makes mistakes...all we have to do is either apologize for this mistakes or forgive People when they make such mistakes. Forgiveness is the power wielded by strong people, and if we are to be strong, all we need do is forgive.

Forgiveness is very important for the unity of a family. You have done well to highlight this points adequately. Kudos!

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Saya senang mendengar Anda mengatakan mari kita lupakan permusuhan dan hidup bahagia bersama, semoga anda dan saudara anda bisa selalu menjadi keluarga yang hidup dengan kebahagiaan.

Most people always play down on the power of forgiveness. It has so much power that it can cause a lot of changes positively beyond which we can ever imagine of in our families

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