Literature(stories, poetry, prose)/music recreation review

Story! Story!! Story!!! Once upon a time, in a remote village that is located between lush forests, and rolling hills, there lived a young pretty girl named Joan. She was ten years old, with a bright future and curious eyes that seemed to be like the stars. Joan was known for their beauty and her adventurous spirit, always wandering through the fields, and woods and always ready to discover something new.


There was a day when Joan was exploring the edge of the forest in her village, and she stumbled upon an old, overgrown path she had never seen or come across before in her life. The path which she came across looked deeper and scaring and the wood that she looked she saw a deep wound, where the trees grew so tall and thick, and branches weaving together like a canopy overhead.

As Joan ventured further to look the woods became so darker, but she felt no fear. Joan had always believed there was something magical about the forest. After walking for some hours in the forest, she reached a clearing place and rested. In the middle of where Joan sat down while taking her rest, she saw an ancient tree with a hollow at the base. She stood up to take a look and she saw a soft glow that came out.


Out of curiosity, Joan crouched down and peered into the hollow wood. She was so astonished when she saw a tiny creature with delicate wings shimmering in the soft light. The fairy which she saw smiled at her and said to Joan "Thank you for finding me" in a tinkling voice like bells. I have been trapped here for several years, waiting for someone like you who is brave enough to discover and save me.

Joan who likes asking questions, said to the fairy, "Who trapped you here, and why were you trapped here". The fairy said to Joan, please let's keep that aside first, what is more important is for you to be safe, and like I have said earlier I have been trapped here for several years.

I am inviting: @ruthjoe, @dave-hanny, and @jasminemary


This story is interesting and just gives me sparks all over my body, I enjoyed reading through tho. Thanks for sharing your story and success to you


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