SEC14 WK:#4: Charity Begins at home

in Steem Kids & Parents8 months ago


True charity always start from our home, where we all grew up from. They're many views on this term " charity begins at home". Many people see it as a word that suggests that one should start giving and taking care of his household and friends before extending it to others.

I really agree with this view because many rich people are fond of giving to others while their family people are deeply in need of that same thing they give out, i don't view it as something nice, I'll head on to the contest, before i would go through, i would love to make an highlight on what charity is.

What is charity

Charity is a form of giving, which evolves from a person's attitude of kindness towards others. They are many forms of charity and how it can be done

  • children charity: Giving out to the less privileged children and also visiting orphanages to give help and support to the children is a big form of charity.
  • providing Educational services: This is very good form of charity giving which focuses on helping people who are not capable of taking care of their school bills and also further their education.
  • Food distribution: This one is somehow common here, because i do see people with branded t-shirts and i think it is sort of a group formed by a person or group of persons. They cook foods and bring them to places where they see children that are roaming the streets and give to them wholeheartedly. It is really a good movement which many people have gone into to support other people, it will make the society a better place, a society filled with love and happiness.
My view about charity and if it should begin at home?

Charity is really a good way to start off something great, it makes a person loved and cherish. It creates a purpose for someone to be loved, if someone that gives alot goes into trouble in the street you will notice that the people will try to help him out of the issue, thats the power of giving, youre now the people's own, no matter how small what you give is, it will always be of great value to people. I view charity as a very promising movement with with a lot of later rewards.

Charity begins at home, i totally agree with this statement because many people are fond of giving out to the public and showing of without giving out to family, i see that as a show off and not a real giving, because a real charity should be honest and truthful and should start at the base point out.

This quote has been ablw to give many successful people now more knowledge on how to build a good life by starting their cheerful works from their family then out. Showing love can also be a form of charity, and this is a very important aspect in life, many people tend to show more love to outsiders and then when there are around their family members they show less love and give hate, that is a very bad move.

What is the motivating factor for charity work and is it good to broadcast what you have done for others


Many people have different motivations for charity work, I'll try to talk about some of them. Many people wjile they were young, they were always walking down the street looking for what to eat every day and where to lay their heads on, but after so much hustle and they make it in life while they have grown, many people vow to always give to stranded children which they see in the streets because they know how it feels to be in that manner and they have all the experience, so they try to help the kids out and that is their motivation for charity work.

Many people give out just because they love to give out, or they have enough and they know it will be bice if they share it with others, that is their own motivation.

Some people tend to broadcast what they have done, in the normal view it is not good to broadcast what you have done for others, but in today's modern world, supporting a homeless child, who needs support and food and all the needs, if this person tries to offer help and then goes on to broadcast it to others, it can give a path for many people to also support the kid. That is just by the way. It is not good to broadcast what you've done for people and it shows that it was never a true giving, just made up for show off.

The last time i carried out charity work to the members of your home

I would say "Always". Showing of charity works to members of the home is not just about giving material things, it can also be providing assistance to one another and also showing love. I wil go affirmative on this one, i have been able to show charity to them, but its not good to broadcast them as i stated above.

My advice to others about charity

Charity is a very good factor. I would love to use this opportunity to charge you all to find the right motivation to give out, it is not easy but it can be done in any form. While we are giving out we should give with a good heart and a clear mind without envy. Broadcasting love shows that it was never a true one, and many people don't love letting their situations go public, so if you broadcast while you give them, instead of them being happy and thankful, they become sad and angry, it might make them rejecting any charity work from you. I would love to encourage you all to give without hatred, give with a free mind.

I invite my friends @johnmitchel and @davidmarkgeorge to take part


Hi @imohmitch Your insight on charity resonates deeply. I agree that starting charity at home is crucial caring for family should precede broader giving. Charity isn't just about material things it's about love and support within our circle. I believe in the power of charity to build a better society filled with kindness.Your thoughts on motivations for charity work are insightful. Whether it's empathy from personal experiences or a heartfelt desire to share giving with a genuine heart matters most. Broadcasting acts of kindness might inspire others but true charity doesn't seek recognition.
In my experience charity at home is ongoing. It's not just about things it's about lending a helping hand and sharing love. I echo your advice let's give freely without envy or expectation. Genuine giving done quietly holds the most value. Let's embrace charity as a way to spread love and make our world a better place.
Best wishes.

 8 months ago 

This really shows that you paid close attention to the post. Having this charity factor helps to build a better society filled with love, understanding and Care.

Genuine love done quietly holds the most value.

I really love this word.

Thank you very much for your comment.


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 8 months ago 

Charity is a humanitarian thing that we do by helping others. There one has to give oneself for the benefit of others without expecting anything in return. It is true that it is not good to publicize charity, it is better for charity to be secret. Your advice on charity will teach donors to be flexible. Good luck to you.

 8 months ago 

It is really a pleasure to me, to know how well you've understood the post and the topic at large, and yes truly charity isn't meant to be publicized.
Thank you for your comment ❤️

Hello friend
Indeed charity stretches from child care through giving kids good and gifts too and providing educational and academic materials to these kids to provide care for them, the activities of NGO which use branded t-shirt to spread the love too is crucial and should be appreciated. Indeed we must learn to start charity from our homes building it upwards to the outside world. I enjoyed your entry and success in the challenge my dear friend

 8 months ago 

Yes, there are different ways in which charity work can be done and it is not limited in any way. The NGO's are putting a good work there to see that things are going well for many people.

Thank you for the success wishes

That's a relief as with time the greater world populace can smile for the great joy of charity that would be reaching them

Upvoted. Thank You for sending some of your rewards to @null. It will make Steem stronger.

If we all could heed to this beautiful advice the world would be a better place nice one friend I wish u all the best

This post eloquently explores the essence of charity, emphasizing the concept that true charity should start at home. The author provides a thoughtful breakdown of various forms of charity, such as supporting less privileged children, providing educational services, and food distribution. The personal perspective on the power of giving and the lasting rewards it brings adds depth to the narrative.

The discussion on the motivating factors for charity work, including personal experiences of overcoming hardships, resonates with authenticity. The nuanced view on broadcasting charitable deeds, acknowledging its potential positive impact while cautioning against showboating, adds a layer of ethical consideration.

The affirmation that charity should indeed begin at home is supported by the critique of those who showcase generosity publicly while neglecting their own families. The consistent practice of charity within the home is highlighted, reinforcing the notion that charity encompasses more than material gifts, encompassing assistance and love.

The advice to give with a pure heart, without envy, and to avoid broadcasting in a way that may discomfort recipients, serves as a valuable guide for anyone engaging in charitable acts. Overall, the post effectively conveys the importance of genuine and thoughtful charity, making it a worthwhile read.

 8 months ago 

I'm charged to be charitable.thanks for sharing.

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