Contest: How I Care About (Week #3: Family by @ikramullah430| I have set 10% beneficiary to @steemkidss

in Steem Kids & Parents2 years ago

Hello everyone my name is @ikramullah430 and this is the post is the submission post for the Steemkids community Weekly Contest: How I Care About (Week #3: Family) Contest Series..
I have set 10% beneficiary to @steemkidss

👉How do you care for your family?



Growing up, I learned that it is important to always take care of everyone in my family, no matter what. I love spending time with them and I always try to make sure that we are all having a good time. Sometimes it can be hard, because we all have different schedules and sometimes we have to miss each other, but I always try to make it up to them when we can.

I also make sure that I spend time with my family whenever I can. For example, if there is a holiday or special event that we are all going to be celebrating, I will try to make sure I am there. I also love spending time doing things together as a family, like going on hikes or going to the park. I love my family very much and I am grateful for all that they have done for me.

👉What's the size of your family?

I Have two elder sisters and me and then my younger brother. we four live with our parents so in total we are family of six people.

👉How often do you care for them?

I care for my family every day. Whether it is taking them to their doctor appointment or just spending time with them at home, I always make an effort to spend time with them. I also make sure to I take try care to of make them time when for it them comes know whether to that it their they is needs, appreciate during like it our taking and daily them I conversations out love or for being by dinner able spending or to time buying spend together them time doing gifts. with something I them.

👉What things do you use in caring for them and does it cost you anything?

I use a lot of things in caring for my family. Some of the things that I use are gifts, conversation, and time. For example, when we go to the doctor or have a family meeting, I often give gifts to my sisters and brothers. This way, they know that I am taking care of them and that I appreciate everything that they do for me.
Conversations are also important, because I try to talk to them about things that are going on in their lives. This way, they know that I am interested in what they are saying and that I care about them . Lastly, time is definitely a big factor in caring for my family. I try to make time for them every day, whether it is taking them to their doctor appointment or just spending time together.

👉How do you feel when you have cared for your family and how do they feel too?

I feel great when I have cared for my family. They always appreciate it and I know that they feel loved and appreciated. In fact, one of my sisters even said that she feels like I am her second mother. I love being able to care for my family and make them feel loved and special.

👉Do you sometimes fail to care for your family? What results when you neglect that responsibility?

Occasionally, I may neglect my responsibility to care for my family. For example, if I am busy and don’t have the time to go to their doctor appointments or spend time with them, this can result in problems.
For example, my family may get sick because I didn’t take care of them when they were supposed to be taking care of themselves. In short, neglecting my family responsibilities often has negative consequences.
Overall, I always try to take care of my family no matter what.

👉Benefits of caring for our family?

There are many benefits to caring for our family. Some of the benefits include: being able to connect with them, feeling loved and appreciated, and having someone who will take care of them when they are not able to. Overall, caring for our family is a great way to bond with them and make sure that they are taken care of during difficult times.

👉Do anyone assist you to care for your family?

Sometimes, I may have assistance from my family when it comes to taking care of them. For example, one of my sisters may be able to take care of our doctor appointments for me or another member of the family may be able to watch our children while I am at work. In short, everyone in my family helps out a bit when it comes to caring for them. We all have our own duties and responsibilities, but we make sure to take care of each other when it comes to our family.

Overall, my family is always willing and able to help out when it comes to taking care of me and my loved ones. They are the best support system possible!


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Caring for our family is a very important responsibility. We must make time for them every day, no matter what. In addition, we need to have assistance from our loved ones in order to be able to care for them properly. Everyone in our family helps out when it comes to taking care of each other and ensuring that everyone is taken care of. We are the best support system possible!

Take care!

My introduction post link
I have set 10% beneficiary to @steemkidss

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 2 years ago 

Yes it is one of the important responsibility so we need to cast it out

 2 years ago 

so true and every one of us try our best to do so @gracyakan

Caring for our family is such a great deal. The happiness and bond it creates can not be quantified. Truly, we are happy when our families are happy. Well done, @ikramullah430

 2 years ago 

Thank you for your appreciation @queensleey

 2 years ago 

Thank you @ikramullah430 so much for sharing this quality content with us. I see you have alot of love and affection for your family as you always spare out time to care for them

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I will call on you to always upvote and support others because living your voting manna to be ideal at 100% isn't good at all

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