Honesty is the best Policy

The ancient Greek philosopher Socrates said: 'virtue is knowledge.' And without it, a person cannot be a real person. Although human beings are in appearance, shape and color, evil people are worse than animals.

Honesty brings good not only to oneself but also to others. So, despite all the human welfare in the world, each of us should be honest. But do you like honesty? Sure, neither does BT. We just need to awaken and cultivate it in our hearts, put it into practice.

Still, it is not easy to maintain honesty without awareness. Honesty is a great endeavor. It is hard to discover sincerity without searching. Because honesty is the unique tool of human disciplined life.

On the other hand, people cannot be shackled. People want an easy, arbitrary and open life. But honesty is the main obstacle in this arbitrary and open way of life. The result is that one places willfulness in one's relative consciousness rather than honesty in one's subconscious in everyday life.

However, if there is honesty, an open life is not possible. The point is that in arbitrariness people lose the right knowledge. On the other hand, the foundations of honesty are very subtle and deep.

Because of this, it is difficult to give practical form by discovering it from a small circle of mind without subtle awareness or striving for knowledge.

Even then, people do not want to behave arbitrarily and dishonestly. It is in the subconscious of knowing, the mind, and in the long run, the willful consciousness will one day build a solid foundation and building in the human heart as a normal way of life.

As a result, a self-willed person will not find his own fault or self-will later. He goes completely blind. But still it feels normal.

During our childhood, parents and grandparents told fairy tales at night and whenever they had the opportunity to teach honesty. The stories sounded great to us. So we were very interested to hear this story again and again! Fairy tales are fictional, but written honestly.

People then or earlier lived without want and disadvantage, that is, without administration, but unjust and irregular crimes did not occur. But in today's civilization countless injustices, inconsistencies and oppressions happen every day in front of the administration. The stories of these fairy tales had their own laws and chains.

There was sincerity between them, there was a mutual bond-friendship. Today there is no fable, no bond, no brotherhood and no honesty. However, in the villages there is still the story of the fairy tale, there is honesty and humanity! If you teach honesty by telling these sweet stories, they will want to know more.

Because fairy tales are arranged in such a way that the mind wants to hear more when it hears some parts. So they will want to hear, want to know, hear and learn more. So, for the generation to become real people, you may have to read fairy tales. Let it be imaginary. To protect the mind from the illusion of injustice, it must be guarded from childhood.

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Story Begins

Chi chi and Banti were good friends. They trusted t each other. Banti was a very honest boy. Once they decided to enjoy a vacation together. They went to a hill station for a week.

Both enjoyed their stay at the hill station. They planned to return after seven days. When they reached the station to board the train, they found a bag lying on the platform.

Chi chi was the first to notice and pick it up. He opened it and saw that it contained a lot of money and jewelry.

Chi chi tried to hide it in his trunk. But Banti suggested, “Chi chi, we are honest people. We shouldn't have it with us. Someone missed it. We should ask the people at the station. If someone makes a claim and is able to provide accurate details, we'll give them this bag."

"No, no, you're crazy. Everyone comes to claim it as their own bag. I like it, so this is mine,” Chi chi said.

Banti said, "What are you talking about?" I don't think you want to return to the original owner, let's divide it. We both found it. We shared every moment, every meal and every joy together. Therefore, we should also divide the cash and jewelry into two parts to enjoy them together.”

"I don't agree with you. I was the first person that saw it, so it's belongs to me” So Chi Chi kept the bag.

Meanwhile, the train arrived at the station. Chi chi and Banti boarded. Once they had taken their seats, they were calm and started talking to each other. Time went on. As night fell, they began to feel drowsy.

After a while, the train had to stopped at the next train station. Suddenly, they saw the police entering their compartment. Chi chi got scared when he saw them. He tried to put the suitcase behind his back.

Chi chi whispered into Banti's ear, “We're in big trouble. The police arrived. They would get us arrested. You know, we didn't steal that bat."

Banti said in a low tune, "Why do you say - 'me' - and you- 'I'? Please don't try to drag me. I don't have anything to do with the bag. You didn't listen to me when I asked you to find out the owner and hand over the bag to him since handing it over to the rightful owner, you even refused to share it with me., and now that you feel like when you land in an awkward situation, you want to share the awkwardness with me. Very clever"!

The police saw a look of horror on Chi Chi's face and began to suspect him. They searched his things and found a bag. This was the bag they came looking for. They arrested him and sent to prison

Now Chi chi repented that he should have listened to his friend's advice. Indeed honesty is the best policy.

Lessons From the Story

  • Therefore, we should be careful and honest. I believe in karma and when we do something bad, something bad happens to us.

  • Whatever we do, it always comes back to us. We should always be honest.

  • Chi chi could listen to his friend who wouldn't be arrested by the police.

My full appreciation goes to the organizers of this contest, it's a very interesting topic to talk about. I invite @okere-blessing @daprado @tayyba1234 to take part in the contest. Thanks to @negro-bby for the invitation.


 2 years ago 

This is a great story to learn from.I am happy that chichi repented.thanks for the invite

Thanks for reading through

 2 years ago 

How sad! Chi-Chi learned honesty in a hard way. Thanks for taking part in this contest.

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