Steemit Engagement Challenge (SEC) WK14:#1: Neglect in families, effects on kids

in Steem Kids & Parents8 months ago




Hello, how are you all friends, this time I am very happy to be able to take part in this week's contest held by the Steem Kids & Parents community. This week's theme is very interesting and I am happy to be able to take part in this week.

Humans are born into this world in pairs, and all have families because the role of family is very important for a person's life. Because without family it is as if our lives feel empty, empty, even as if there is something missing in our lives.

and I will answer these 4 questions, I also don't forget to invite several friends to take part in this week's contest @aril.hatake and also @basyir01 and also @shohana1 and you can enter at the link below. Link Contest

1. What does neglect of responsibilities mean in a family.

The meaning of ignoring responsibilities in a family is: we don't care or don't even want to care about the condition of our family, and that is the nature of a very selfish person who prioritizes himself over his family. Moreover, a father's responsibility plays a very important role in a family, indeed the mother is the first madrasah for a child, but the father is the head of the school in the family.

The role of a father is very important, especially his responsibilities in terms of religion, education and another in terms of economics. So the responsibility of a father and mother is to play a very important role in the lives of their children.

So if someone ignores their responsibilities in a family it will definitely have a negative impact on the family, thus creating a disharmonious atmosphere and the impact is also not good for our family.




2. Have you been neglected or seen anyone neglected? What are the effects on the kids.

Thank God I have a complete family and I am very grateful and grateful to have a family who is very good and really cares about me.

And I don't feel neglected at all by my own family, maybe there are lots of people out there whose fate is not as lucky as mine, they are ignored by their own families, I even see a lot of small children living on the streets, some even under bridges. they build huts out of cardboard for them to live alone without their families.

Honestly, I am very sad to see the condition of those who are neglected by their own families, even in terms of food they are very lacking. Here I really make it clear, don't ever ignore your own family because it will have a bad impact on the children and that is what we really love. for the lives of our children.

3. Your advice to parents who neglect their responsibilities towards their kids.

My advice to parents who neglect their responsibilities towards their children is, never neglect your responsibilities towards your children, because children are the key to your sustenance, and Allah has given you full responsibility for your children, so don't have you ever wasted it?

Maybe there are a lot of people out there who have not been given children by the Almighty, and we are still given good children, so we take care of them and educate them, don't neglect their lives because one day we will also reap the rewards when our children grow up and be successful.




4. Your advice to the kids who are neglected.

My advice to neglected children is that you should never hate your parents, and you should never hold a grudge against them because revenge will never solve the problem.

Because every child born in this world has had their destiny outlined by the Almighty, you may be abandoned without having a family but still be enthusiastic about living your life.

because while the wheel of the earth is turning, no one knows the fate of people, and perhaps there are many children out there who are successful without guidance from their own families. Keep your enthusiasm and never give up because life is the most beautiful gift from the Almighty.


The conclusion is that the role of the family is very important in the lives of children. Therefore, never ignore your children, because living without a family is very sad and has a bad impact on the lives of children.

Greetings from me @humaidi


 8 months ago 

Thank you for publishing an article in the Steem Kids & Parent community today. We have assessed your entry and we present the result of our assessment below.

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Review Date27/11/2023

MODs Comment/Recommendation: I accept with you children are priceless gift from God and as such parents should cherish them, because God gives us the responsibility of caring and providing for them emotionally, physically, and spiritually. Negligence is a punishable offense we should guard against. Success!

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 8 months ago 

thank you very much for your input,,,!

Upvoted. Thank You for sending some of your rewards to @null. It will make Steem stronger.

Sukses brow

 8 months ago 

Thank you so much @ariel.hatake

¡Hola @humaidi! 🌟 Gracias por compartir tu reflexión sobre la importancia de la familia y el impacto de la negligencia. Es maravilloso que tengas una familia que te cuida. Tu consejo a los padres y niños es valioso. ¡Que la armonía y el amor sigan en tu hogar! 🤗👨‍👩‍👧

 8 months ago 

Terimakasih atas komentar yang baik anda, saya harap anda juga memiliki keluarga yang seperti saya miliki, 👨‍👨‍👦👨‍👨‍👦👨‍👨‍👦

Congratulations, your post has been upvoted by @dsc-r2cornell, which is the curating account for @R2cornell's Discord Community.

Manually curated by @jasonmunapasee


 8 months ago 

Thanks you so much @jasonmunapasee

Hola amigo

Es verdad la responsabilidad de ser padre es mucho más que trabajar y llevar comida a la casa también se refiere a cubrir las necesidades emocionales de la familia también la educación espiritual muchos no lo ven tan importante pero todo esto son responsabilidades que cuando se va a tener una familia hay que tomar en serio.

Cuando comenzamos a descuidar muchas de estas cosas porque le vamos restando importancia entonces nuestros hijos pueden sentirse abandonados de alguna forma y esto los lleva a consumir algunos vicios o a tener actitudes impropias.

Qué bueno que te cuidaron muy bien y no tuviste que sufrir los efectos del abandono suerte en tu concurso.


 8 months ago (edited)

Hello @humaidi
I'm glad you have a perfect family! Seeing kids on the street building shelter from cardboard is so disheartening, it is also painful to ignore your roles in the school of the family. Children are indeed gifts from the Almighty and should never be neglected, because there are others who seek the blessings you have gotten freely, success in the challenge my dear friend.

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