The power of nature

in Steem Kids & Parents2 months ago (edited)


The girls went in and brought out what Jordan had made, it was a wonderful fried rice, and with some other local dishes, he was a good cook actually, they all enjoyed their meal and they discussed a lot.

When they were done cooking, Miriam and Jerry went in to wash the dishes.
They were conversing and then Jerry asked Miriam, "Would you love to go on a date with me?" Jerry asked
Miriam looked at him and said "Ok I will" Miriam said

When they were done they helped Jenny's mom to harvest some corn from the farm, it was such a large portion, usually she would employ labourers but this time the friends helped her to harvest them, they had so much fun, Later Jenny's mom left them to prepare a meal for them since they were almost done.

Joe and Lydia were harvesting a portion, "Hey Lydia, I'm pretty sure you don't like corn, wondering why you haven't eaten any of your junk food today" he said chuckling

"Who told you that, I love corn ok, most of my snacks are made from corn" Lydia said

*"You mean you have healthy snacks?" Joe asked

"Sure, and that's what I've been eating lately, I have some here if you don't mind" Lydia said and gave him a snack

Joe ate it and loved it, "Wow it tastes so nice, why did you suddenly want to eat something healthy? We both know you never do" He asked

"Well, because of someone very special to me, I love to see him all the time, and I wanna make him happy" Lydia said

"Who could possibly be that guy who made a change in your life huh" Joe asked getting a bit sad

"He's right in front of me getting jealous" Lydia said

Joe looked away, a bit shy and they continued the work, glancing at each other.

Nora and Bill were at another end of the corn field harvesting as well, The corn field was very large, so they paired off and went to different areas, they couldn't see each other until they got back to the entrance.

Nora hit a stone and fell, Bill quickly helped her up but she was asthmatic and was having an attack, Bill brought out an inhaler very quickly and gave it to her, they sat down and rested for a while, Bill gave her some water to drink.

"Why is there an inhaler in your bag, do you also have asthma?" Nora asked

"I'm not asthmatic actually, I keep it there for you" Bill said

"For me?"

"Um yeah, incase you ever have an attack, I'll always be there to help you" Bill said

Nora just stared at him and then gave him a peck "Let's continue, we are already done"

Soon they finished and went inside and freshened up, Jenny's mother had prepared something for them to eat.

They had an amazing day Rachel, Jenny's mother told them all to spend the night, it was them that Jordy realised that they had many rooms.

They were to leave the next day, they were going back to school.

They spoke a bit, and then the girls went to their room same with the boys, or so Rachel wanted it to be. But at night they snuck to the living room and turned on the TV.



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Peace & Love!


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