"Weekly Contest 03 || The Diary Game || Amazing day"

in Steem Kids & Parentslast month






Hello friends from steemit, I strongly believe that our week is going well, before proceeding. I must say that I am very happy as this is my first diary game to display how I spent my day and today being the second day of the week have been included to my list of my amazing days of the month of April. I deeply appreciates @m-fdo for organizing this amazing contest, and I am so excited to take part in it. follow me as I take you through on how I spent my day today.







This is how it went, woke up very early today by 6:00am cause I had a stressful night, could not sleep well last night because of the heat, there was light everywhere but my own light phase had problem, so its been three days and nights without having light and I have been unable to sleep well, today was school day, so I just stayed up from 6am till when the weather became brighter, so today being school day, I had to prepare for school, so I did few things before leaving which includes;

COOKING; After I was done with my morning duties, I went ahead to prepare myself breakfast, so I went to this close by shop to get few items for my rice, so I went with my phone to do transfer cause I was not with any money and I also withdrew my transport money, which I would use to school, after cooking and eating what I prepared, I took my bath and rested.

During my rest time, I got a message in the class whatsapp group that the class won't hold, at this point I was already set to go out today, which I found that as an opportunity to visit my old friend and I went there around 2pm.




So I went to my friend's place and there was light, in fact what really took me to his place was because of light and my phone was low, we had fun, bought snack and ate, I could not capture those moment cause by this time my phone was dead and was charging, so around 3pm I switched on my phone and after seeing a movie from his laptop, we decided to play pes2019, pes is my best when it comes to gaming, and of cause I won the game, its been long I played though, up to like 5months now cause of school and the rest, so today I played till I was tired, and I left to my house when my phone was fully charge by 6:30pm.


So I reach home about 6:45pm, our house is close, it take few minutes to reach mine from his place, met my mum on the road, and we entered the house together, she told me to go to the market to buy beans for tomorrow, cause I believe that tomorrow's class won't be cancelled, immediately I rushed to the market, that is when I saw NEPA people trying to fix our wire and I'm so happy that there will light tonight. So I went to the market and bought Beans and also onions using our naira.




I bought Onion from the aboki people and also bought beans, looking up to the sky, this evening weather was cold and it looked as if rain will fall, immediately after buying everything, I rushed home, and I selected the beans for tomorrow and I am even done with selecting, and about to go to bed. So GOODNIGHT EVERYONE.

This is how I spent my day and I hope you agree with me it was indeed an amazing day. And If you have read to this point, I really appreciates for taking out time to view how I spent my day throught this post. Thank you


I invite @imohmitch @bossj23 @godswillokon to take part in this contest.


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