Steemit Engagement Challenge S3-W1: My dreams in childhood by @ebuahsang1

in Steem Kids & Parents2 years ago (edited)

Hello most esteem steemians. It is another season of the Steemit Engagement challenge and I am very happy to be here today. I will join the whole Steemit community to talk about the childhood dreams.

What were the dreams you had in childhood for the future.

I like every other child was not exempted from dreaming. I had a couple of dreams, first I will start with career wise

1- Teacher



As a child I always dreamt of becoming a teacher. My father was a teacher in a school called Enieg Mbengwi and he used to walk me to school in nursery school. So I developed love for the teaching field.

2- Doctor

My second childhood dream was to be a doctor. I was 8 years when my mother got sick. She was very sick that she got operated upon two time in 2 months. During the first operation my mother almost lost her life because she was losing too much blood. But for the doctor who immediately connected his blood to her during the operation. Since then we have been family friends and I love him. This made me to dream of becoming a doctor.

3- Stock broker and a business man

My most recent dreams was to be a stock broker. I had this dream back when I was 14 years. The desire to be able to work from home has always been my dream. Having the freedom to make money from home and do what I want. This is still a current dream of mine.

4- Be a great husband and travel the World.

Also, I have always wished to get married, be the best husband to my wife like my father did and have a cute family. I want me a family of 5, that's 3 children plus my wife and I. My dream is to travel the world with my family especially Miami beach

Who supported you in that dreams.

My Mother


It is no doubt that our highest backup and support system is our parents. They always there supporting our every dreams no matter how stupid they are. My mother has been a total support to all my dreams. She provided for my education till the masters level.
What better way to show support if not like this.
I have received supports from friends, family and other people.

Which one of those dreams have you achieved.

Teacher. As I earlier said my first dream was to become a teacher. I am not a trained teacher but then again I love teaching and I used to teach in a private university before the Anglophone crisis in my country.


So far this is the only childhood dream I have achieved. But I can say I am in route to achieving the others but for Doctor. I cannot be a doctor because I didn't study science or medicine in school.


Childhood dreams are always very beautiful. It is rather unfortunate that as we grow old we gradually move away from them. I am somehow lucky to still be in route to achieving some of my childhood dreams. .

I invite @codingherald @nkwainbryan and @dholy1 to take part in this contest.


It goo to know that your dreams as a child was teaching, doctor a good man who travels a lot, so far I see you gmhave taught people, and that been said you have achieved one of your dreams

Greginhs and blessings


friend thank God, you have already achieved one of your dreams and you can still continue, fighting to achieve the others. I wish your dreams come true.

Greetings and much success.

 2 years ago 

Woow bro your dreams During childhood life where were quite good and they are very simple and nice dreams most of us have dreamed of when growing up as children. I'm so happy for your mom for always standing by your side in supporting all of your dreams. However, God always know what is best for us all and he knows exactly what is best for you

Hahaha 🤣😂 I was shocked when I heard of doctor because I know you as a strong artist who hate science with passion. That means if you be last be doctor like na for eye you for di give injections😂😂😂

 2 years ago 

Hola felicitaciones por tus sueños hechos realidad, me sentí muy feliz al verte tan alegre en la foto...

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