Contest:My Parent My Everything ❤️

in Steem Kids & Parents2 years ago


Appreciation to this great community for accepting a great contest like this and a big hello to the great participants too.❤️ Family is a group of people who are closely related by blood making up of the father mother and children...the case study today which is the parent..below is a post about my parent being my everything..

Do you really love your parents?Tell us why you love them and how important they are to you

Loving my parent, being my mom and dad is what I can't stop doing just as I keep loving my own self. From the start my parent have always been my second creator by producing, grooming and Caring for me. That alone say it all why I love them.

My Mom and I

Motherly love is the best one can experience in life,because of the pain she went through giving birth to one. My mom is one of the best mommys in the world by being there for me mostly with her words, support, care and love. I was nutured by my mom mostly, My dad was scares at home because of his work schedule, moving out early and coming back late. I felt much love around my mom than my dad because of their mode of discipline too.. knowing very well that when you spare the rod you spoil the child, Some of the corrections don't worth it..because some of the parent discipline their children out of anger and without clearly stating why the discipline them..
Some of the words made by my mom cuts me deeper than the rod. I get to forget the pain from the rod but the word of correction and advice sticks better to keep me on the right track.

Picture of my dad and mom
My dad being the head of the family has really affected the family positively because he caters, supports, guides and makes judgement in the family..Not minding the method he uses to discipline us i still love him because the rod has impacted much in me..such as respect, good life and keeping up good manners. My dad is full of stories, funny and positive vibes because of his stay with the outside world. He told us about a true life story how he escaped death through leaving a simple life. He encountered one man struggling with him for a seat in the bus when he was about traveling for his work..meanwhile he payed the seat first, the man argued that he is the rightful person to take on that seat. My dad left the taxi peaceful and boarded another,So the other man's taxi left first after some minutes my dad's taxi dad met the taxi on the road crashed to pieces by a trailer killing all the passengers including that man. The story taught me alot about patience and living a simple life

How do you show love to them

I show them more love while they're still alive to show how worthy they're to be my parent. some people in the state enjoy making an outstanding burial.. spending alot when the want to bury their dead ones..only to know that thier parent died of why do such when they're no's so unworthy...I show love to my parents by:
✨ Getting them gifts and love notes
✨ Supporting them with worthy knowledge and ideas
✨ Making them feel at happy and special at home.
✨ Helping at them with their immediate needs and taking on chores too.
✨I help mom loose her hair and make funny photos of her too

Picture showing one of her funny photo

1668321747937 (1).jpg

when do you show your love to them

I show my love to them while they're still will be so wrong to send them flowers when they're I show them more while they're breathing here on earth. I appreciate them on anniversaries, birthdays and special days.

what have you learned from your parent

My parent have groomed me in a good way to put me on the right track inorder to cope with diversities of life.
✨My parent taught me how to do what is right at all times
✨ Grooming me up with a strong and fighting spirit.
✨They keep me motivated and inspired when it seems like I'm falling..
✨They showed what true love is about and working hand in hand with the family to make success


Parent plays vital role in grooming up a child in a godly and acceptable's mostly left for the child to obey and work by those words. thank you for going through my post 🥰❤️

10% payout to @steemkidss




There's no joking with mother's love. Their pampering and spoiling is what makes us love them the most. Our fathers do their best to provide, we love them alot.

 2 years ago 

Yeah...parental love is the best😍

 2 years ago 

Some of the corrections don't worth it..because some of the parent discipline their children out of anger and without clearly stating why the discipline them..

Very true, some parents caution their child out of anher bot really because it is necessary. It is only a parents who knows they have wronged their child would apologize when they realize they were wrong.

 2 years ago 

Yeah.. observed

 2 years ago 

Mother's love is really the greatest value we get. We should do our best to get that love.

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