Social Studies Lesson: Drugs and Drug Abuse

in Steem Kids & Parents2 years ago (edited)

Greetings, everyone.

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A very big shout-out to our tutor, @udylicious; she did dish out a topic that will help us stay on track and avoid abusing drugs, whether knowingly or unknowingly.

There's no doubt that we kids abuse drugs a lot, especially when they're sweet. I remember years ago when I used to buy vitamin C and just keep taking it as if it were candy. We did abuse a lot of drugs while growing, though we did so without knowing we were doing so, but thank God for this eye-opening class.

I also remember those days when we could sell a drug bottle, and for this reason, when my parents were not home, my siblings and I would drink up all the drugs that were sweet in order to empty a bottle. It was just God that was showing mercy; we did a lot that could have harmed us.

Define drug abuse.

Drug abuse simply refers to the misuse of drugs. It can be defined as the process whereby an individual takes in an amount of drugs that can affect their health negatively.

Drug abuse can cause mental disorders, heart failure, epilepsy, and a whole lot of other damage to one's health. Drug abuse has no good sides; we should all stay away from abusing drugs.

State five uses of drugs.


No doubt we are all aware of how important drugs are and the purpose they serve when taken. Drugs serve different purposes in the human body.

  • The Cure For An Ailment: At some point in our lives, we have fallen sick, and aside from the grace of God, the other thing that helped us back to our feet was the drugs and medication we were on while we were sick. Drugs can be used as a cure for ailments.

  • Helps an Injury Heal Faster: I remember when I got injured by a beer bottle. The injury wanted to turn into something else, but with the help of antibiotics, the injury was able to heal up a lot faster than it would have if left.

  • Hinders Disease Attack: We don't always take drugs in order to treat a disease; sometimes we take them to avoid being attacked by a disease later on in the future. For example, those who failed to take the polio meningitis immunization as little kids are suffering from a polio meningitis attack today.

  • Helps To Aid Digestion: Most times we have a tight schedule in which we end up eating very late. There are drugs we can take that can help speed up the digestion process so we don't have to wait for hours after eating before we go to bed.

Stronger Bones: Last year, my mom bought some calcium phosphate, which is said to provide us with stronger bones and even teeth.

List and explain the different forms of drug abuse.


There are different forms of drug abuse, and these include:

  • Cocaine: is a drug that, even when taken in small quantities, can stimulate the entire body system.

  • Alcohol: These days we have herbal medicine that contains alcohol. Most persons now take this medicine not because they feel sick but because they want to drink alcohol, thereby abusing the drugs.

  • Overdose: Many people abuse drugs by taking them in excess. I once had a neighbor who drank a whole bottle of cough syrup just to get high.

What are the major causes of drug abuse?

There are lots of reasons why people abuse drugs.

  • Peer pressure: Many youths practice drug use because their friends are doing so; some friends even go to the level of threatening to cut you off if you don't do as they do.

  • Depression: Many people feel as if abusing drugs can help them escape depression and the problems of life.

Write down your experience with drugs.

Some years back, I fell seriously ill to the extent of throwing up, and in the process, I threw up some of the drugs I just swallowed. My aunt immediately replaced the drugs and gave me new tablets to swallow.

Little did she know this act of hers could result in an overdose; I felt drowsy through out that day. It took time before I could regain myself.

Thanks for reading my post.



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 2 years ago 

Little did she know this act of hers could result in an overdose; I felt drowsy through out that day. It took time before I could regain myself.

Ooops, taking another drugs immediately after vomit is dangerous thankGod you regained yourself.

 2 years ago 

Thank you @david-o so much for sharing this quality content with us.

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 2 years ago 

Thank you for taking time to answer the questions and providing an excellent post. We sometimes are advice to take another drugs of the previous one was vomited though not immediately. Am glad you were not badly harm. I appreciate the valuable information you have given in your post.

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