My dairy game|| Having a nice Sunday || 16/6/2024


Good day everyone it's another day here on my dairy game hope you doing great today, Happy Sunday to you all and happy Father's Day to all father's out there, hope you all went to church today, I actually went to church today it was really fun.

My morning activity

I woke up this morning with so much joy and happiness, I prayed to God then I went ahead in doing my house chores and running some errands for my parents, also trying to get myself prepared for church, when I was done with running some errand for my parents I went on to make some breakfast which was Bread and tea with fried egg. When I was done I had to go take my bath I prepared my junior siblings for church too. When I was through with everything I was doing I had to wear my cloth take my breakfast and left with my siblings to church while my Parents were not able to join us due to work.

My breakfast


We reached the church so early today it was 8:00 AM when we arrived at the church,it was already praise and worship, the house was filled with the spirit of the lord, when the praise and worship was over the moderator came out to call on the next activity which was offering and tithes. He called out people who had their tithes with them few persons came out and presented their tithes after that the pastor was asked to pray for them.

Me in church


The pastor was done with the prayer the main choir where now the one's to take over. They sang some praises and we danced and walked in a queue to the offering box and put our offerings then we walked back to our sit maintaining the same order.

Today being a father's day, the father's were asked to come out for prayers. They came out and sang some songs to God and also contributed the sum of 600 thousand naira for the church project. When that was done the pastor prayed for them and they all descended back to their various sit.



It was time for the gospel to be preached by the pastor, he spoke on a topic Supernatural Visitation he made mentioned of how different characters in the bible who were visited Supernaturally on the 6th month, he Further made some declaration which the congregation repeated after him, after all has been said the pastor concluded and prayed for the congregation then the closing hymn was sang and the grace was shared and the church was dismissed, all this happened within the range of 8 Am to 3 Pm, and I was asked to wait for youth meeting too. I enjoyed the service because it was so inspiring and touching.

Evening Activities

In the evening I went to with my Mom to the shop to assist her in arranging some items she bought when I was done with that I went to buy some fuel from the fuel station. When we were done we head back home because it was late already.

Helping my Mom in shop



Me going to get some fuel.

That's how my day went, hope you enjoyed everything you read.
Thanks for reading have a blissful day.

 26 days ago 

Hola amigo @daniel3261, tuviste un día muy productivo e impresionante, fuiste a la Casa de Dios, te congregaste lo que más me conmovió porque allí está la bendición verdadera, ayudar en las labores en la tienda espectacular y es lógico surtir combustible para avanzar es necesario.

Saludos cordiales y mucho éxito 🙏

Gracias por pasar por aquí y decir algo. Espero que estés teniendo un gran día.


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