My Pictures My Memories: My Picture Album Is Safe With Steem

Picture from my album 2014

Pictures reminds us of our past events. Though some might bring bad memories like when we had an accident or lost of a family members. But here, we are talking about nice memories that makes us smile each time we look at the pictures. It also helps us to remember the good times we had with friends or family members.

The event that the picture present.

You might find it difficult to find me from the above image but let me help you out. Starting from your left hand side, after the lady that was putting on purple and white combination gown, you pass the second person which was a young man with white t-shirt, am the next person with orange t-shirt polo with blue jeans trousers. Hope you can find small me? Hahahaha.

This picture was taken in the year 2014 in Calabar Cross River State., though I can't really remember the actual date. We actually went for Car award ceremony and this is our team from Uyo. Then, I was into product marketing company called Green World. A Chinese company owned by a Chinese woman. Though I was not among the awardees but my elder sister was. She was given two 2014 model ma'am tear lader Chevrolet each worth 2.5 million.

Their where many celebrants who warn different incentives like house fund award worth 21million, Jeep worth 10 million and one Mrs Chuks Ezeifeka was awarded the first Green World global Chairman. It's a very big event that I wouldn't want to forget in a hurry many gifts was shared in the event. And I understand what network marketing is all about.

Why the picture is very important to me.

Though some persons in this picture is late, but each time I look at this picture. It helps me to remember what a white Man said during the event. I can't remember his name now, but I quote him.

If you can't fly run, if you can't run walk, if you can't walk crawl, in everything, make sure you are moving.

With this motivational talk from him, I came to understand thathat I might not be able to do what others are doing in networking marketing. But I shouldn't be discouraged instead, I should work hard to succeed in whatever thing am doing.

How the picture was taken.

Am not the one who took the picture or with my device but was taken by a professional photographer. So, I took the picture from my album.


The contest idea is very good. I suggest we should all write it in steemkidss and parents community instead of writing it in different community and dropping the link here. Hope I didn't go too far?

Am inviting @mesola, @rich20 am@yourloveguru to join this picture album contest.

Cc @ngoenyi

 last year (edited)

I am touched by the story behind this picture. It is worth remembering dear. Your sister won 2 cars in a roll? Wow! This is incredible!

Meanwhile, thank you for helping me to spot you out from the picture. You loom fresh in that picture.

The saying of that white man is just how life is. Everyone does not have the same abilities but let's keep moving. You will surely find what you are good at.

Thank you for your participation and for believing in steem. Saving your pictures here is a good decision. Success to you

Your suggestion is well noted. Thank you

Yeah she won 2 car's in a roll. Thanks so much for your nice comments on my post

Hello @chichieze, thank you for publishing your content in our community.

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What a nice memory you bring us and what wise advice they gave them in the talk, the important thing is to be moving and not stop, thanks for your valuable participation, greetings.

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Thanks very much for your nice comments. Really appreciated

This is a very touching post. I am touched by the white man's words. Life is always moving and never stagnant. If you remain at a point, you will be left behind because the world is moving and people are moving. So sorry to hear that some persons in the picture are late, may they continue to rest in the bosom of the lord. Your picture holds word.

Yeah, in everything in life, we must keep moving

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