SEC14 WK:#3: Charity Begins At Home

in Steem Kids & Parents7 months ago

Greetings Everyone. I am Asad Fazal from Pakistan. I hope everyone here in STEEM KIDS & PARENTS are doing well and enjoying their life by the grace of Allah Almighty. Today I here to take part in SEC Season14 Week5 challenge with topic "Charity Begins at home". Let's discuss it further!

SEC14 WK#3 Charity Begins At Home.jpg

Image taken from Freepik & Edited on Illustrator

👉What is your view about charity and do you believe that it should begin at home?

Helping each other is what the main purpose of human beings. Charity is such an act in which we help each other specially the ones who need our support in terms of money, house items, and other things. There are hundreds of charity foundations working in the world.

In Islam, charity/Sadqa is not only giving physical things like money, clothes or other items. But a smile or making someone happy is also known as charity. Bringing peace in someone's life is also charity.


Image taken from Freepik

Yes charity work must start from home. We must teach our kids about this wonderful charity act and what benefits it give us in return. Like as a Muslim, my only goal is to please Allah Almighty as he is the only creator of us and we must do what he asked us to do, in which, charity is one thing.

Starting charity from home is a must that not only stays in your family but also in your future generations. And this act will continue till end.

👉What is the motivating factor for charity work and is it good to broadcast what you have done for others

There are a lot of benefits in doing charity so that are the motivation factors for everyone. If you help someone, other people seeing you will also do it, not all but atleast 10 out of 100 people will definitely do it. Specially in Muslim countries, 70% out of 100 people do charity/Sadqa and only few who don't know much of its benefits skip it.

What I personally don't like in charity is someone is giving something to poor and showing it on camera only to gain respect is a waste. Allah Almighty also don't like such acts in which you do charity to make joke of poor people.

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Image taken from Freepik

So I think broadcasting is good only if your intention is not to get fame or to showcase to people. If your intentions are clean and you are only helping others to please Allah Almighty your creator then you can broadcast it. Moreover if you want other to do same and thats why you are broadcasting your charity work, then it is also good as more people will do it.

👉When was the last time you carried out charity work to the members of your home

Charity can be given to our siblings if they really worth it. Because charity is to help poor and if your siblings are struggling in house expenses a lot, then you can give charity to them. If there is no one in home, then first one who is worthy of your charity is your neighbours then relatives and then others.


Image taken from Freepik

Smiling is a charity act so I did this in my house. I sometimes make laugh my parents and siblings and it makes me feel happy. But with money, I never give charity to my family members we are good and don't need it. So I did it few days back to someone living in other city of Pakistan and also in India.

👉Your advice to others about charity

My advice to others about charity is to do it as much as you can because it makes a huge difference in the world. If top 500 richest people start charity work in proper way then world will change a lot in next 7-10 years. But unfortunately, they do charity to the non-profit organizations who most of the charity part for their own life and only give few to others just to show that charity money is spending on poors.

Also good deeds in Islam are what we do secretly but not publicly. So as I mentioned above already that showing your charity to gain fame and more funds from rich people to fill your stomach is what the worst way of charity. It disrespect the poor and needy. So charity work must be done secretly. In this way, no person's feeling will hurt.

Thank You For Reading

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This is all from me for the "SEC14 WK:#3: Charity Begins At Home". I invite @mini80, @malikusman1, @kouba01, @paholags, and @lavanyalakshman to participate in this contest.

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I love the statement you made that smiling is a charitable deed. Putting a smile on the faces of people is a huge therapy for long life and the essence of charity is to encourage love amongst ourselves.

Your approach to alms is very good, providing assistance to relatives in need is a noble step. The act of giving smiles and happiness to those around you is also a great form of kindness. Reaching out to people outside the family circle, as you would by giving alms to someone in another city in Pakistan and India, is a comprehensive way to contribute to the well-being of society. Best wishes to you!👏👏

Hello friend
It's interesting to know that you've got a great ideology in charity. Indeed Christy should begin at home, we must try hard to show care in our won little way too. You stressed how charity motivates alot if people, citing instance you shared that at least 10 out of 100 would always get motivated to do so. You cited instances that you try to make your family happy through charity through making them laugh and showing them care as they do not need the money. Cheers i enjoyed your entry and success in the challenge my dear friend

 7 months ago 

¡Holaaa amigo!🤗

Ayudar en casa es una acción muy importante qie debemos aprender desde pequeño porque, esto nos enseña a ser solicitos con todos y, a su vez, asumismos responsabilidades en el hogar por lo que, la colaboración siempre brindará caminos de buena acción.

Te deseo mucho éxito en la dinámica, un fuerte abrazo💚

 7 months ago 

Charity is one of many noble deeds. People for people. Giving something to someone unconditionally without expecting anything in return is called charity. In Islam such charity is called sadga. Charity needs to start from home so that children will be motivated to do humanitarian work from an early age. You said it is true that if the rich people of the world gave away some of their wealth then there would not be so many needy people. Good luck to you.

Your thoughts about charity really hit home. Charity isn't just about giving things; it's also about making people happy and bringing peace. I admire how you talk about teaching kids to be kind and giving. That's a fantastic way to keep kindness going for a long time.

Saying that charity should start at home and continue in the future is powerful. You're right about why people do charity and how important it is not to show off. Your actions, even just making your family laugh, show that charity comes in different forms.

You're spot-on about being humble in charity. It's awesome how you encourage others to give without seeking attention. Thanks for sharing your thoughts on charity—it's truly inspiring!

 7 months ago 

Indeed, even a smile can go a long way in helping a person. It's not that easy to help people most especially this time when it feels like everyone cares about only themselves. Others help for attention or views. From your write-up it's clear the motive for charity should be love and affection.

 7 months ago 

Thank you for reading my content. I appreciate :)

 7 months ago 

Beautiful view of charity . Thanks for sharing

 7 months ago 

My Pleasure :)

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