in Steem Kids & Parents3 years ago
Hello Friends!!!

Dealing with topics like this is interesting to me, it is true that every human being has a totally different point of view which makes the circumstance super entertaining, plus from an educated brain you always learn something good. So let's write!

The Image is from the Contest.


What do you understand by compassion?

It is a human feeling that manifests itself from the contact and understanding of the suffering of another being. More intense than empathy, compassion is the perception and rapport in the suffering of another, and the desire and action to alleviate, reduce or completely eliminate such a painful situation .

I see it as the way to seek and investigate the situation of the other, to understand their perspective and to know how to help, in other words sometimes we have to put ourselves in the shoes of others to understand the meaning of many things which we only observe from afar and judge without approaching to knock on the door and live a day, their routine life.

Who can show it and why?

Any human being who is capable of reasoning and has a little bit of conscience, is in his total possibility to be compassionate with the people of his close environment and even more with those he does not even know. Although it sounds somewhat out of context, it is scientifically proven that people who help strangers live a more peaceful, happy and satisfied life, and it helps us to grow as a person.

But it is very interesting question, because the answer continues. In animals is usually observed little level of compassion between predators and prey (as we well know is their instinct and their food cycle), despite this, there are cases where predators retreat and let their prey escape, animals have feelings and I dare to say that they are even purer than those of human beings.

And that's life, sometimes we go through situations that are marking us on the road, but I'm sure many would let their prey escape, and forgiveness plays a very important point in the word "compassion", the problem exists when other feelings such as anger, revenge, rage all this brings as a consequence a feeling of hatred and resentment, and if at some point it is time to be compassionate, it would not be among any option.

Have you shown compassion to someone, how did you do it and how did the recipient feel?

Being rewarded with a smile is one of the most precious things in the world. Sometimes we can help others with just a word, a small gesture, a small action. In this opportunity, she is one of the cases that the Disciples of Emmaus, together with the @teammango, are taking care of.

She just wanted to eat something tasty, or at least feed herself, the situation of the country has affected many Venezuelan homes and it is really painful to see how there are people who do not even have a plate of food on their table, so *Why not share. Her happiness was something indescribable.


Has anyone ever shown you compassion before and how did you feel when it was shown to you?

The nicest form of compassion I have known, is that of my close ones trying to understand my feelings and my state of mind in order to help me, they even recreate scenes from my life to see how they would react and that, simply that, is something I value very much and without a doubt they make me feel loved, protected and above all supported.

Express your compassion to someone in a practical way.

To be compassionate we don't need to go beyond our comfort zone, and that's an interesting thing, because even though we can be compassionate from our comfort, we don't get used to it, and when we do we think we need to move in order to be compassionate to others, and we don't and it shouldn't be that way.

Sometimes we are walking down the street, and we see thirsty or hungry animals and we are so inhumane that we do not stop to help them, it does not mean that by feeding them you have the obligation to take them home, but in a particular case, if every person did this every time they go out, there would not be so many puppies and kittens in a state of malnutrition.

The change starts with the mentality of each one, we have to stop thinking in the "I do if he does ", enough of being followers, let's be leaders of great changes!.

Do you think compassion is a virtue that everyone should cultivate and demonstrate in a practical way?

Actually yes, I am sure that building a better world would be one of the first goals on the list of every person who is part of a given society, countries would be more united, so every worker, teacher, singer, student, doctor, transporter and everyone, would be in the ability to be tolerant and compassionate bringing positive things like dialogue between nations, eradicating poverty, and bringing food to those in need.

How did you learn to show compassion and where?

Working in a team is synonymous with learning to live with the pain of others. It is impossible for a team, be it a work team, a sports team, a dance team, a social aid team, a school team, to function properly without good communication, and good communication will not be possible without a good relationship on a personal level.

Being Scouts taught me to think of others before myself, and it is something that many of us find difficult, I remember that in many activities in which we had to bring our lunch, they made us change the food rations to lift, that taught us to let go of what is ours and learn to appreciate what others, whether more or less.

What would the world be like if everyone cultivated this quality?

Humanity would be united, and without a doubt there would not be so much violence, animals would not be becoming extinct, and there would be better plans and strategies to combat any circumstance that affects any country, we would be able to be tolerant of others, something that many lack and do not know how to accept.

I invite you to see my Presentation Post:

More about me

~I'd rather make mistakes of kindness and compassion than perform miracles of cruelty and harshness. !~
(Mother Teresa)

 3 years ago 

Hola @cachetes-27 estás haciendo un gran trabajo de atender las necesidades de los más vulnerables. De eso precisamente se trata la compasión, es muy importante que lo hagamos y lo entendamos como tu, citas al mejor ejemplo de compasión y servicio de todo el siglo XX, la Madre Teresa de Calcuta "Agner". Y tu haces una gran labor, te felicito y te deseo lo más bonito para que sigas creciendo y ayudando a otros. Es un gran ministerio!

¡Gracias por el apoyo! A veces la mejor motivación que existe son esos comentarios de buenos deseos, que transmiten mensajes positivos y ganas de seguir trabajando. ¡Muchísimas gracias por visitar mi posts!
¡Un abrazo!

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