Hall of Fame Dairy game by @bossj23 || 8-5-22

in Steem Kids & Parents2 years ago (edited)


Greetings to everyone in this community. It's another dairy game for the hall of famers, kid celebrity of February 2022 by @bossj23. Yesterday was a blissful, stressful and fruitful day. I spent my yesterday visiting places and showing some kind deeds. Yesterday i visited 5 places and successfully carried out two missions. Journey with me in this post as i narrow down my activities yesterday.

Morning Activities

I woke up in the morning as early as 5:30am and did my initials and spiritual activities. I did my chores before gathering as a family to examine the scripture and prayer together as one. One thing that was of special interest to me was we shouldn't condemn ourselves if we are struggling with a weakness because do not have a righteous standard before God. After examining the scriptures, i went to my room to plan how much day would go. I had plans of fixing my broken screen, hosting a jamb tutorials for my friend since he'll be writing jamb next week Tuesday, hosting a coaching lesson for two kids, being an excort to reprint jamb slip and then working in my dad's shop.... Trying to figure out how to manage my time to fit into all these activities was distressing. I then figure out a scale of preference to guide me.

Scale of preferenceTime
Weaving clothesFirst Activity
Reprinting Jamb SlipSecond Activity
Repairing phone ScreenThird Activity
Hosting jamb tutorialsFourth Activity
Coaching two kidsFifth Activity

After making a scale of preference, i did my hygiene, bath and then ate my breakfast.

After eating my breakfast, I wore my clothes and Left home. I reach my dad shop so as to weave some trousers. I spent nearly an hour trying to weave the trousers.



After weaving, i left my dad's shop and boarded a vehicle down to a phone and accessories office to repair my phone's screen.

I actually spent ample time there before heading to reprint the jamb slip. Me and my friend went to a cyber cafe to reprint the slip before returning to collect the phone since the repairer had to buy the screen and then fix it.


Afternoon Activities

At about 1pm was when we were returning to collect the phone since the repairer gave us two hours interval. I was so much elated to see my phone's screen back to it's normal screen, unscathed. I collected the phone and left the repairers shop and left for my classmate's house since it was a stone throw to host the tutorial. I arrived there late enough so what i did was to coach the guy on certain subjects and then we chatted after i hosted the tutorial. We discussed funny and crazy things. Memories of our secondary school life was shared. After that, i was pretty hungry so i went to a fast food restaurants close by with my friend and ate our lunch.


Evening Activities

I left that eatery by 5Pm and headed to coach those two kids. I drilled them on what was taught that day and then i set a timetable for them to follow and certain excelling habits to practice if they want to be at the top. I spent roughly 2 hours with them and finally boarded a vehicle home. I was pretty stressful that day. I arrived home and ate my dinner and then retired to bed. But before retiring fully, i watch a movie i collected during the day and then slept off. This is @bossj23 dairy...Thanks for going through


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I read that daily text too and it was really encouraging, reading it in the morning gives us all the encouragement we need for the rest of the day.

It's amazing how you were able to finish all those activities, for me 24 hours a day is too little to finish those tasks you mentioned. I admire the way you were able to organised your time and see that everything is done and in a right way.
I didn't know you also coach jamb students, that's really interesting, I hope you can teach me too.

That's Dechoice mall you went to right? I want my share, and why didn't you invite me there? 🙃.

Thank you for participating in the hall of fame project. I wish you success 🌺

Delegation| Yes
Steemexclusive| yes
Voting bot|no
Club status|5050

 2 years ago 

Hello @bossj23, Your post has been selected as one of the quality posts for the day by steemkids community. Congratulations! Please keep making quality and original contents with us here. We love you so much and will like to read more of your posts.

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