My Pictures, My Memories Contest, My Picture Album Is Safe With Steem

in Steem Kids & Parents8 months ago

Hello, esteemed community, it's my delight to be a Steemian. Hope you all are doing great. Special greetings go to the organizers for bringing up this great topic to write on.
I will use this platform to share my unforgettable memories with you all. I hope it will interest you as you read about them.

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Picture 1

The first picture here bring back old memory and it's when I was serving as a Corp member in my National Youth Service with fellow Corp members in 2014, and 2015. Many years have passed, right? It's quite interesting that Streemit holds a contest that brings my pictures to my memory.

You can see three of us in this picture it was fond. Memories that I treasure so much about that time.
We gather every month to sign our monthly allowance in the local government council that's where I took the picture with my friends. When we gather we will receive instructions on how to have a successful service year.
In my primary place of assignment, I teach though I had some challenges with the language barrier I was able to have a successful service year. Part of my time was used in learning some skills, bead making and makeup, bridal bouquets, and hand fans.


Picture 2

This picture was taken during World Food Day in Akwa Ibom at Ibom Hall located at IBB Way. This event was awesome because a variety of food items were displayed as seen in the picture, This happened yearly I was privileged to be there. Wow, I saw a display of our locally produced food items. On this occasion, different groups of farmers showcased their farm products ranging from plantain, coconut, cassava, and different kinds of edible leaves. Women in uniform line up for match pass. I have to serve these pictures because it's memorable. I have never seen farm produce on such a display, with Different farmers with their cooperative names and farm products. There was a match pass for each group of farmers showcasing their products. Holding a contest that makes me bring up this picture from my gallery is quite interesting and I know the picture is served here.


Picture 3

The next memorable picture from my phone is my sister's wedding, which took place in the kingdom hall of Jehovah's Witnesses Umohia Road, ikot Ekpene on 27h April 2017. We all traveled down there for the occasion. We had a uniform for the family ( pink). Looking at the pictures on my phone reminds me of how the occasion was, I recall how my sister and the husband danced on their occasion, she didn't know some dance steps but she tried as well as the husband they both made the occasion a joyful one. Almost a year now I have not looked at them on my phone because there are many other pictures but this contest made me scroll through and look at them again it brings back old memories great ones for that matter, My pictures are safe in the Steem community because I will always come here to view them and bring back the old memories. We attended the ceremony as a family and It was fun and beautiful really.


I must commend you on this particular contest , this is one of a kind so far. Thank you for giving me opportunity to share my fun memories with you digging my phone gallery for interesting pictures i took many years ago and sharing how fun those moments was.
I also trust that my pictures are safe in this community and that i can recover it at any point. I have more to share with you but save them for future contest.

@bossj23, @okere-blessing and @patjewell

Cc, @ngoenyi

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