Steemit Engagement Challenge S3-W1: My Dreams In Childhood By @amryksr [#club5050 and #burnsteem25]

Every child has a dream when they grow up. There are no humans without dreams when they grow up, whether it's a dream come true when they grow up or not. When we ask young children what their dreams or aspirations are when they grow up, there must be someone who answers that they want to be a policeman, doctor, soldier, entrepreneur, pilot and various children's dreams when they were small. Sometimes the dreams that we imagine as a child will not be perfect when we grow up. In the challenge organized by @steemkidss or can be seen here Steemit Engagement Challenge S3-W1: My dreams in childhood I will try to describe my dreams as a child whether they match what I dreamed of as a child or not.

Steemit Engagement Challenge S3-W1.png

What were the dreams you had in childhood for the future

When I was studying in elementary school, the teacher asked our students what our dreams were when we grew up. I loudly answered that I would become a building designer or become a reliable Architect who could design magnificent buildings. From the base of this dream, from elementary school to high school, I often read books in the school library about how to design buildings.


With @ayijufridar, @zainalbakri and @bangmimi

Until I finished my high school education, I took a form at school and enrolled at Malikussaleh University with the first choice major, namely Architectural Engineering. Long story short, when the announcement was made at the university, I graduated from the first choice major at the Department of Architectural Engineering, Malikussaleh University.



Who supported you in that dreams

Talking about who supports me, of course my parents and family really support my desire to become an Architect. Because in our family I was the only one who stepped on the lecture bench, while the others only finished high school.

I am proud when my whole family supports my wish. I wanted to go to college, but my whole family was happy and they supported me both materially and financially. Of course I am very grateful because the whole family supports what I want.

Which one of those dreams have you achieved

Talking about the dreams that I have achieved, of course the first one is that my dream of becoming a prospective architect has been achieved, because I am currently studying in the Department of Architectural Engineering, Malikussaleh University. Whose heart is not happy, the dream that was dreamed of as a child is almost realized in adulthood.



With first son and wife

But the desire to become a reliable architect failed at the end of the trip, because I did not finish my education in the Department of Architectural Engineering, Malikussaleh University. The reason was because there were financial constraints at the end of the lecture and the male parent was seriously ill and I had to look after him.

If you are still a kid, what are you doing to achieve your dreams,(strictly for kids who are still aspiring to achieve their dreams)

If I could relive my childhood, then I would have a dream that is easy to realize in adulthood. Big goals need big costs. Because in order to achieve our goals we need money and if we are from a poor family, our dreams will be hampered. For example, if you want to become a pilot, you need a large amount of money to study at a pilot school. There is indeed a free education fee that is borne by the local government or school, but to be able to qualify for the free education fee we have to take part in the selection and only a few people are accepted from the free quota.


Boys First and second

Which one did you not achieve, What do you think went wrong?

As a child I only dreamed of becoming an Architect and no other dream. Means my desire as a child to become an architect failed. In realizing my dream there is nothing wrong. Whether it's me who dreams of becoming an architect or a family.


My First Boy

All children have the right to dream and become what they are when they grow up, even if they are born in a poor family. Because people are successful and successful today with their dreams as a child, not all of them were born from rich families. It only takes determination, belief and effort so that childhood dreams are achieved as adults.

That was my dream as a child and this is my contribution in making the Steemit Engagement Challenge S3-W1: My Dreams in Childhood. Don't forget me for admin and MOD community

Here I invite and hope that other stemians, especially from Indonesia, can participate and contribute to this contest, including @ayijufridar, @zainalbakri, @klen.civil, @irawandedy, @akmal1, @moer, @amre @bangmimi and other friends. Because the theme for this contest is very interesting.


About me @amryksr



Every kid ones had a dream. The joy as a kid is to dream without limitations, some of us went wild with our imaginations and dreamt so big.
As we grow, we get to experience some realities in life, and adapt to it.
I am glad you shared your dream with us, i wish you had included the ones that were wild as well 😂 because every kid had at least 1 wild dream

Dreams as a child are not necessarily when you are an adult. At least we tried.

 2 years ago 

InshaAllah you will fulfill your desire dream

Amen. I hope I can reach the others.

Waooh I am so much happy for you that you achieve your dreams job. Architecture is a very nice profession and I am happy that you are doing well. Best of luck to you friend.

I failed as an architect.

 2 years ago 

Anda masih punya harapan untuk mimpi itu bang, salah satu dari dua jagoan anda mungkin memiliki impian yang sama dengan anda bang amryksr.🙏🏻

Rencananya demikian.
Biarpun saya gagal, saya akan berusaha untuk mewujudkan impian anak saya nantinya.

 2 years ago 


Sometimes what we planned for our self is not what God wants to give it to us but don’t let what happen what happen kill your dream, still have hope in your life that one day in will happen and never give up in life and thanks for sharing your dreams with us .

I remain optimistic, even though my dream as a child was not achieved as an adult.

Hola amigo, que bueno que tú familia te apoyo en tu sueño de ser arquitecto a pesar de no lograrlo eres un ganador porque lo intentaste posiblemente no era lo que el destino quería para ti.


Incluso si no puedo lograr ese sueño, trataré de hacer realidad los sueños de mis hijos.

Así es amigo, porque los éxitos de tus hijos serán como tus propios éxitos.


Wow ini artikel terbaik yang pernah saya bacakan saya sangat terinspirasi dari karya anda tuliskan yang bisa memotivasi diri saya lebih memilih masa depan yang baik. Apa yang anda sampaikan sangat menarik teman ku @amryksr

Trimakasih saudara @afrizalbinalka sudah mau membaca artikel saya.

It is good to know that you wanted to become an architect as a childhood dream, and you did but couldn't finish which saddens me, life is full of surprises we never know what is in plan for us.


Sometimes what we planned as a child turns around when we grow up @olabillions

It could be because of age development or circumstances , .thanks to the reply

We must remain optimistic

It is good to see that You have achieved your dream and Your parents supported you. Well detailed post.

Have a great day ahead!

Dreams as a child are not necessarily when you are an adult. At least we tried.

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