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RE: Cuidado de familiares ancianos y dependientes en la familia


I saw your post and I am very sorry to hear that your mother is getting sicker day by day and she has lost her eyesight for 10 years now so she can't see anything. It was very sad to see, and as you have told me, as I have told her, what she used to do when her eyesight was fine, I thought she was a very brave woman. And they have done a lot of things in their youth and have taken good care of you, so now it is your duty to take care of them and serve them well so that they can recover quickly. Give regular medicine and also get doctor checkup so that they get well soon.

Hola amiga, tal y como dices los padres con mucho sacrificio y dedicación hacen todo por sus hijos, así que es hora de retribuirles todo ese amor con el mejor de los cuidados y las atenciones.

Gracias por tu amable comentario, saludos y bendiciones.

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