Thediarygame(06/07/2024) how I spent my day*

Good day steemit families, I believe you all are doing great like me??. Am @ability20 from Nigeria. Am really happy to participate in this great content title"
SHARE HOW YOU SPEND YOUR DAY organized by @m-fdo. Thanks so much, is such a great content.

As the sun woke me up, it was really the start of a day filled with routines and happy surprises. My morning began with the sound of my alarm, and I got out of my bed ready for a brand new beautiful day.

So here we go! I woke up by 6:15 am, with yoga as my physical exercise daily routine. I drank a glass of full warm water and watered my flowers too. In the chilled breeze I breathe in and out. Completed my daily washroom activities. I bathed and I thank God for this beautiful life and day, and for making me a living prodigy.

I hurried to kitchen make some breakfast for me and my roommate I woke him up in between, got ready for work packed my bag, ate breakfast and came to work.
After getting to lounge where I work as a bartender, I looked for my previous account to check if I had any shortage and others activities.

Me, in the bar.👇

I called my mother and talked to her about her house rent and her little business. My day was really great when I heard mother said business is going well my son, at the end of the call I promised to send my mother some money this month ending.

My bar manager came to me at 2:00 pm, and asked for a shot of tequila, as I'm a tequila lover. I said of course how can I say no. So he bought a shot of tequila for me, I drank my tequila and share some gossip with my coworkers about our salary. There was no too much customers because it was raining heavily so I rested knowing that tomorrow will be stressful.

In the evening at 6:30, I signed out for another shift to take over. It was still raining I walked under the rain to bus stop.
On getting home at 7:47 pm I was so cold I went straight to the bathroom and had my bathe. I took some warm lemon water with honey and immediately I was relieved of cold.


I put on my TV and I went to order a plate of imie from aboki down the street. when I came back, I met a short animated movie . The movie was all about a young boy and his mother,
The where too poor, their only valuable possession was a cow. The cow was very old to produce milk. The boy's mother made up her mind to sell the cow and said to his son to trade the cow at a good price.

On the way to the market, the little boy saw a mysterious man who wanted to buy his cow for the price of a bean. The man tried and convinced the boy that the bean is not just an ordinary bean. It is a magical bean. The little boy sold his cow to the man and returned home with a bean happily.
When he got home his mother asked him how much he got for the cow the boy showed up the bean. He told his mother is not just an ordinary bean. that it's magical bean.
His mother yield at him for being such a fool.

After the sad movie I checked my time it was already 9:30 pm I feel sleepy. I read my Bible usual and did my night prayer 🙏 which last for just 20 minutes then I went to bed.

This was how I spent my day, thanks so much for your time I appreciate it. Am inviting @wizzyboy3, @ameh123, @imadear to participate in this content. Thanks


I love the fact that you are very caring for making breakfast for yourself and your room. I wish you success in your entry

Thank you so much, I appreciate 🙏

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