To Boot -- Vol. 10

in Steeming Community3 years ago

Happy Friday, dear Readers. I have a very special announcement to make.


Yesterday I created a new community:

Magic & Nonesuch


I welcome all of you to check it out and to post your creative work there. As I say in the community description, anything with a sprinkle of faery-dust will do~

Here is a link to the introductory post:

All announcements aside, let's get into this edition of The Rag Rebooted.

Spotlight 1:

From the Project HOPE community, @unbiasedwriter gives us a nice article about an experience with AI and Spotify. Unbiased Writer talks about taking a drive with his-or-her family and how the way AI selected music for them through Spotify really enhanced and improved the experience.

I like this article, becuz often when we speculate about the future of AI, it is as a threat to our future, as in The Matrix Trilogy. This article takes the opposite approach, looking instead with hope to the beauty and collaboration we can share with the AIs.

Here is a link to the article:

Thank you Unbiased Writer for this wonderful article.

Spotlight 2:

In the Account Booster community, we can find a lot of great photography. One artist who does great work, especially of forest flora, is @milaoz. I recommend you click on the links below to see her "Blue Flowers" and "Black-berries on Branches":

Thank you Milaoz for these great pictures.

Spotlight 3

In the GEMS community, @ultravioletmag has posted a very lovely and awesome painting of Twin Flames uniting on the astral plane (outside their bodies). Follow the link below to see her series of photos of the painting.

Thank you Ultravioletmag for sharing this beautiful work.

to Boot:

Here's a picture of the author -- @william8wayward-- down by the lakeside, enjoying the early spring weather. Yeh, that's me, in case any of you readers have been with me for a while and were curious. It's hard to believe it has already been 10 Volumes.


Thank you so much for reading!

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