PERSEVERANCE By @ubongudofot//30% payout to @steemingcuration

in Steeming Community3 years ago


Hello, good folks of the steeming community. Hope you all are doing good? I am doing great here trust me. And this contest topic is just so fitting to all the steemians that I can’t just be looking without participating. Thank you @iddy for inviting me to participate in this contest. I’m glad it came up. Perseverance is all we steemians need in this Social media platform. I am indebted to the admin of this wonderful community for organizing this interesting contest. And to begin with, I want to Start with defining perseverance, how people view perseverance and my encounter with perseverance.


Perseverance as the name implies has to do with being persistent in tackling or doing something whether it is difficult or delaying in reaching the aim of that process.
This simply means that one needs to be consistent even when facing discouragement in achieving his or her very important goal without giving up. The bottom line is coping with unavoidable setbacks.


The truth is that we have all encountered tough times in our lives as humans and at a point, we feel we can’t make it to the end, sometimes we feel discouraged along the line. But there Is one attribute in us that would be telling us, go get it, you got it. And the moment we listen to that voice and continue whatever thing we were doing regardless of how difficult it might seem to be or how discouraged we are, then what we are simply doing there is called perseverance.
I’m sure by now you have already recalled some areas in which you were being perseverance in your life. It will also interest you to know that I recall mine and the good thing is that I am going to share it here with you all my lovely friends.


Just like our faces are different, so is our understanding of perseverance sometimes, but the truth is that being perseverance is just one human attribute we have one way or the other experience or encounter.
Many folks today in the world have this popular belief or reasoning that whether you stress yourself or not, that you can still make it easily without working hard or being persistent, does it work that way? Well, I’ll gladly say No, the reason is that you need to work hard to get what you want in life. being successful in life or anticipating any future great achievement is not all about being in the right place at the right time alone as some folks thought. One can be in a right place and at the right time but if the person is not persevering, consistent in achieving his or her goal then definitely he or she will reach nowhere.


Well perseverance, try to make a continuous effort, to keep moving forward and fighting despite what comes your way and how you feel. I was unemployed, I didn't know what to do, when the pandemic started, I was just another unemployed person, I had no idea what I was going to do with my life, on the one hand, I felt it was the best thing to do because I was tired of working for others, you make an effort to give the best of yourself and they don't value it, so they pay you a salary that doesn't fulfill everything you worked for.
So I decided to find a way to learn to do something new, on my own, and thus acquire new skills, new knowledge, which the future can help, I've been motivated to learn to design, work with crafts, create, explore other areas, I had never dared to do, believing that this was not for me, that I would not be able to do it.


I always wanted to be a programmer right from childhood and also an engineer. Guess what? So when I got into the higher institution, I tried learning programming during my first year, and honestly, it was like my brain was hard to receive those training, sad to say for the past 12 months I was not able to catch up with the training, I was discouraged. But I didn’t give up, I was persistent even though I didn’t get it well then. But the good news is that later on, I began to catch up and I was doing well in my programming skill and it will interest you to know that I am a pro now. And as I am on steemit now, it become so interesting because I can see some of the syntaxes I used in programming.


Another experience I want to share is my experience on steemit. When I joined Steemit newly, most times I was discouraged, I didn’t understand how to apply markdowns and as a result of that I wasn’t getting good rewards, most times I didn’t even receive any rewards. Later on, when I studied the techniques I began to receive little marks, even more, better than the ones I use to receive before. But at a point rewards were no longer coming in even when I applied all the good techniques. What was the problem this time? I was not consistent, I was not perseverance for months. Guess what? I started posting content regularly regardless of whether I am rewarded or not. The result also changed this time because I do have rewards and even if I don’t I am still happy doing it because I learn new things every day on steemit.
The bottom line in these two experiences is perseverance. That was what helped me to achieve these goals.
I will also like to share with you dear friends things that can help us persevere.


  • First of all, set up a good goal.

  • Find out how to achieve these goals, stick to those processes, and be positive about it.

  • perseverance which is our theme of discussion is essential to remember it is consistent action.

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when you are Perseverance and achieve your goal, you would be glad, you made it


Perseverance is an attribute that we can’t avoid if we want to achieve success. Quality needs to be cultivated and get adapted to. Set positive goals, persevere in achieving them, and have in mind that discouragements may come along the line. Fight it by all means and you will get there.
May I use this medium to invite My dear friends,@eliany, @nikkypeter, and @ddwosky to participate in this contest using this link, thanks.


 3 years ago 

Helloo. I see you do not have our Steemingzen badge. It is very important for you to have it within this community. That is a proof of support from you to us, and that way we can deliver support to you. Most of contests within the community and given support are majority for Steemingzen members. If you want to become a Steemingzen, please check out this post:

It is not only to read and apply. You must have commitment. If you apply, you are committed to follow the community guidelines. Regards for you. Thank you for your comprehension. 😊

#onepercent #venezuela #affable

Alright, thank you @psicoparedes, i have done that.

 3 years ago 

Thank you for that 😄

Thank you for changing my badge @psicoparedes.

such an inspiring story from you

Thank you very much @awuahbenjamin

 3 years ago 

Great friend, I know how difficult it is to program, my dad has worked on it all his life and I grew up in that environment, I understand you when you say it is difficult, I have seen it. I'm very glad that you're already doing better.

Wow, good to know your Dad is into it as well, thank you very much for reading my post, i'm grateful.

Thank you for inviting me, perseverance is the key, giving up is never an option.

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