in Steeming Community3 years ago (edited)


Source instagram edit

Hi Steemingzen

Today I want to share about my experience with COVID 19 Vaccine. As recommended by the government in my country, Indonesia, that every community is required to receive and undergo vaccines. This is to help reduce the rate of spread of the Covid 19 Virus

The Covid 19 pandemic that is sweeping the entire world right now is indeed very disturbing, especially if we hear and witness the news circulating. More and more people are infected with the covid 19 virus

The pros and cons of vaccines are also widely circulated among the public and are also spread on social media. The issue of vaccines also made me feel hesitant at first to undergo vaccines. However, as a teacher and *** State Civil Apparatus*** I have to participate in the success of government programs in my country. My profession as a teacher of course also plays a role in society, and is seen by many as a role model.

Finally, even though I felt anxious and doubtful, I got up the courage and made up my mind to received the first dose of covid-19 vaccine. So I went to the community health service center near where I live. There I first signed up to be vaccinated. Then I went through a health screening process by a doctor, to find out whether I was eligible to receive the vaccine or not. Then I received the first dose of Covid-19 vaccine. I did the process on June 11, 2021.


people waiting in line to be vaccinated


when receiving the first dose of covid 19 vaccine

After being vaccinated, I have no significant complaints, I just feel my body aches and the injection marks are painful. But its normal, after two days, the pain was gone. I'm still could doing my activities like usual. Meanwhile, I still feel aches in my body for up to 1 week. Furthermore I have no other complaints and side effects

Then, I was advised to return again to receive the second dose of covid-19 vaccine on July 9, 2021. However, because my condition was unwell at that time, I canceled my second vaccine schedule. I am waiting for my body condition to be fit and fresh

Finally, after my condition was fit, I received the second dose of Covid 19 vaccine on July 29, 2021 at the same place, namely at the Public Health service center.


complete data collection for vaccination


I've got my 2nd dose vaccine covid 19

Based on my experience, it turns out that after receiving the second dose of vaccine, I did not experience any complaints like when I received the first dose of vaccine. This shows that not all negative issues circulating are proven and true

But the experience I had after being vaccinated I felt fine. And no real complaints. The name of the vaccine that was injected into my body is coronavac I hope is that with my sharing about the vaccination process, all of my friends who have not been vaccinated will want to get vaccinated and don't have to feel doubt and worry. The most important thing is to make sure your body is healthy and fresh before receiving the vaccine. And always think positive.

Many thanks to @cryptokannon as the founder this great community, and @steemingcuration for the opportunity and support. Also my thanks to all steemingzen fruenda who have visit and read my post. Have a good day all, stay safe🤗



About me

 3 years ago 

!zen 30

Terimakasih telah berbagi informasi dan cerita anda yang sangat menarik dan juga bisa di jadikan pelajaran bagi kita untuk masa pandemi ini

 3 years ago 

Not enough voting power.

 3 years ago 

Terimakasih kembali atas perhatian dan apresiasinya 🤗

 3 years ago 

!zen 30

Helloo, It is Alejandro. I just pass by to tell you that I have curated your post using Steemingcuration account. Keep up with the good work 😊

Notes: none.

 3 years ago 

the post has been upvoted successfully! Remaining bandwidth: 380%

 3 years ago 

Thanks my friend🤗

 3 years ago 

Keep up my friend 😄 greetings

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