Contest "Love and Betrayal" | My Loyalty is Rewarded With Betrayal | by @hidayat96

in Steeming Community3 years ago

Hello friends of Steeming Community. See you again @hidayat96. How are you all? Hope you guys are fine. On this occasion I will take part in a contest held by @steemingcuration with the theme: "Love and Betrayal".

In this amazing contest I also want to invite my friends, namely @sayaalan @lingkar-photo and also @fajarsullivan to participate in the contest this.

"My Loyalty is Rewarded With Betrayal"

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Only the melody of a mellow song accompanies me every night remembering my painful love story every time I remember it and almost every night I always shed tears when I remember everything, what he did to me all this time even though I thought he was really loyal to me. But the fact is no, my loyalty was rewarded with an affair, I didn't think all of this happened to me. Sometimes I also think that if something is missing from me or I just don't pay attention to him so he turns away from me. Maybe this is what I always think about every night remembering the first time we met.

That day there was an event on our campus, where my classmates and I took part in the event and coincidentally he also took part in the event. At first we didn't know each other, but according to his friends he always paid attention to me when there was a campus event where my friends and I always took part in campus events, and so did he. Until one night suddenly my cell phone rang and I rushed to pick up my cell phone and saw the message, when I saw it was a new number and in that short message the sender's name was not listed and the contents of the message were "Hi, good night. What are you doing?"
Without waiting long, I replied, "It's evening too, I'm going to sleep. If I may ask, who is this?" I asked. A few minutes later he also replied to my message, "ohh, are you going to sleep? Then sorry, good night". In my mind I said, "Who is this person. When asked his name he didn't even answer, I'd better just sleep". I muttered.

The next day I rushed off to campus and met my friends in class and told them about the new number that sent messages last night, maybe they knew who the number belonged to. "Morning friends, oh yes I want to ask you guys can you?" My friends replied, "Of course you can, what do you want to ask?" Then I told them that last night someone sent me a message, this is the message (shows a message) and do you know the owner of this number?" My friends just shook their heads which means they don't know. my friend said, "maybe it's your fan". I just spontaneously laughed and again said to my friend, "hahaha, fan? It's impossible, I'm an artist, what are you doing?" I said.

Then when we were chatting, suddenly my cellphone vibrated and I looked at my cellphone screen and when I saw the number that sent me the message it was the person who sent me the message last night. "Last night Dayat, it seems you are really cool to chat with your friends". I was silent for a while reading the message which made me even more confused. "Who is this person, again he didn't write his name. Hmm, maybe someone did this to me", I muttered. "Who is Yat, how come your face is so dirty?" said one of my friends. "This is the person who texted me last night, he texted me again and didn't write down his name. Could it be that some of you were doing me?" I said. "It's just not enough work for us to work on you, I already told you it's your fan", replied my friend. "If not you, who is it? And he also knows that I'm talking to you guys? I'm getting more and more curious about the owner of this number, and he also knows my name". Finally I replied to the message, "who are we actually and how do you know my name and my number?". A few minutes later he also replied to my message, "you are right we are in the same campus, but we are in different classes and I know your name and number from my friends and honestly I always pay attention to you". I was even more curious about the person, I replied to his message, "What's your name and what class?". He also replied to my message but his reply made me even more annoyed. "It seems you are very curious about me, one day I will definitely come with you and will introduce myself, okay Hidayat?". With a threatening tone I replied to his message, "if you don't want to tell me your name and class, then I won't reply to your texts anymore". Then I stared at my phone screen and waited for his reply and I hoped he would tell me his name, but he didn't reply to my messages and I got even more annoyed. Then I saved the number on my cell phone with the name "STRESS".

In the evening when I was listening to the song on my cellphone, suddenly my cellphone trembled and saw a message when I saw the name of the sender turned out to him again. I opened the message, "Last night Hidayat, did you do it again...?" After reading the message then I decided not to reply until he told his name. "I won't reply to your text until you tell you your name to me, the basis of my stressful murmured". After a few minutes he sent me a message again, "How come it's not replied, are you sleeping?" After reading the message I turned the song on my cellphone. "What's the hard time you have just like the name or his name is so complicated, so that he doesn't want to mention his name, Aaahh is a stupid period. Indeed, I don't think, I'm not going to tell you until you mention your name". I muttered while staring at my cellphone screen.

The next day when I saw my cellphone screen, I saw a message then I also saw the sender's name, "Aaahhhh, he's again him anymore...", my muttered. I opened the message and immediately my eyes became literate. Fill in the message, "Good morning Hidayat, today I will meet you on campus and I will introduce ourselves, see you on campus yes". For a moment I sat quietly and looked at my cellphone screen, "finally you want to also appear hmmm. I want to be curious about who you really want, it's better for you to take a shower and to campus because I'm really curious about this person", I said.

After dressing I went straight to campus and waited for the message from the person. After a few minutes I arrived on campus, my cellphone suddenly rang and I saw my cellphone screen turned out to be true that person sent me a message. "Once you come, so you really are really curious about me to the point that you come in the morning once". After reading the message I also looked at all the places around me, but I didn't know where the person was because there were so many students, I finally decided to reply to his message. "Actually, who is, who is, hunted, show you! If today you don't show yourself, I don't want to reply to your sms again".

A few minutes later he replied to my message, "OK. You just wait there, I will come to your hopes". Then I was waiting for him and a few minutes later I saw a girl who came to me, I began to wonder. "Is he the person? Looks like I've seen it, oh yes I just remember, he is a class 1c and instead he always participates in participation every time there is a campus event but I don't know the name", my muttered. Little by little he began to approach me and I was increasingly convinced that he was the person and when he arrived in front of me he extended his hand and introduced himself. "Hi, you hidayat right? Introducing my name, I'm a class 1c and sorry that all this time I made you curious". For a moment I looked at him and answered the question, "Yeah, I Hidayat. So you save you sms without a name and always make me curious? Finally you appear too", I replied with a cool manner. Repeatedly he said sorry for me, until finally I forgave him.

Then after a week of knowing each other, suddenly one night he confessed his feelings for me and I accepted it right away. Since about 2 weeks we were dating, our relationship was fine just like the rest of my friends, but until one day I heard rumors about him that he was cheating on me, of course I didn't believe it because I had not seen it with my own eyes and I thought he couldn't be cheating. Until one day my friends and I were chatting in the yard of one of his classmates' rented house which happened to be close to campus. At that time I was watching motorbikes and cars passing by but my attention was focused on one of the motorbikes that was so familiar to me and when I saw it it turned out to be Sintia who was riding with another man who looked so intimate with Sintia's hand wrapped around his waist. that man. My tears spontaneously when I saw Sintia, "it turns out that the rumors are true that Sintia is indeed cheating on me. No wonder she has changed recently towards me, maybe this is the answer to my prayers to God. Really I didn't expect her to do that to me, I I thought he was really loyal to me and seriously in a relationship with me, it turns out that my thoughts have been wrong all this time. My loyalty is rewarded with an affair," I muttered. Then my friends tried to cheer me up and they also didn't think that Sintia was really cheating on me.

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Never mind Hidayat, a girl like that doesn't deserve you to cry. After all, now your prayers have been answered and the rumors are true, we also didn't think that she was actually cheating on me, I thought she was a loyal girl but turned out to be an asshole." Said one of my friends. "I really didn't think that he was like that to me, really what is lacking from me or I don't pay attention to him, why does he have the heart to be with me, why?", I said. No, Hidayat, you don't lack anything. You are so caring and loving to him, only his eyes are cataracts that can't see your kindness. Never mind what are you crying, while he laughs with his mistress".

Almost every night I shed tears when I remember his affair and make me wonder, "Why did he have the heart to me, why? Why?" I want to forget him, but it's very difficult for me because I already love and love him. I don't know when I'll be able to forget him considering we are in the same campus and of course every day we will meet, I don't think I want to know him again after what he has done to me. I can only hope that God can help me erase her shadow and forget that woman.


Maybe this is all I can say on this occasion. If there are words that are not pleasing, please forgive. Hopefully my post can be useful for all of us.

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 3 years ago 

!zen 30

Helloo, It is Alejandro. I just pass by to tell you that I have curated your post using Steemingcuration account. Keep up with the good work 😊

Notes: none.

 3 years ago 

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 3 years ago 

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Your post entry is valid, thank you so much for joining this contest. I wish you good luck!

 3 years ago 

Thank you very much for your support beautiful sister @fabio2614 😊

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