Good evening, dear steemians. Hope your day was great.

this morning at home

I woke up a bit late today since I wasn't going to work. I took breakfast and freshen up around 9:30 a.m. I proceeded to watch movie with my wife. The movie is titled: Stolen Identity.

After the movie, I went to a deep sleep, that lasted from 12:30 p.m. to 3:25 p.m.

I woke to take lunch. We had rice and stew with chicken.
Later, @etiufan called me for a guide on how to write his introduction post on steem. I had to chat him up on WhatsApp and told him what he needed to know. Luckily, he was with @stephen96 at the moment he called, so I asked that he get further guide from him.

Next was time to go for choir rehearsal against tomorrow's church service. We did a song, titled: You Are My Hero.

When we finished, rain stopped me from coming back. So, I had to wait till it stopped before coming back.

Luckily, the rain stopped around 6:10 p.m. and I was home by 6:30 p.m.
For dinner, we took indomie noodles, prepared by my wife.

That's it for today.
Have a beautiful weekend.

 4 years ago 

I happy to know that you don't have too much time for rain. Otherwise you would be get wet to came back home. Now rainy season is on going in our country. So we always have to take umbrella. Because when rain start it stays for long time.
I also love to see movies. Especially the biography types movie. I also like to detective type and animated movies.

"Stolen Identity ", didn't know about it. Is it Japanese movie?
I think your wife cook very well. Last weekend is gone and next weekend is coming. I wish both of you a great weekend.
Though In our country weekend is in Friday.
greeting from @tarpan

 4 years ago 

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