Steemingcurators Community Announcement 28/October/2020steemCreated with Sketch.

in Steeming Community4 years ago


Hello community members of steemingcurators we hope that you all have been in good health and enjoying your days.

First of all, I on behalf of The Steemingcurators Community Building Team consist of @boss75 and @virajherath apologize for the inconvenience that we have cause lately with the instant muting post in this community after being warned for the first time.

I personally didn't know that it will be that tragic for some of you and making your experience on Steemit traumatic. The team now will take a more loving and friendlier approach in introducing the changes that we have announced to the community lately. Just in case you still have no idea what I'm talking about please see this post here Community Building with steemingcurators Community

From now onwards we will not be muting your post instantly. We have learned that this act is traumatically brutal to some of you. Please continue to post your content in this community and we will be glad and hopeful if you will consider on being the official member of steemingcurators community too.

We welcome you and your great contents with wide open arms and lots of LOVE and Hugs!

Much love and warm regards,

The Steemingcurators Community Building Team
@cryptokannon @boss75 @virajherath

Note: This community run independently by me @cryptokannon and the other team members that just joined recently. @ciska is still missing in action and I still have no communication with her until now. Thank you.
 4 years ago 

There are always good ways to communicate and do things, this one you're having seems excellent to me. As Marcus Tullius Cicero said, I am not ashamed to say that I am ignorant of what I do not know.

For various reasons, many were ignorant of the changes announced in the publication Community Building with steemingcurators Community and in the face of the radical onslaught of silencing publications that took place, there was more disappointment than anger; especially when they leave a link leading to the official announcement and it points to the following:

Those without any of the above titles will be silenced in their publication by the moderators of our community after being warned for the first time. Ongoing revision

When the silenced user reads the above, he or she is disconcerted by the controversial measure taken against the publication, since the moderator had to leave a warning without silencing the post. The good thing is that the situation could be corrected and harmony returned to its normal state.

I wish you much success in all your family, professional and spiritual projects.

Good vibe.

 4 years ago 

Hi @arac thank you for your understanding. We just appointed another moderator from Venezuela @ulisesfl17 he will be doing the translation on the Community Building with steemingcurators Community soon and explain the membership policy so you all can understand better. Sorry for the inconvenience caused by the recent muting post by our team. Please continue to have fun blogging and sharing your content on Steemit! 😊

 4 years ago 

You can still use the #thediarygame tag? or there is some other point I don't understand yet.

 4 years ago 

Hi @fdar19 you can always use #thediarygame tag for your diary post. You might not aware that you have posted your content to steemingcurators community ,, this tag, hive-139293, and the reason of muting your post was that we have introduced a new policy to our community membership. But as you can see in this post, we have withdrawn that act and will spread the awareness on that gradually. Please see this post here about that Community Building with steemingcurators Community

Lamento que no se hayan podido explicar bien, en lo personal sí me pareció grosera la forma en la que silenciaron muchas publicaciones. Así al contrario de atraer usuarios los están alejando. Espero que logren recuperar la confianza que perdieron de muchos participantes. Por mi parte prefiero publicar desde otras comunidades. Aprendo rápido y no quiero volver a vivir esa desagradable experiencia. Suerte

 4 years ago 

Saludo cordial apreciada Liliana. Tienes razón, el método comunicativo y medida de implementación de nueva normativa para participar como miembro de la Comunidad Steemingcurators fue inadecuado. Estoy de acuerdo contigo en que es necesario crear vínculos armoniosos y generar un clima de paz, confianza e integración para trabajar conjuntamente y crecer al ritmo que sugieren los recientes cambios que se implementan desde la comunidad Steemit. Todos somos importantes y valiosos porque en conjunto hacemos posible el funcionamiento de la Blockchain Steem; particularmente, la comunidad de venezolanos es significativa.

Hay muchos usuarios antiguos que cesaron actividad, otros con menos tiempo que no se adaptaron y muchos que se mantienen activos; es vital promover la participación, armonía, paz, confianza, seguridad e integración para hacer brillar la Blockchain Steem. Te reitero sinceras disculpas por parte del equipo Steemingcuratos, tú y tu contenido son apreciados por nosotros. Siéntete libre de crear y publicar tu valioso contenido en la comunidad Steemingcurator, mientras consideras unirte de manera oficial como miembro activo cuando lo consideres oportuno.

Por: @ulisesfl17, moderador de la comunidad Steemingcurators por Venezuela.

Buena vibra.

Aprecio sus palabras. Sin embargo, quiero sentir la libertad de publicar a través de otras comunidades. Les deseo mucha suerte y prosperidad.

 4 years ago 

Hi @lilianajimenez I truly sorry about the traumatic experience you got from muting your post by our team. I hope you will find the community that you love and enjoy soon. We always welcome everyone into our community, we strive to build strong and committed community members. Wish you good fortune too! 😊

Much love towards the loving gratitude by you @cryptokannon.
Being wise and loving would grab more users.
Thanks for the explanation and clarifications.
#onepercent #pakistan

 4 years ago 

Hi @haidermehdi thank you for your kind words and support!

Pleasure mine @cryptokannon.
You are always welcome :)

 4 years ago 

Hello @cryptokannon, some time to reorganize, you need to put down some rules. Great job to you and your team. I hope @ciska shows up soon. Nice day

 4 years ago 

@fombae thank you for your support! I truly appreciate it.

thanks for the information here

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