in Steem LIFE3 years ago
Hello my dear friends of Steem Health today I want to share with you part of an experience in my life that allowed me to recognize the power we have as people to poison or heal ourselves.

Hola mis estimados amigos de Steem Health hoy quiero compartir con ustedes parte de una experiencia de mi vida que me permitió reconocer el poder que tenemos las personas para envenenarnos o sanarnos a nosotros mismos.


A few years ago, 15 to be exact, I went through an experience in which I allowed a person to hurt me a lot to the point that I became a shadow, maybe something less than that, where looking at myself in the mirror was a torture because I could not recognize the person who was reflected there. It was a time when I was starting my life as a person independent from my parents and I had moved alone and even lived in another city, at that time I started a really destructive relationship of which today I am grateful to have left me the experience to be able to tell other people if you can continue and move on after a big disaster.

Hace ya unos cuantos años atrás, 15 para ser exacta pase por una experiencia en la que permití que una persona me hiciera mucho daño al punto tal de que me convertí en una sombra, algo menos que eso quizá, donde mirarme al espejo era una tortura porque no lograba reconocer a la persona que allí se reflejaba. Fue una época en la que comenzaba mi vida como una persona independiente de mis padres y me había mudado sola incluso vivía en otra ciudad, en ese momento comencé una relación realmente destructiva de la que hoy agradezco haberme dejado la experiencia para poder decirle a otras personas si se puede continuar y seguir adelante tras un gran desastre.

When we are immersed in harmful relationships many times we do not realize the evil we are doing to ourselves until it is too late, in my case a divine power crossed my path with another human being who made me not only understand what was happening to me but also helped me to get out of the black hole in which my existence had become. I tell you that at that time, apart from being minimized in a psychological and sentimental way, I lived sick, every day was a struggle with some respiratory allergy, cough, pain or something that really began to kill my body.

Cuando estamos inmersos en relaciones dañinas muchas veces no nos damos cuenta del mal que nos estamos haciendo hasta que es demasiado tarde, en mi caso un poder divino cruzo en mi camino a otro ser humano que me hizo no sólo comprender lo que me sucedía sino ayudarme a salir del agujero negro en el que se había convertido mi existencia. Les cuento, que en esa época aparte de estar minimizada de manera psicológica y sentimental vivía enferma, cada día era una lucha con alguna alergia respiratoria, tos, dolor o algo que realmente comenzaba a acabar con mi cuerpo.

One day feeling really bad from a strong respiratory condition I went to a cousin I had in the city where I lived I had not wanted to go with her, because she was a surgeon but for many years she lived in China where she studied traditional Chinese medicine again and her methods had nothing to do with prescribing drug-based medicines and I until that time I had no confidence in that kind of medicine called alternative, which today I know should be a priority. She just by seeing me come in she told me I see your shadow but not your soul, without even examining me she told me with a confident and determined voice to heal your body you must first heal your spirit.

Un día sintiéndome realmente mal de una fuerte afección respiratoria recurrí a una prima que tenía en la ciudad donde vivía yo no había querido ir con ella, pues ella era médico cirujano pero durante muchos años vivió en China donde estudio nuevamente medicina tradicional china y sus métodos nada tenían que ver con el recetar medicamentos a base de drogas y yo hasta ese momento no le tenía nada de confianza a esa clase de medicina llamada alternativa, la cual hoy sé que debería ser prioritaria. Ella con sólo verme entrar me dijo veo a tu sombra pero no a tu alma, sin siquiera examinarme me dijo con voz segura y decidida para sanar tu cuerpo primero debes sanar tu espíritu.

It was then when she pronounced the phrase with which I titled my article "Your body produces the poison and the medicine" and you have told yours to poison you, I looked at her totally incredulous of what she was saying, I could not even imagine how a being of science could tell me such a thing, talk to me about the spirit and say that my body produces poison. She explained to me chemically how depressions make our brain issue the order to the body, specifically to its glands and vital organs to produce toxins that can bring as a consequence the development of cancer, tumors, infections and among the most common respiratory affections. While he examined me he told me your spirit is sick, sadness and melancholy have taken over your essence, at this time there is no medicine that can cure this allergy, difficulty breathing and cough that you keep but you heal you from within nothing external will.

Fue entonces cuando pronunció la frase con la que título mi artículo “Tu cuerpo produce el veneno y la medicina” y al tuyo le has dicho que te envenene, yo la miré totalmente incrédula de lo que decía no podía siquiera imaginar como un ser de ciencias podía decirme tal cosa, hablarme del espíritu y decir que mi cuerpo produce veneno. Ella me explico químicamente como las depresiones hacen que nuestro cerebro emita la orden al cuerpo, específicamente a sus glándulas y órganos vitales para que produzcan toxinas que pueden traer como consecuencia el desarrollo de cáncer, tumores, infecciones y entre las más comunes las afecciones respiratorias. Mientras me examinaba me dijo tu espíritu está enfermo, la tristeza y la melancolía se han adueñado de tu esencia, en este momento no hay medicina que pueda curar esta alergia, dificultad para respirar y tos que mantienes sino te sanas tú desde adentro nada externo lo hará.

My treatment began with recognizing that I was allowing someone else to have the power to hurt me (it was not easy but it can be done) followed by acupuncture sessions, moxa therapy, deep breathing practice, an exercise routine and healthy eating. This doctor was a Buddhist and one day while I was in acupuncture I asked her what the words she had painted on the walls meant, they were in Chinese and I did not understand them, then she told me they were mandalas and she told me about Buddhism and the philosophy of being happy in this life, she told me we are all Buddha, we all have within us the energy to shine and make our life shine, you just have to focus on finding your center, your balance.

Mi tratamiento comenzó con reconocer que estaba permitiendo a alguien más tener el poder de lastimarme (no fue nada fácil pero si se puede) seguido de sesiones de acupuntura, terapia de moxa, la práctica de la respiración profunda, una rutina de ejercicios y alimentación saludable. Esta doctora era budista y un día estando en acupuntura le pregunte que significaban las palabras que tenía pintadas en las paredes, pues estaban en chino y no las entendía, entonces me dijo que eran mandalas y me contó acerca del budismo y la filosofía de ser feliz en esta vida, ella me dijo todos somos Buda, todos tenemos en nuestro interior la energía necesaria para brillar y hacer que nuestra vida resplandezca, sólo debes concentrarte en encontrar tu centro, tu equilibrio.

He invited me to the meetings he organized with other Buddhists and together with them I began to practice meditation and little by little to allow my spirit to heal and my body to begin to transform the poison into medicine, it took me a few years to heal completely, to make my life take another course and to be the confident woman I am today, Today I understand that each one of us is responsible for our own existence and the care of our spirit, that poison can be replaced by medicine and that nothing has more destructive force than bad thoughts especially when they are towards yourself.

Me invito a las reuniones que organizaba con otros budistas y junto a ellos comencé a practicar la meditación y poco a poco a permitir que mi espíritu se sanara y mi cuerpo comenzará a transformar el veneno en medicina, me tomo unos cuantos años sanar completamente, hacer que mi vida tomará otro rumbo y ser la mujer segura, decidida que hoy soy, hoy entiendo que cada uno de nosotros es responsable de su propia existencia y el cuido de su espíritu, que el veneno puede ser sustituido por medicina y que nada tiene más fuerza destructiva que los malos pensamientos especialmente cuando son hacia ti mismo.

On many occasions, although I would dare to say always, physical illnesses are our body's way of bringing us to our senses to alert us about what we are doing wrong and especially to push us into the abyss to modify the habits that are killing us in our lives.

En muchas ocasiones, aunque me atrevería a decir que siempre, las enfermedades físicas son la manera que tiene nuestro cuerpo de hacernos entrar en razón de alertarnos acerca de lo estamos haciendo mal y especialmente de empujarnos al abismo para modificar los hábitos que en nuestra vida nos están matando.


 3 years ago 

I really feel a great attraction in your writings. In fact, it is normal to have many problems in our lives and more will be created in the future, but we are failing to control them and becoming mentally ill.

In fact, we don't think too much about such mental problems, as a result of which we are pushing ourselves towards destruction day by day. I totally agree with you, we should think of something different like this, we should control our habits, then we can correct something and protect ourselves.

Thanks for sharing something very nice, especially from your real life.

Thank you very much for your appreciation, I really like to write, it is even therapeutic for me to be able to transmit through writing what has been my life experience in some aspects and not to suggest a recipe but to show people that they are not alone in the situations that affect them and that there are bad things that happen and that can happen to anyone, the important thing is how we handle it and how we let it affect us, for better or for worse.

 3 years ago 

I gladly ruled you as a member of the community, hoping you'll share your regular real-life experiences with us.

Thank you very much I feel very happy to have found this community here I have read some very interesting posts and I really realize that there is a nice energy here from the contribution that everyone gives to make the community grow and that is nice. I really like that you read and contribute your comments and ideas to the posts. Thanks for this space

 3 years ago 

You are welcome and yes you also writing very well and helpful for us for learning something new.

Congratulations, your post has been upvoted by @dsc-r2cornell, which is the curating account for @R2cornell's Discord Community.

Curated by @blessed-girl


Enhorabuena, su "post" ha sido "up-voted" por @dsc-r2cornell, que es la "cuenta curating" de la Comunidad de la Discordia de @R2cornell.

Muchisimas gracias es para mi todo un honor recibir su voto. Agradecida y motivada a continuar compartiendo experiencias que sanan el alma y el cuerpo.

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