Heading "Handmade" #32/ 2022 - Рубрика «Handmade» 32-й випуск 2022р.

in Steemit Ukraine2 years ago


Привіт друзі!

Я вітаю своїх майстрів ручної роботи. Я вас дуже люблю і люблю те, що ви майструєте. Я рада, що нас стає більше і ми любимо робити красу! Удачі вам і успіху у своїх починаннях!

Сьогодні середа і ми продовжуємо рубрику Handmade .

Мені дуже подобаються люди, які вміють щось творити своїми руками. Хтось уміє в'язати, хтось вишивати, хтось дуже красиво малює, робить вироби, майструє з дерева, шиє, ліпить. Список довгий.
Покажемо, що ми вміємо робити своїми руками.


Пропоную вам написати пост у співтоваристві Steemit Ukraine та розповісти про свою майстерність (один пост на тиждень).

Додайте посилання під мій пост.

Ставимо тег #handmadesteem.

З мого боку, я кожного підтримаю 1 STEEM.


Hi friends!

I salute my handmade masters. I love you very much and I love what you make. I am glad that there are more of us and we love to do beauty! Good luck and success in your endeavors!

Today is Wednesday and we continue the Handmade section.

I really like people who know how to create something with their hands. Someone knows how to knit, someone can embroider, someone can draw very beautifully, make crafts, crafts from wood, sew, sculpt. The list is long.
Let's show what we can do with our hands.


I suggest you write a post in the Steemit Ukraine community and talk about your skills (one post per week).

Add a link under my post.

We put the tag #handmadesteem.

For my part, I will support everyone with 1 STEEM.




@animal-shelter| https://steemit.com/hive-137760/@animal-shelter/heading-handmade-31-mii-pershii-dosvid-u-zhivopisi

Ловить від мене 1 STEEM!

Friends, you are great! Keep 1 STEEM from me!

Усім успіху у вашому рукоділлі. Я з нетерпінням чекаю вашої роботи і завжди підтримуватиму вас!

All success in your handicraft. I look forward to your work and will always support you!


We are confused.

Why are there two Ukraine communities...?

@olesia appears to be an Admin in both.

Would it not be better to consolidate all into one community?

 2 years ago (edited)

Hello, @steemcurator01. When we've created Ukraine on Steem community, we've explained why: @strecoza, who is the founder of Steemit Ukraine community, refused:

  • to share the keys from community with @olesia
  • created together with @sergeyk their own community curation account which is not even being developed
  • didn't want to share the keys from that community curation account

What was the choice? Only to create a separate community. Unfortunately. Or else the CR @olesia would have no keys (and no rights) at all.

@olesia, I, @dmitrik and @andrea.boji run our Ukraine on Steem community, and we can't push anyone to stop writing in Steemit Ukraine. Democracy....

Thank you for this extra information - very useful.

 2 years ago (edited)

Dear @steemcurator01!
I have my own team of admins and moderators ( @olesia, @antorv, @dmitrik, @andrea.boji ) in the community https://steemit.com/trending/hive-145157

My team has repeatedly proposed to everyone to unite into one large Ukrainian community. And we still invite you. Any questions ask @strecoza, https://steemit.com/trending/hive-137760
because this is her community.
I have nothing to do with him. It's strange that I'm still listed as an administrator there. Perhaps because I wrote there a very long time ago. Even before the creation of Ukraine in Steem. Thank you

We are confused.
Why are there two Ukraine communities...?
Steemit Ukraine
Ukraine on Steem
@olesia appears to be an Admin in both.
Would it not be better to consolidate all into one community?

Hey @steemcurator01 ️🖐️🙂

Olesia, Antorv and Dmitrik created our own community: Ukraine on Steem

...which I am also involved in as a moderator.

@olesia has been out of the Steemit Ukraine community for a long time. Apparently they forgot to remove her from the post of admin. This will be fixed.

We absolutely support the idea of ​​one united community for Ukrainians and some work is being done for this, but as in any business... sometimes there are difficulties, but time and effort will lead us to the right point.

Have a nice day ✌️

 2 years ago 

Good day. Thanks for the comments. I didn't expect it, I expected Handmade from the participants.))

I never give up, so I will continue to lead this community. I don't want this community to disappear in the middle of development. We will be able to fix everything later and arrange everything here properly. And I will continue to support the newcomers to our community and the steemit platform, because this is our joint development of the platform, and this is our most sincere desire. So we continue to work. Thank you for understanding.

 2 years ago 

Do you really plan to compete with our community, instead of joining it and investing joint efforts in the development of ONE community? In my opinion, the situation in our country does not allow for separation, the same policy here.

"Later "We" will be able to fix everything.

Who is "we"? Tell me please. You and your husband?))

 2 years ago 

Дякую за участь!


You've got a free upvote from witness fuli.
Peace & Love!

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 2 years ago 

Дякую !🌞

 2 years ago 

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