The Test of Abrahim(A.S) by @zohaibb || 20% Beneficiary to steemit-pak !|!

in STEEMIT PAKISTAN3 years ago


The Test of Abrahem(A.S)

When Allah (swt) gave the title of "Khalil" to Ibrahim (as), the angels asked as information: "

Allah, the Lord of Glory, said:

"Yes, Abrahim(A.S) loves me so much. If you are in doubt, go and test him on your own."

So an angel came to Ibrahim in human form as the chief inspector of all the other angels. At that time Ibrahim (as) was grazing goats. Yes, Allah, the Lord of Glory, is watching.

There was a voice Recite the Qur'an

"" سبحان ذی الملک و الملکوت سبحان زی العزۃ والعظمۃ الھیبتہ والقدرۃ والکبریاء والجبروت سبحان الملک الحی الذئ لا ینام ولا یموت سبوح القدس ربنا و رب الملئکتہ الروح الھمہا اجرنا من النار یا مجیریا مجیر"

When Ibrahim (peace be upon him) heard the voice, he saw four others and the sweetness in his voice was so great that he had never heard or felt it before. Just a servant came to hear it.

Ibrahim (peace be upon him) said:

"Subhan Allah, just repeat these words."

The man said

"I'll give if I hear, but what will you give me?"

Ibrahim (peace be upon him) said:

"Take half a goat"
He repeated the praises of Allah in the same words and Ibrahim (peace be upon him) began to enjoy it more than before. "Listen again." Ibrahim (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: The man said the same words again, but this time the fun was doubled. If he recites these words again in the same sweet voice, he will not be released. "The servant said," Now that there are no goats, what will you give me? " He said, "Keep me as your servant." Hearing this, the angel said, "Mashaallah, I am not a human being, I am an angel, and I came to test you. Allah made you successful. Your love and longing for Allah proved that Allah Allah Akbar did not give you the title of Khalilullah

Reference Sermons of the Poor Volume 3 Page No. 43

Yes, those who love Allah, Allah loves those people too, but how can one love Allah? Allah says in the Qur'an:

_All friends recite Durood Sharif once _ By reciting Durood Sharif once _ Allah Almighty has mercy ten times _

🌷🌹🌷 Remember me in prayers🌷🌹🌷


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 3 years ago 

Wonderful you have done your post very well and your post is commendable

 3 years ago 

Thanks dear brother

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