Withdraw My Savings & Performed Aqiqah of My New Born Baby 👼Muhammad Ahmed | AllhumduAllah 🌟

in STEEMIT PAKISTAN2 years ago (edited)

Assalamualaikum to all @steemit-pak Team leaders and Fellows !

Hopefully everyone will be fine and living healthier and happier life with family and friends. AllhumduAllah by the grace of Almighty Allah and your kind hearted words and prayers,


I am back with healthy rapid recovery. And happy to continue my activities on @steemit platform as before. Hopefully like before my quality contents will be also supported and appreciating by @support communities and appreciated by Steemit Fellows too.

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After taking care of my self and Baby, Now I am able to share my diary with you. Here with going to share with you my an other life good news and big one #achievement, From last Nine months with believe on Allah, With big heart and patience I did working hard just to save my efforts and utilize them on right time for my family. AllahumduAlalh after becoming mother of 2nd baby. I withdraw my 50,000 saved in Allied Bank Limited Lahore. And support my in-laws to perform Aqiqah of My New Born Son Muhammad Ahemd and also showed #actofkindness to give money to my Dawer 's Son Aqiqah too.


My Father in law added also 50'000 in my giving money and they bought Cow 🐄 to perform Aqiqah obligation of my Son and my Dawer son's too. AllhumduAllah Aqiqah is done by performing necessary Islamic requirements by shaving of head , Recall name and Distributed Meet of cow among in Relatives , Neighbors and Deserving people around the area.

AllhumduAllah my elder daughter also excited and happy alot to perform her duties as a Api She love to him and also taking care and help me to give him peaceful sleep.


I am feeling too happy to be mother of them. MashahAllah I had now complete family and decided to taking care them in comfortable environment and giving them shiny future by the support of my husband too.


I am grateful to my Husband , Mother , Father and Elder Sister who also supported me in my tough time while I was in admitted in hospital and they had taking care of my daughter and when I was discharged from hospital , They also gave me best heath diet and comfort environment to rapid recovery. MashahAllah everything was good on time and thanks to Allah for giving me strength too for taking care of my family , home and again continue my #writing skills on Steemit Platform.

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My Introduction Post Link ✨

First Introduction Post Link




Uzma .S 🌹✍️

 2 years ago 

Congratulations <3 MashAllah. May Allah protect your baby from evil eyes, he's so cute. I am sooo happy for you. Stay blessed <333

 2 years ago 

Ameen 💖 Thanks for reviewing and giving me best wishes 🌼 JazakAlalh 🌸

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