Betterlife - The Diary Game - 23-June, 2022 | Happy evening| 10% to @steemit-pak

in STEEMIT PAKISTAN2 years ago

I hope you are all well and good as always.
So today's day started. Today my class was late. By the way, today is not my class but today was my class and it was late. My class always starts at 9 o'clock but today was supposed to start at 11 o'clock So I got up late this morning because I had to leave home late today because it was so late today I woke up at ten this morning when I woke up, I was very hungry So get up first i freshen up and then i told my mother i'm hungry and give me breakfast My mother said that I have made some special breakfast today, so you should have the same breakfast today, today you will not eat tea pratha So I asked my mother what special breakfast was made and my mother said I will bring it and you will be refreshed then I will give you breakfast Then when I came back fresh, my mother gave me breakfast and at breakfast my mother mixed some fruits and put milk in it and made something. The recipe for this breakfast was made by my mother on the internet, so it was made by my mother today, which was very tasty. By the way, we can eat this food not only for breakfast we can use this recipe in other desserts as well But my mother made it for breakfast which was very tasty and I ate it to my heart's content and I took a picture of it because today was the first time my mother made it. After breakfast I started getting ready because I was late to go.

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Then I reached the center and there was a long class in the Aptech because today was a special class and today's class was too long to last long enough and because of the long class I was very tired and my friend was also very tired Because our class was from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. because it was so long these class Then there's class. My friend and I thought we'd both go for a eat sometime after class. So as soon as the class was over, my two and I walked out of the Aptech The Aptech had a fries that is very popular and makes it a very tasty chief So at first we both thought we would buy and eat this thing because we were both very hungry. There was also an arrangement to sit there, meaning they could eat while sitting here So my friend and I thought we'd both sit down and eat fries because the weather was getting better and it was evening. And the fries here were delicious Then my friend told me to go to my house now because it is evening time then go home at night I call my house and told her that I was going to my friend's house today, so my brother said, "OK, I will come to pick you up tonight." So I said okay then we both went to our friend's house.

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When my friend and I were going to my friend's house, there would be Maghrib Azhan on the way and there would be night too and by the time I got to my friend's house, it was already night They go to a friend's house. First the friend came fresh then she told me to be fresh too because friends have been since morning we were both in class As soon as I sat down to freshen up my friend fed me cocomo because she knows these are my favorite. Then we both talked a lot and we both ate the cocomo I did not know the time, so my friend and I thought it was time to eat, so why not order some food.

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Then my friend and I ordered food. We both ordered pizza and ordered Chinese rice because pizza is my favorite. And Chinese rice was my friend's choice I don't like eating Chinese rice very much So my friend ordered Chinese rice for himself and I ordered it for myself. Then fifteen minutes later the food came. Then my friend and I ate together. The meal was delicious. I ate to my heart's content And when I had eaten, it was too late. Then I said to my friend: Now is the time for you to go to my house. And I told my friend that I was calling my brother now because it was getting night So my friend said ok you go home now because the night is getting late.

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Then my brother came to pick me up and my brother came in the car today because he had some work near my friend's house He also went for a outting with his friends, so he came to pick me up from there My brother also came to eat with his friends and I also ate with my friend so my brother and I both wanted to drink tea. And I told my brother that I was too tired to go home and make tea So my brother said that we both drink tea from here. There is a lot of delicious tea here Then my brother made me some tea and took the tea for himself My brother drank his tea immediately but I did not drink. We still went out to go home because my brother said it was getting late. Then I drank my tea in the car And then we get home we go home I freshened up and I changed and then I will down to sleep.
I hope you guys like my routine today.

Thanks For Reading

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