Betterlife - The Diary Game - 21-June, 2022 | Airport Day| 10% to @steemit-pak

in STEEMIT PAKISTAN2 years ago

I hope you are all well and good as always.
So today began I didn't have class today so if I wanted I could sleep late this morning but I didn't sleep well today I woke up early this morning It always happens to me that on the day when my class is held I get a lot of sleep on that day and because of which I do not have class then I cannot sleep on that day and you get up early in the morning on that day. Then when I woke up in the morning I was feeling very hungry and I told my mother that I was very hungry and made me breakfast So my mother said ok I will make breakfast for you because my mother gets up early in the morning before me and starts work at home So as soon as my mother went to make breakfast, she told me that she had put the dough in the freezer overnight, because of which the ice has frozen so much that it cannot become pratha. And I was hungry too, so my mother said to me, I will bring you halwa puri, because you are very hungry. Then I said to my mother, "When you are bringing it for me, bring it for yourself." So my mother said, "OK, I will bring halwa puri for myself and for you, because at that time my brother was sleeping and he did not get up." Then my mother came later because my mother came and told me that there was a lot of rush outside which made it late. By the time my mom was out for breakfast, I made tea and chopped mangoes because my mom likes mangoes for breakfast. Then as soon as the my mother came with breakfast, she told me to take out the breakfast plate immediately because it is hot now and it is fun to eat hot food. And then I decorated the table and it looked so cute so I took a picture But still the picture didn't look as cute as it actually looked Then my mother and I had breakfast After breakfast I washed the breakfast dishes.

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After breakfast I washed the dishes and did the rest of the housework and my mom got ready to cook, because whenever my dad came home from work, he was very hungry, so my mom would be busy cooking. And then it was noon and my father came home and my mother gave him food and he told me to eat too, so I forbade my father not to eat me because my stomach is full. I told my dad that I ate halwa puri for breakfast today and the halwa puri is very heavy. I don't like to eat lunch after eating it. My mother had eaten with my father but I had not eaten I had ordered brownie from my brother at night which I had not eaten at night so I had just eaten it at noon. Brownie is my favorite and I often order it Then I ate like this in the afternoon and filled my stomach.

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Then in the evening suddenly a call came from a friend of father on my father's mobile His friend's call came that he has come to Pakistan today with his whole family So my dad said I have to pick him up from the airport because he came many years later and he called me and told me that if I don't go it won't be good My father told me to go with you and your mother with me because her friend's family is also there. Then my father and my mother and I went to the airport to pick up my father's friend's family When we arrived at the airport, his family was already there and waiting for us My father said to his friend, "Where will you stay? Come to our house and stay with us." But my father's friend said no, he would go to the house of one of his relative because he had spoken before So my father said, OK, don't stay in our house, but today's food is from us So my dad's friend said, "Okay, let's go eat now because we're hungry." Then we took my dad's friend's family to feed the food.

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My dad asked his friend what he liked to eat So they said that they like meat karhai and their children like chicken karhai So my dad said ok then I go to a place where only karhai is available and it is very tasty Then my father took us to the karhai restaurant There is only karhai here, nothing else. There are many types of karhai here. I thought to myself, what will I eat? I don't like karhai at all, neither at home nor in restaurant.

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Then we all sat down on chairs to eat There was food under the open sky so we sat down and whenever I was wondering what I was going to eat, there was nothing but karhai and I didn't like karhai at all. Then after a while the food came and everyone started eating and I also ate a little so that no one would think that I was not eating but I did not eat on a full stomach just ate a little and my father's friend's family ate it to their heart's content because it was their favorite thing and they were very happy that it is such a good karhai here. Then, after the meal, my father asked his friend, Let me tell you the house of my relatives, I will leave you there Then we left the house of those relatives him and we went to our homes.

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And then as we were returning home, I told my father on the way that I had not eaten. Then my father said, "I forgot that you do not eat karhai." Then my father stopped the car at that time and bought broast for me from KFC Time was running out, so my dad packed it and told me to go home and eat it. Then they come home. I ate first, then full, because I was very hungry. I didn't even eat lunch. And then after dinner I got ready for bed because it was too late.
I hope you guys liked my routine today.
Thanks For Reading

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