Steemit Engagement Challenge | Three Rs and Three Cs | About my Country (Pakistan) | By @steemdoctor1

Hello everybody.

Welcome to this post. I hope that all of you will be fine and happy and enjoying your good health with the grace and blessings of Almighty Allah. Today, I am here to present my participation post in Week 1 and the Season 1 of the Steemit Engagement Challenge. This is my participation in the STEEMIT PAKISTAN community and the topic of discussion is The Three Rs and Three Cs. So, let's start the task without any waste of time.


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About My Country

I am a citizen of Pakistan (officially named The Islamic Republic of Pakistan). Pakistan is present in the South of the largest continent of Asia and it is the second-most populous country among the Muslims. Pakistan came into view on 14, August 1947 with the hard work and very complex struggle of the great leader Quaid-e-Azam and his fellows. Pakistan is one of the most popular and well-known countries in the continent of Asia. The borders of Pakistan meet with India, China, Afghanistan, and Iran which are also popular countries in Asia.

Why I Love My Country

A country is a place where a child is born, grows up young, serves his family and grows his family, and performs his activities to avail his life with all the basic needs. It is a natural fact that every person has a love a devotion for his motherland. All the people of the country try their best to serve the whole of the country within the limits created by the governance of the country. There are many reasons behind my great love and devotion for my country, Pakistan. Some of these reasons are discussed below.

The Defence System of Pakistan and Patriotic Behaviour of Pakistani Public

The first and the most important reason behind my great love for my country is the strongest Defence System of Pakistan. The defense system of Pakistan actually consists of the Armed Forces including Army, Navy, and Air Force. According to the research, the Pakistani Army is the world's largest military army that is ranked 9th place throughout the whole world. Just after the birth of Pakistan, in 1947, the government and the management of Pakistan decided to develop a strong, trained, and skillful army to save the lives of the nation.

Pakistani government spends most of the yearly budget on their Armed Forces and the Defence System that's why, the defense system of Pakistan is the world's strongest defense system and the armors of Pakistan also proved this in the wars of 1948, 1965, 1971, and Kargil-War. The defense system of Pakistan became stronger after becoming an atomic power in 1998. The border between India and Pakistan is the most conflicted border all the time and there had been several wars between these two countries in past.

The public of Pakistan is very much a patriot and a country-lover. The people of Pakistan are always ready to law down their lives for the success and victory of their country. That's why, whenever a baby is born in any home, the first wish of the parents is to see their child as a patriot (Army Officer or Armour) in the future. This is really a very impressive example of Patriotism.

Pakistan has also developed good relations with the neighbor country, China, one of the most successful countries in the development of nuclear weapons. China helped Pakistan every time when we needed them and the friendship between Pakistan and Chain is of unique significance. So, the Defence System of Pakistan is one of the reasons for my love to Pakistan.

Natural Beauty of Pakistan

Another reason behind my great love for Pakistan is the natural beauty of Pakistan. Pakistan is one of the most beautiful and greenest countries on the continent of Asia. There are many places in Pakistan where the beauty of nature is so wonderful that even sometimes we cannot believe our eyes. The land of Pakistan is mostly cultivated and agricultural land. Various useful fruits and other nutritious items are grown in the agricultural areas of Pakistan.


Natural Beauty of Pakistan

There are so many valleys in the Western areas of Pakistan that keep no competitors. The beauty of these valleys and high hills is enough to provide relief to the eyes. The ever-green hills of Murree and Gilgit are a source of happiness and refreshment for every Pakistani. There are many beautiful natural views in Pakistan and some of them are given below.

  • Baltoro Glacier
  • Neelum Valley
  • Hunza Valley
  • Saiful Muluk
  • Thur Desert
  • Deosai Plains
  • Trango Towers
  • Murree Hills

The weather in Pakistan is moderate. It is not so cold and not so hot. Due to this reason, every kind of natural view is available in Pakistan including hills, green peaks, ice caps, glaciers, deserts, rivers, agricultural land, etc. The people of Pakistan are also so fond of outing and traveling so they visit those beautiful views and refresh themselves. Besides the Pakistanis, thousands of foreign visitors also visit these places for research work and natural views.

Culture of Pakistani Public

The third reason for my love for Pakistan is the culture of the Pakistani public. The culture of Pakistan is one of the most impressive things that we observe in the people of Pakistan. Pakistani Public is very strong over their cultures and trends and they are strictly bound to their culture and civilization years after year. The culture and Civilization of a country play a very important role in the development and success of a nation so this thing seems positive in Pakistan.

Actually, there are five provinces in Pakistan including Punjab, Sindh, Khyber Pakhtoon Khan, Gilgit Baltistan, and Balochistan. Each province of Pakistan has its own unique culture and civilization. It can be seen by the dress of each province and the language of each province. The dress of each province and the language spoken in that province is shown in the below table.

PunjabPunjabiPunjabi Kurta and Tehmat
BalochistanBalochiShalwar Qameez with handwork
SindhSindhiGhagra Choli and Kurta Payjama
Gilgit BaltistanBalti and ShinaShalwar Kameez

The traditions and cultures of Pakistan are one of the reasons behind my great love for Pakistan. The cultures and traditions of a country play a very significant role in the success and development of a country. That's why, I love the civilization of my country, Pakistan.

So, these are three Rs behind my love for Pakistan. There are many more reasons including the religious base of Pakistan, Pakistan as a Complete Country, the kindness of the Pakistani public, Welfare Authorities and Projects, and many more but I have explained the top ones.

Things That I would like to Change in My Country

Pakistan is a developing country and there are many things in Pakistan that need improvement. According to my view, the following things must be changed for the proper growth and success of our country.

The Political Crises in Pakistan

The first and the most important problem in Pakistan is the political crisis among the politicians, as well as, the public of Pakistan. Political Crises are not only found in Pakistan but these crises are found in other countries of continent Asia. I would like to say that politics must be kept to some limits and boundaries. If politics crosses the limits, it will destroy the reputation of that country in the whole world.


Political Crises in Pakistan

In our country, not only politicians, but the common people are also so aggressive in politics that several crises, on the daily basis, are seen that are based on political criticisms and political ideas. Unfortunately, the students of colleges and universities, even of the schools are politically minded and this thing is affecting the educational system of Pakistan negatively. Different people have different views and ideas about politics so there should be a calm and peaceful talk over political matters instead of aggressiveness.

In recent days, the Prime Minister of Pakistan (Imran Khan) has been removed from this authority and the public of Pakistan reacted with a very critical approach to this matter. The supporters of the former PM criticized the newly selected PM and there are several crises made everywhere in the country. I am not just talking about the supporters of the former PM, politics has always been a matter of strictness and aggressiveness among the Pakistanis.

I would like to express my views on this matter, first of all, the students should be completely detached from the matters of politics and there should be a proper team to control the crises based on the political talks and conflicts. The politicians should be aware that they have to solve the political issues with peaceful talks and conversations, instead of violating the rules and regulations of the whole country.

Overpopulation and Environmental Pollution

Another problem with our country is over-population and environmental pollution. As I have told you earlier that our country is actually a developing country and our country is not so strong economically that it can bear the pressure of the massive increase in the number of individuals. The population of Pakistan is increasing day by day and I think this massive increase in the population is acting a strong pressure on the economy of the country.

The main reason behind the overpopulation and population explosion is the illiteracy of the public in Pakistan. In the backward areas of Pakistan, people are not highly-educated and thus they do not know the problems of the big families. So, the public of Pakistan should be aware of the problems of overpopulation and population explosion so that our country can make progress by leaps and bounds.

Environmental pollution is also a very big problem in the whole world in this era. Pakistan is also among those countries that are badly affected by environmental pollution. Environmental pollution is increasing day by day on a large scale. The biggest reasons behind the massive increase in environmental pollution are the too much traffic, non-serious behavior of people over the disposal of wastes, etc.

In this regard, I would like to say that the people of Pakistan must be properly aware of the harmful effects of environmental pollution on human health, as well as, on the whole of the earth. There should be awareness camps for environmental pollution. People should prefer public transport instead of individual means of transportation.


Another biggest problem with Pakistan is Unemployment. The rate of unemployment is increasing day by day in Pakistan. There are many young people that are wandering about here and there in the seek of some joy opportunities to approach their daily life expenditures. Unfortunately, there are many highly-educated young ones in Pakistan that are still unemployed.


Unemployment in Pakistan

The rate of unemployment causes serious effects on the economy of a country. If the unemployment rate of a country is increasing, it means that the economy of that country is moving towards destruction, and poverty within the country is also increasing. The main reasons behind the unemployment are the presence of over-age job holders in the different departments, corruption, commendations, etc.

I would like to say that the government of Pakistan should enhance the number of possible job opportunities for the young people of the nation. This can be done by developing more and more projects within the country, retiring the over-age job holders from the departments, employ young ones on proper merit. There should be equal rights for all the young ones of the nation so that the unemployment rate could be reduced.

These are some major problems with our country, Pakistan that needs changes. There are also some other problems including terrorism, inflation, starvation, and many more but the above-mentioned are the major ones.

Participant: @steemdoctor1



Es muy cierto esto que dices:

hecho natural que cada persona tiene un amor una devoción por su patria

Yo amo mi país tanto como tu amas el tuyo.

Es curioso el amor por tu país depositado al patriotismo, me doy cuenta que hay diversos países que aportan una real importancia al servicio en las fuerzas armadas.

Algo que mencionas de la belleza natural de tu país que me encantaría visitar es ese Glaciar Baltoro.
Saludos, bendiciones y muchos éxitos en el challange

Yes the spirit of Patriotism is really superb. Thanks a lot dear.

Una publicación excelente, gracias por compartirla. Aprendí mucho de esta publiccaión, gracias.

Me gustaría expresar mis puntos de vista sobre este asunto, en primer lugar, los estudiantes deben estar completamente desvinculados de los asuntos de la política

👆 Estoy de acuerdo, aunque no conozco tu país.

Espero que la educación mejore y que se tome conciencia en la contaminación ambiental.

Un placer haberte leído. Saludos

Thanks a lot friend for visiting my post and a valuable comment.

The rate of unemployment causes serious effects on the economy of a country. If the unemployment rate of a country

A topic that really need some attention, its true that unemployment is very common now because well deserving people couldn't get jobs because of big whales who always appoint someone not at the base of merit but only for money, im sorry to say that but its truth.

Yes, you are absolutely right sister. There should be application of merit in every sector so that talented and young ones can serve the nation. Thanks for your valuable comment.

You have expalined the true problems that our country is facin these days. I agree with all of your points including Overpopulation, Environmental pollution, unemployment.

Our governmet should make some basic and proper managements to decrease the rate of Uneployment in our country. These are bitter but true issues.

Yes, thanks for syncing with my points.

Yes you have raised issues that need to be overcome like unemployment is the root cause of almost all the problems and then political condition as we can see now days it is almost at its worst condition, all the parties are struggling for their benefits but not for Pakistan so must be addressed to make our country progressive once again thanks for such a beautiful lecture

Yes the condition is really same as you said. We can hope for betterment. Thanks for precious comments.

 2 years ago 

Yes offcourse pakistan is really a land of attraction due to its beautiful places. But political crises, corruption and pollution is also a big issue for pakistan. Pakistan also have a very brave Army that is also a very postive point of pakistan.

Best of luck for the contest.... 🥰🥰

Thanks for reading my post and for a precious comment.

Hello dear @steemdoctor1, you have made a very wonderful publication about your country.

You've covered every aspect of the country in great detail. You have made some excellent proposals for improving the country.

I have also made my post about my country. Hope you will like to read my publication.

wish you good luck for the contest.

Thanks a lot, brother for your appreciation. Yes, I will surely like to visit your post and like to read about your country.

 2 years ago 

Thank you for taking part in the contest.

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