Better Life | The Diary Game | 17th November 2021 | 20% Beneficiary to @steemit-pak by @shahzadprincejee

in STEEMIT PAKISTAN3 years ago

Salaam to all steemians!...............

Hello my dear friends. I hope you are all well i am also fine with the greace of Allah Almighty. You will be living your life in your own way and will be busy in your own works. Today I will tell you about my day and how I spent my day. Although almost every day I have same routine yet with different twists and turns. And I love to share with you people. So today as my routine, i got up early in the morning. When i got up i saw the the redness of the sun, the redness of the sun on the water was looking so beautiful. This scene was looking so charming and beautiful. I want to share the scene with you:



Today i was getting late from the fajar prayer. So in hurry i got up from the bed and first of all i clean my teeth. After cleaning the teeth i take ablution. After taking the ablution i went towards the mosque for the fajar prayer. After the Fajar Prayer i say Dua for my parents, teachers, and also for the whole world. After saying the fajar prayer, then i take recite of the Holy Quran. After saying the Fajar prayer then i go for a morning walk. Today i decide to go for a morning walk in the park. There is a small park near to my home, sometimes i also go in the park for the morning walk. In the park i feel very happy to hear the sound of the birds. There is a beautiful sketch of cow in the park i offently, sit near the beautiful sketch of this cow. This is realy very beautiful sketch of cow, please see this cow.



After the morning walk i came back at home. Now the time was to eating tasty breakfast, I like to take tea with my breakfast. Now i take bath and after taking bath i went in my room. Now my sister give me my breakfast with special tea. The breakfast and the tea was very tasty.


Going to Basirpur:

After eating the breakfast now my cousin came at my home and say to me to go with him Basirpur Railway Station to drop him. Now here i tell you my cousin came from Karachi to meet us, now today i want to go back Karachi. My cousin came at my home and say to me to go at Basirpur Railway Station to drop him. I say to my cousin wait for 10 minutes after that i press my new dress and polish the shoes. Now we were ready to go basirpur we also take selfie after the preparing to go.

Railway Station:

We both sit on the motor cycle and start our journey. The condition of the road was very bad i was driving the baike very slow. We were enjoying the journey very much and going very slow. My cousin was singing the song at the bike and the also enjoying the journey. My cousin was telling me about his study and the about his personal life. After the 30 minutes we reached in Basirpur city, there were many crowd in the city. We take alternate way like bypass to reached the goal at Railway Station. When we reached at Basirpur first of all i see the stone on which "Basirpur" was written. We both reached at Railway station there were many people were waiting the train. There were many people at the Railway Station we also see the train. We also see the train lines at the railway station. There was a big office of railway station, we both go inside the office for booking the ticket of the Karachi. We go near the computer operator in shape of Row. We take ticket and wait for the trai. At about 4PM the train came and i put the things of my cousin in the train and say to him for take care. MY cousin sit in the train and say me Allah Hafiz and shake the hand saying Bye Bye.





Returning At home:

Now after returning towards the home when i was crossing the city. When i was crossing the city i saw the Gol Gappay shop. The name of the Gol Gappay shop was Shah Muqeem Gol Gappay. The Sheh Muqeem gol gappay is very famour gol gappay of the basirpur city. We stop near the gol gappay and say the man to gave me gol gappay. There were many crowd near the gol gappay shop, i say to him to gave me one dozon gol gappay. He say to me to sit on the table, when i sit on the table then he gave me gol gappay. I eat the gol gappay, the gol gappay was very tasty. After eating the gol gappay i went towards the home.



Good Night:

After that i came back at my home. Now the time was almost 9PM. Now i was tired and want to sleep. Then i say Allah Hafiz to my whole family and went in my room. I off the light and sleep.
This was whole day i hope you will like my post. Please remember me in your prayer. Thank you for reading my diary of today, I'll come back with my diary game , take care everyone and stay healthy!

Here is a link of Achievement01 :

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