Daily Diary | 13/6/22 | Friend's Birthday Celebration | 10% to pak-charity

in STEEMIT PAKISTAN2 years ago

Once a wise man said 'A day spent with a good company of friends is never wasted'. And he stated very true facts. Today I got a privilege of spending day out with friends. Usually I have a quite hectic routine but today we all decided to spare some time for us. Lets start my fun diary for today!


I woke up at 11 am and the moment I woke up I realised I have to rush to the mall to buy gifts for my friend. Her birthday was on 3rd of june buy we couldn't meet that day. So we decided to catch up on her birthday today. I quickly made my bed and went to bathroom to get fresh. Then I made breakfast for myself. I made cheese omlette for the breakfast which I ate with a slice of bread. And along with it, I had a glass of milk with a tea spoon of honey in it. It was a good yummy breakfast for me.



After breakfast I asked my mother if she could accompany me for gifts shopping. I always look up to her opinion whenever I buy something. So I definitely had to ask her to go with me. Luckily, she was just about to end her sewing work so she agreed to accompany me. I watered my plants and checked upon the weather. Weather was so pretty that time but it got hotter as the day went by.



After completing some chores, me and my mother left for shopping and I finally bought gifts for my friend. I bought I couple of earings and a bangle for her. Along with it, I bought loads of chocolates and brownies for her. And ofcourse gajray too <3

I came back home at 4:30 pm. By that time me and my mother were so hungry. So I warmed up leftover Kari and Rice from last night's dinner.
We both had lunch together and it was a perfect mother-daughter date <3


After finishing lunch, I decided my clothes that I had to wear at meetup with friends. Then I pressed clothes and went to take shower. After coming out of shower, I dryed my hair and then straightened them. Then I did makeup and finally I was ready to go. I left my place at 5:30 pm and went to the decided venue by 6 pm.
I met my friends and we talked endlessly for hours and hours. And then I presented gifts and brownies to my friend. She got so happy and excited too.

To my surprise, she'd brought my favourite marsh mellows for me to cheer up my mood. They were so yummy and very colorful.


After exchanging a lot of teas, we ordered food. We were in a mood of pizza so we ordered one in large size Tikka flavor. Our order arrived in 30 mins and the pizza was too hot, soft and mouth watering.


After finishing dinner, we did a short walking session in which we discussed more about life. That was sucha wholesome time for me. At 10:30 pm we decided to leave for our homes. I came back home at 11 pm. I was so tired by then but I was so happy that I took out time for this meetup because it really freshened up my mind. Now I am ready to face tiring schedule of whole week.
I would end my diary here. I hope you guys enjoyed reading about my day. Stay blessed everyone :)
Good Bye!

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If you are reading this till the end lots of love and well wishes for you
See you all tomorrow
Have A Nice Day

 2 years ago (edited)

I made cheese omlette for the breakfast which I ate with a slice of bread. And along with it, I had a glass of milk with a tea spoon of honey in it.

I thought the honey was for pancakes. the omelet for me, looked like a pancake with cream cheese on it. 😂😂❤❤

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